Hyderabad MUG:Atlas Search & Atlas Vector Search Workshop and Design Thinking

Hyderabad MUG: Atlas Search & Atlas Vector Search Workshop and Design Thinking

Hyderabad MongoDB User Group is organizing a :boom: power packed :boom: event on :spiral_calendar: Saturday, July 20, 2024, at 10:30 AM IST at :round_pushpin:Thoughtworks Hyderabad!

Please bring your laptops :computer: !!!

About the event

We have identified some experienced speakers with vast experience and knowledge, and we can’t tell you how excited we are for this one!

The theme of the event is to make you explore and learn about MongoDB Atlas Search, Vector Search and Product Design Thinking


Adi Seshu: Creating Compelling Search Experiences with MongoDB Atlas Search and Vector Search - Workshop: Join this session for a journey into modern search capabilities. Delve into the art of full-text search using Atlas Search and Lucene as your compass. As we navigate deeper, discover how to enrich your application and power AI capabilities with semantic search using Atlas Vector Search. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, engaging in a hands-on experience that equips you to transform your user experience.

Palak Awasti: Design Thinking
What design thinking is and how it is a game changing thing in corporate.


Register here to secure your spot.

Time Topic
10:30 AM Registration and Networking
10.45 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks by the event host about MUG, MongoDB
11:00 AM Speaker 1: Palak Awasthi (SDE 2 @ Paypal): Design Thinking
11:30 AM Break and Networking
11:45 AM Speaker 2: Adi Seshu (Software Engineer @ MongoDB):
01:00 PM Lunch/Networking/Tech Game/Puzzle w/ Swags to Win!


Event Type: In-Person
Location: Thoughtworks, Hyderabad


Palak Awasthi

SDE 2, Paypal


Adi Seshu Paramkusham

Software Engineer, MongoDB


Jayant Acharya

Software Engineering Specialist, GE Digital

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