Where can I learn in-depth about indexes?

Hi @Alex_Bjorlig,

As @alexbevi mentioned it would be helpful to know what aspects of indexes you want to learn more about. Understanding index usage and query performance is a broad topic.

Some of the best resources not mentioned yet are the many technical presentations from past MongoDB events such as MongoDB.live. I shared some highlights from the sessions I watched last year in discussion around Thank you for two great days of sessions at MongoDB.live! - #5 by Stennie_X. You can find the rest of the MongoDB.live sessions and hundreds more videos on the MongoDB YouTube channel.

For more insights into indexes and query processing, I strongly recommend watching these talks from MongoDB.live 2020:

Schema design is also important for efficient queries and performance, and I recommend checking out the Data modelling, Queries, and Streaming session track from MongoDB.live 2020.

Several of the talks in that session track discuss schema design patterns, which are worth exploring further in:


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