No, you are not, but I was.
{ "reviews" : object }
means strict equality. So the query will only match documents that have the field reviews exactly equals to the object, all the same fields and all the same values in the same order.
saru mo ki kara ochiru
So you were right and the query {address:{city:NY}} was wrong because address has other fields.
// starting with
{ _id: 0, a: { b: 1 } },
{ _id: 1, a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }
mongosh> c.find( { a : { b:1 } } )
[ { _id: 0, a: { b: 1 } } ]
mongosh> c.find( { a : { b:1 , c:2} } )
[ { _id: 1, a: { b: 1, c: 2 } } ]
mongosh> c.find( { a : { c:2 , b:1} } )
// no result because object {c:2,b:1} is not equals to object {b:1,c:2} just like direct JS
mongosh> c.find( { "a.c" : 2 , "a.b" : 1 } )
[ { _id: 1, a: { b: 1, c: 2 } } ]
And I actually knew that: Any drawbacks in having _id an object - #5 by steevej
Ditto with arrays Problem matching values in array - #4 by steevej
So I was asleep, now I am awake, … I think.