Infosys Media Platform & MongoDB: Metadata Management and Workflow Orchestration Across Media Supply
May 19, 2021 | Updated: August 2, 2021
Capitalize on current and innovative technologies in the media supply chain with the Infosys Media Platform (IMP). As a part of the cloud and cloud-based Infosys Cobalt™ portfolio, Infosys’ unifying framework, built on MongoDB Atlas and MongoDB Enterprise Advanced, helps you facilitate creative collaboration, enable productions on an industrial scale, and monetize customer relationships. How? By integrating the various ecosystems involved and providing a common platform to connect you to services and technology solutions for the media content value chain.
Infosys’ intelligently-woven media and metadata management framework, leveraging MongoDB’s document model, enables smart workflows and incorporates ML/AI to create, manage and moderate content metadata. This allows the orchestration workflows across different business functions. Additionally, the platform delivers the benefits of productivity, scalability, and agility via the cloud and streamlines collaboration among the ecosystem of partners and technology solutions.
Why Infosys Media Platform (IMP)?
The Infosys Media Platform consists of various modules that serve critical business functions, such as:
The Curation & Digitization Module -- provides the master workflow and ingests content from internal archives and multiple sources using AI/ML to create a composite index of frame level and time-coded metadata of recognized elements (such as celebrities/known personalities, objects, brands, text, and images). It also enables intelligent ad spot identification and includes functions like automated QC, editing, review, and approval, and censor editing
The Custom AI Module -- ensures that newly introduced elements such as celebrities, brands, etc., can be continuously trained and recognized. This can also be used to custom-train the AI models to recognize specific content as per customer’s needs
The Localization Module -- enables collaboration across multiple locations and global vendors through automatic generation of closed captions and subtitles in multiple languages
Metadata Management and Distribution Module -- enables global distribution to digital platforms at scale through standard workflow models and a state-of-the-art dashboard by orchestrating the accumulation of asset level and descriptive time-based metadata from production to delivery
With the above modules, Infosys Media Platform can attain the following capabilities:
Content Enrichment -- leverages AI models to process video files and generate time-coded metadata for post-production and distribution process
Closed Captioning, Subtitling and Localization -- processes audio (dialogs from a video, lyrics from a song, speech from a podcast) and converts it into closed captions and subtitles
Content Moderation -- recognizes the presence of mature content (profanity, violence, gore etc.) using the video content and speech detection capabilities
Image Processing -- identifies various attributes of an image file, similar to the capabilities on video/music content
Metadata Packaging & Distribution -- manages end-to-end supply chain of digital metadata creation, updates, packaging and distribution
NLP Based Analytics -- using natural language processing capabilities of the platform, users can review any string of text (dialogs, lyrics, conversations) to determine the context of the conversation as well as the sentiment
Why MongoDB for Infosys Media Platform?
What company wouldn’t want a database platform that increases developer productivity and data-driven operational efficiency? MongoDB offers both.
With MongoDB Atlas, you can reduce the time developers spend managing data and databases, so they can focus on value-added tasks like developing new apps. MongoDB’s document model and query language provide easier access to data, allowing developers to work quickly and efficiently to support new data structures and data types, as well as leverage database-supported roll-ups for analysis.
Additionally, MongoDB Atlas introduces 100+ metrics and monitoring capabilities with its complete data platform built to improve operational productivity, so you can work smarter, not harder. A main feature of Infosys Media Platform is its cloud-agnostic nature; and as a cloud-agnostic and multi-cloud data platform, MongoDB is the only platform that satisfies IMP with its ability to run seamlessly across the globe. Through a mixed workload of real-time and transactional analytics, IMP also offers a roadmap on analytics, text search and data visualization capabilities--and MongoDB provides all these features.
How MongoDB powers the data platform for Infosys Media Platform (IMP)
Data for all the modules previously described is powered by the MongoDB data platform
Details like profile data, accounts, ratings, translations, country/region details are stored in MongoDB
Audit transactional data are currently running on SQL and there is a roadmap for moving to MongoDB data platform.

In the future, MongoDB’s core capabilities will further enhance the Infosys Media Platform and customer experience. Our roadmap includes utilizing MongoDB ACID transactional capabilities to store audit details, as well as using MongoDB functions and triggers for creating cloud agnostic serverless functions. Additionally, MongoDB Atlas may be leveraged for full-text search capabilities applied to media data, and to create charts for dashboarding and real-time analytics of user subscriber data.