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Content Management

Store and serve any type of content, build any feature, serve it any way you like,
from a single database.

Back in 2000, it was enough to plaster your website with static text. Brochureware was hip. Not today, though. You need a dizzying array of text, audio, video, images and social media to get users’ attention. But you can’t easily add new content to your relational database. Or new attributes. Or new features. Not without impacting performance or taking your database offline.

With MongoDB, you can store and serve any type of content, build any feature, incorporate any kind of data in a single database. Faster. With less money.

Featured Customers


Canva’s mission to empower the entire world to design certainly comes with some engineering challenges. Canva has grown from zero to 10 billion designs since their inception, all while using MongoDB to scale their growth. Learn more about Canva and how MongoDB worked closely with them to scale to 10 billion documents.

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Forbes Logo


Forbes created a custom CMS in just 2 months, and a new mobile site in 1 month. With MongoDB, Forbes gains critical insight into the social sharing of their articles, to capitalize on stories going viral in real-time.

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Content Management Explained

Content management systems store and serve information assets and associated metadata to a range of applications like websites, online publications, and archives. Example applications include:

Financial Services

Replace expensive software like Sharepoint – aggregate, store, and serve equity research and its metadata for customers and internal users.


Publish government archives online, including census data, birth and death records, and even historic artifacts.

High Tech

Consolidate your services and app backends, websites and media assets into a single database to integrate them more cleanly and simplify ops.


Get visitors to click, interact and ‘add to cart’ by pairing product listings with YouTube videos, live demos, and Twitter feeds that get them closer to the product.

Content Management is HardMongoDB Makes it Easy

Stuck. Data is more than text and pictures. Now it includes rich data types – tweets, videos, podcasts, animated gifs – which are hard, if not impossible, to store in a relational database. Development slows to a crawl, and ops is caught playing whack-a-mole.

Do the Impossible. MongoDB can incorporate any type of data, no matter what it looks like or where it comes from, while providing all the features needed to build content-rich apps.

Can't Scale. Your audience is global, in many countries, speaking many languages, accessing content on many devices. Scaling a relational database is not trivial. And it isn’t cheap.

Scale Big. Scaling is built into the database. It is automatic and transparent. You can scale as your audience grows, both within a datacenter and across regions. This shouldn’t be hard, and with MongoDB, it isn’t.

$$$$. Large teams tied up for long periods of time make these applications expensive to build and maintain. Proprietary software and hardware, plus separate databases and file systems needed to manage your content, add to the cost.

$. More productive teams, plus commodity hardware, make your projects cost 10% what they would with a relational database.

Why Other Databases Fall Short

Content has changed. User expectations have changed, too. But your database is the same, and now it’s holding you back.

  • Rigid Schemas. Today’s content management is not just about storage. It’s about a platform. Users want new features, like social sharing and reviews, combined with rich media like video, podcasts and interactive demos. But relational databases weren’t built to handle so many different assets together. And relational schemas are hard to change incrementally to accommodate new content types, especially without impacting performance or taking the database offline.

  • Growing Pains. An internal app may support thousands of users. But a photo-sharing app or news website may grow to attract millions of users – like Forbes. Your database must be able to support a global user base.

  • Many Moving Parts. Separate databases and filesystems. Each with their own scaling, HA and security concerns. Each has to be synchronized. Each adds more complexity to your developer and operations teams.

How MongoDB Makes it Easy

People love using MongoDB for content management because it lets them store any kind of content, retrieve it, and change the schema as they go.

  • New Data Types. MongoDB’s JSON document model and rich query language makes it easy to store and search different content types with different attributes in a single place. It also makes it simple to represent complex, hierarchical relationships.

  • Global Audience. MongoDB’s automatic sharding distributes data across fleets of commodity servers both within and across data centers. With multiple options for scaling – including range-based, hash-based and zone sharing – MongoDB can support thousands of nodes, petabytes of data and hundreds of thousands of ops per second, without requiring you to build custom partitioning and caching layers.

  • Simplified Architecture. Bring your content assets into the database with MongoDB GridFS. Eliminate dependencies on your file system. Eliminate separate caching layers. Wrap them into the same security, HA and scalability model as the rest of your data.

Ready to get started?

Launch a new cluster or migrate to MongoDB Atlas with zero downtime.