Adelmar Ayala

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MongoDB Atlas AWS CloudFormation and CDK Integration Expansion

At MongoDB, we meet our developers where they’re at and offer multiple ways to get started and work with MongoDB Atlas . Since our GA launch of the MongoDB Atlas integration with the AWS CloudFormation Registry at the start of this year, users have had the freedom to manage their MongoDB Atlas resources using familiar YAML or JSON CloudFormation Templates. This provided developers and DevOps teams the core Infrastructure as Code (IaC) benefits: enhanced automation, version control, infrastructure consistency, and improved compliance. In addition to these updates, we went further and announced support for CDK at MongoDB.Local NYC in June 2023, which allowed development teams to leverage MongoDB Atlas resources natively in the language of their choice: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, Go, and C#. Today, just ahead of AWS re:Invent , we are excited to announce several key improvements and expansions to our AWS CloudFormation and CDK integrations that we hope will continue to make developers' lives even easier. New MongoDB Atlas resources on the AWS CloudFormation Registry Nine new MongoDB Atlas Resources have been published including Federated Database Instance , Serverless Private Endpoint , Programmatic API Keys Management , MongoDB Atlas Gov Support , and MongoDB Atlas Organization Management . This brings the total MongoDB Atlas Resources count on CloudFormation Registry to 42 and allows developers to do more with MongoDB Atlas and AWS CloudFormation. AWS region expansion Are you a developer based in or have your end customers in Hyderabad India , Melbourne Australia , Spain , Switzerland , or the UAE ? The good news, we have published all 42 Atlas Resources in each of these new AWS regions as well. Benefits include reduced latency and improved compliance with data sovereignty regulations. This brings the total MongoDB Atlas availability from 22 to 27 AWS regions on the AWS CloudFormation and CDK. New CDK level 3 resources The CDK provides different levels of abstraction for defining cloud resources: L1 constructs, which are direct mappings to AWS CloudFormation resources, and higher-level constructs like L2 and L3, which can provide high levels of abstraction. L3 constructs, also known as "Design Patterns" or "High-Level Constructs," combine multiple resources together in commonly used architectures with intelligent defaults, saving developers from manually having to glue L1 and L2 constructs together each time. Hence, we are happy to announce several new AWS CDK L3 resources including support for MongoDB Atlas Serverless . Migration to the Atlas Go SDK Lastly, we are delighted to have migrated our AWS CloudFormation resources to the new Atlas Go SDK . This is the middle layer that translates AWS CloudFormation calls to the Atlas Admin API (which is ultimately responsible for provisioning your MongoDB Atlas infrastructure). This migration goes a long way in accelerating our internal development velocity and enabling us to publish more MongoDB Atlas Resources on AWS CloudFormation soon after they go GA. Learn more about the key benefits of the Atlas Go SDK . Start building today These MongoDB Atlas integrations with AWS CloudFormation are free and open-source, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 . Users only pay for underlying MongoDB Atlas and AWS resources created and can get started building with the Atlas always-free tier ( M0 clusters ). Getting started today is faster than ever with MongoDB Atlas and AWS CloudFormation. We can’t wait to see what you will build next. Learn more on our MongoDB Atlas and AWS CloudFormation page.

November 27, 2023