In MongoDB 6.0.3, multiple "Not-primary error while processing 'find' operation on 'XXX' database via fire-and-forget command execution."

Hi Chris
thanks a lot. Indeed, I misunderstood this mirrored read feature. Now that makes a whole lot of sense. The issue (non critical) aims at not considering recovering nodes as eligible, in order to avoid being mirrored by the primary as they are not ready for this “wam-up”.
Will try with mirrorRead off, just to check the issues disappear, but in any case, these are, as you mentioned, harmless warnings.

PS : This cluster was previously on 4.0, therefore, no mirrored read support. But, on the other hand, one of our clusters was on 5.0, but we never saw these errors (and we still don’t…). Maybe this cluster is much less active, and there is not enough time during the recovery process for the primary to send these fire-and-forget ?

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