My MongoDB server is running locally, i can execute my commands on shell also but when i try to connect MongoDB with Node.js it gives me error

const mongoose = require('Mongoose');
mongoose.connect("MongoDB://localhost:<PortNumberHereDoubleCheckPort>/<DatabaseName>", {useNewUrlParser: true});
const <nameOfDbschemahere> = new mongoose.schema({
  name: String,
  rating: String,
  quantity: Number,
  someothervalue: String,
  somevalue2: String,

const Fruit<Assuming as you call it FruitsDB> = mongoose.model("nameOfCollection" , <nameOfSchemeHere>);

const fruit = new Fruit<Because FruitsDB calling documents Fruit for this>({
  name: "Watermelon",
  rating: 10,
  quantity: 50,
  someothervalue: "Pirates love them",
  somevalue2: "They are big",

In MongoDB when logged in via terminal:
show dbs
Select the DB in this case whatever you named the database by typing: use databasename
show collections
You should then see the fruits collection.
db.fruits.find will then pull up all documents in fruit.