MariaDB is a successor inspired and designed by the MySQL technology, which is a popular SQL relational database for different applications. MongoDB is a general purpose document database, supported by the database-as-a-service platform, MongoDB Atlas. Its rich feature set and flexible data model make it a world-class alternative to legacy SQL concepts.
This article will help you better understand the differences between MariaDB and MongoDB.
Table of Contents
MongoDB is a document database built for general-purpose usage. It stores data in an optimized JSON format called BSON (Binary JSON). Documents are then stored in logical groups called collections, and many collections together make up a database. The document model supports many different data types, including strings, dates, numbers, arrays, decimals, nested objects, geo data, and binary data.
MongoDB uses replication and data partitioning to distribute data for high availability and scalability purposes, making it a highly consistent and fault tolerant database. MongoDB supports multiple deployment methods, from running it for free on a variety of platforms and servers starting from your local machine, to a fully blown deployment in the cloud of your choice using MongoDB Atlas. Additionally, MongoDB Enterprise Advanced and MongoDB Atlas offer enterprise-grade security features like authentication, authorization, and LDAP support, as well as end-to-end encryption.
MongoDB’s unified Query API and powerful aggregations, in conjunction with the flexibility of the document model, has made it the most popular general-purpose document database on the market.
MariaDB is an open source relational database management system, created by the original developers of the MySQL database. It uses similar concepts of MySQL, basing its storage model on tables with rows and columns. By design, MariaDB normalizes the data and stores relationships in forms of primary to foreign key connections. The language used to work with MariaDB is SQL, via which you can create tables and database objects, query data, and administrate indexes and functions.
MariaDB leverages various storage engines to power different types of capabilities. For example, different storage engines are needed if users wish to shard their data or structure it in a columnar format.
With the use of MariaDB MaxScale components, MariaDB also allows distributing and load balancing of multiple MariaDB servers as a proxy.
The following table will compare some key database features between the two databases.
MariaDB has expanded and added valuable features to the MySQL database. However, it also diverged from it. It is built on top of legacy SQL core concepts with additional support for new NoSQL era musts like JSON storage, replication, and horizontal scaling. However, the limitations of its foundation and available services will prevent it from fully adapting to the big data and cloud driven nature of modern agile development.
MongoDB was built from the ground up to support cloud elasticity and any amount of data, starting from small on-device databases to large multi-petabyte clusters. It runs the same way anywhere you want, including within our fully featured and scalable cloud database offering, MongoDB Atlas.
It depends on the use case. MongoDB covers a wide range of modern application use cases with proven success at scale across the industry. MariaDB is popular among SQL-based relational web applications.