Atlas Search

Atlas Search is the simplest way to build relevance-based search 4x faster and for 77% lower cost than alternative search solutions.

Illustration of a magnifying glass on search results.

Try the Atlas Search Playground Free

Experiment with different Atlas Search features—including search indexes and running queries—without an Atlas account, cluster, or collection.
Illustration of search demo builder UI.

Advanced search, simplified

With Atlas Search, you work with a single, unified API across both your database and search operations, simplifying your queries and reducing development time.

Illustration of Atlas Search user interface.
Illustration of Metrics functionality.

Enterprise-grade search

Atlas automates provisioning, patching, scaling, and disaster recovery while providing robust security and deep visibility into search operations and database performance.

Superior performance at scale

Optimize compute resources to scale search and database needs independently for better performance with up to 60% reduction in query times—even for complex query types.

Illustration with an example of how this feature works.
Illustration of Atlas Search user interface.

Build search directly in Atlas

Manage search for your evolving application needs without the hassle of standing up and managing a sync mechanism, writing custom transformation logic, or remapping search indexes.

Atlas Search customer successes

View all customers
10XExecution time improvement
"We’ve reduced our footprint using MongoDB Atlas Search. The simpler the system is to manage, the faster we can build new solutions."
Petar Djordjevic
Chief Technology Officer, Element451

Learning hub


A unified search experience

Learn why Atlas Search is the fastest and easiest way to build relevance-based search capabilities directly into applications.

Explore MongoDB University

Performance at scale

Discover how Search Nodes help optimize compute resources to scale search and database needs independently for superior performance.

Watch the webinar

Improved developer experience

Use a single, unified API across database and search operations. Create a search index with a few clicks or a single API call.

Get started

Futureproof your search strategy

From full text search to generative AI, explore what the future of search looks like and how to future proof your own search strategy.

Read the whitepaper


Get started with search today

Get started in seconds. Use sample data to discover what our platform has to offer.
  • 125+ regions worldwide
  • Sample data sets
  • Always-on authentication
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Command line tools