Device Sync and Edge Server are Deprecated

“what we’ve heard matters most to our customers: advancing our core MongoDB Atlas database.”

I can’t speak for anyone else but what mattered most to this customer was the device sync. We went with realm + atlas cloud db because we had to to get the device sync. We now have to look elsewhere for device sync and we’ll just pick whatever cloud option works with that. This customer in particular was going to be paying for over 100 atlas databases as part of a multi-tenanted solution built off the back of your device sync feature. You guys really don’t seem to get the value of this thing and your primacy in the space. You could have charged more instead of deprecating it.


To Mongo leadership.
This is wild, and you’ve lost all the trust teams before you have built over countless years.

Device Sync, was a great product and far ahead tech wise compared to any other real competitor (Couchbase or Firebase). A decision to fully deprecate Device Sync to support the AI bubble, that will undoubtedly burst, makes this decision even more hilarious.

If revenue was an issue, as your officials keep hinting towards, I’m 100% certain that a decision to introduce pricing to Device Sync would’ve been a far smaller stain to the image of your company, rather than fully removing this service. Without a doubt people would’ve complained, but at the end of the day they would’ve most likely pay just because of how great the product was.
I would.

I will end with, thanks for truly showing this community that it isn’t about the developers but the share holders that care about the latest buzz words in tech. As developers we will now make the prudent decision of making MongoDB our last choice.


And pretty much everyone is saying here ONE YEAR IS TOO SHORT, this is obvious, ask any of your developers. ADD AT LEAST ANOTHER YEAR !!!
You owe us this much at least, for ruining our businesses and lives.


The best thing each of us can do is to abandon MongoDB as quickly as possible and then work to make sure nobody in our circles ever considers using them again.

Mongo made the decision to nuke Realm based on their wallet, so the best way to fight back is to hit them in that wallet.

The company is losing money. Collectively, we can accelerate that process. That will be more effective than rage-commenting here.


I did that and the support hade to “submit a extension request” why?
Why can’t you just give us more time?
why can we only get 3 or 6 more months?

why can’t you give everyone atleast one more year? If you want to regain some trust adding time is the way.

The worst is a loss of trust in SAAS and DBAAS as something that hinges on the wimps of a CEO or board chair.

That loss of trust isn’t a bad thing, per se. I think DHH is correct. He’s been talking about how Basecamp has moved all of its server-side stack out of “the cloud” and back onto their own server hardware. No AWS. No SAAS.

He highlights how much cheaper that is and how the maintenance of running your own server really isn’t THAT bad.

I think I agree. We outsourced a key part of our stacks to Mongo and that left us vulnerable to the whims of MBA types who need consultants just to understand a spreadsheet. Never again.

Does anyone know if there is an option like edge server? I am totally frustrated as my project was developed with this tool in mind and now I only have this month to make the change.

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What do you think of an open-core model where you can host with a cloud provider but always have the option to “eject” to their open-source version if needed?

I don’t think everyone has the resources, inclination, or team capacity to self-host like 37Signals does, so a hosted solution could still be attractive to many. Having the fallback option to self-host seems like a solid way to ensure long-term reliability, especially for something as critical as a database.

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It is hard for small teams. We have decided to give CouchBase + Capella a shot, and at the same time, we are bringing up an open-source version of CouchBase + Sync Gateway to see how they play together with CouchBase Lite local db open source.

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Absolutely, letting company like Mongo play with customer, we as a community should collectively abandon MongoDb and find alternative open-source solution, I am already looking for powersync+ superbase as both can be self hosted.

Hi David, Ditto customer experience engineer here. I believe this is something that Ditto could help with.

As I understand it (and please correct me if I get it wrong), the Edge Server lets you sync data across nearby devices even when offline, and then in turn sync that data with Atlas when a connection is available.

Ditto lets you sync data across a local network automatically, as a peer to peer mesh network between client devices (we call them Small Peers). On top of that, we are currently building a MongoDB Atlas connector to bridge this data into Atlas.

The migration guide we published a few days ago will help you replace Realm and get devices syncing data between each other.

Please let me know whether this is something that could work for you & whether we can answer any questions!

Do you have a timelin for the bridge? Do you have pricing guidelines yet?

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One major problem with ditto is that it does not support windows any plan to support it for flutter apps?

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I had a Zoom meeting with Ditto; it was short-lived. Their offer was in the low six figures, and the lead suggested not to waste everybody’s time.


I can confirm Couchbase + Capella are viable alternative to Realm Device Sync.

I understand that not having clarity upfront may not be ideal, but please rest assured that we are working in it as a priority.

I will post an update in this thread and the guide once we have any updates regarding it.
For now, please do fill in the interest/waiting list form for the Ditto-Atlas connector. Having your input and understanding your use case does help inform our teams building it.

Good to know. Thanks. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Ditto currently supports Windows in our C#, Node.JS, and Rust SDKs.
Our Flutter SDK is in currently in beta for iOS and Android. The intention is to also support web and Windows, but for now we don’t have a timeline for it I’m afraid.

I have difficulty understanding some sentences because English is not my main language, but did you mean that it is expensive? I have 350 active users daily, and I pay around $10 in app services. My product is low-ticket. I’m getting apprehensive about this.