Atlas Data Federation: Can Now Be Deployed in Azure and Supports Azure Blob Storage in Private Preview

Taylor Pacelli

We are thrilled to announce that Atlas Data Federation can now be deployed in Microsoft Azure as well as query Microsoft Azure Blob Storage!

With Atlas Data Federation, customers can seamlessly query, transform, or create views across multiple Atlas databases and cloud object storage solutions, such as Amazon S3 and now Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Previously, Data Federation could only be deployed to infrastructure hosted in AWS, limiting the ability of some customers on Microsoft Azure to utilize Atlas's full range of services. However, with the addition of Azure Blob Storage, Azure users can now query and analyze their data across multiple sources into a single, federated view.

When creating a federated database instance, customers will be prompted to select their preferred cloud provider (AWS or Azure). This fulfills our customers' top feature request and further establishes Atlas as a true multi-cloud solution.

With Atlas Data Federation, developers and data engineers can optimize performance and reduce the time and effort required to create refined datasets for downstream analytics. Decision-makers can minimize costs and improve team productivity by reducing existing data movement processes. By combining data across multiple sources into a single, federated view, Atlas Data Federation simplifies the process of accessing and analyzing data, providing valuable insights for more informed business decisions.

We thank you for choosing Atlas as your Developer Data Platform, and we hope that the addition of Azure support and Azure Blob Storage in private preview will give you more control and flexibility over your data.

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