MongoDB Atlas and AWS CloudFormation

MongoDB Atlas and AWS CloudFormation enable teams to efficiently model and manage their resources so that their applications can run smoothly.
An illustration of a database over a cloud.

What is AWS CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation is a tool for provisioning infrastructure as code and managing resources on the AWS cloud. It works by configuring your AWS resources in JSON or YAML formats.

Build resilient applications

Learn about the benefits of deploying and managing MongoDB Atlas with AWS CloudFormation.

Create and manage deployments with ease

Easily create an Atlas database using AWS CloudFormation. MongoDB Atlas supports native CloudFormation templates with a new set of resource types, allowing teams to manage complete MongoDB Atlas deployments.
An illustration of arms typing on laptop with a coffee cup and application pane.
An illustration of a rocket ship flying upwards with bar chart scaling upward left to right.

Increase deployment speed

With MongoDB Atlas, teams can increase deployment velocity. Atlas and CloudFormation enable teams to quickly build and deploy infrastructure as code and increase agility.

Enable secure data service consumption

Our integration helps teams manage their MongoDB Atlas deployments entirely through the AWS Management Console or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to ensure secure data service consumption.
An illustration of master key lock in front of documents.

Deploying AWS CloudFormation with MongoDB

MongoDB Atlas Third Party Extensions need to be activated in each AWS Region and AWS Account to deploy resources.
An illustration of hand pulling a resource.

YAML/JSON Templates

Use MongoDB Atlas resources from the CloudFormation Public Registry and execute via the AWS CLI / AWS Management Console.

Get started
An illustration of a cluster builder.

AWS Partner Solution deployments

Access pre-built CloudFormation templates for general and specific use cases with MongoDB Atlas.

Quick start
An illustration of a code window on desktop computer.

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

Create Atlas environments through the CDK within AWS. Currently supports JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, C#, and Go.

Learn more

MongoDB Atlas support for AWS CDK

CDK is a developer-friendly workflow for deploying cloud infrastructure. It enables users to create, manage, and update Atlas resources and deploy via CloudFormation (AWS CDK) using a language of their choice. It uses concepts and libraries from the MongoDB Atlas Admin API.
An illustration of a cloud database with graphs and charts.

Learn more

Get valuable insights on deploying and managing MongoDB Atlas with AWS CloudFormation.
An illustration of a video in window with connected avatar.

Try CloudFormation + MongoDB Atlas

Learn how to use AWS CloudFormation to provision new MongoDB Atlas instances. Infrastructure as Code (or IaC) lets you deploy instances from templates, which has numerous advantages over provisioning manually.

Build with MongoDB and AWS CloudFormation

Our free clusters come with 512MB of storage, so you can play around and get oriented with our platform. Get started with MongoDB and AWS CloudFormation in seconds.
An illustration building a platform through code on multiple screens.

AWS CloudFormation FAQ's