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MongoDB Atlas, the multi-cloud developer data platform.

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Ep. 25 Exploring Multi-cloud with Andrew Davidson

Multi-cloud clusters - a feature available in MongoDB Atlas, a global cloud database service - takes the concept a step further by enabling a single application to use multiple clouds. With multi-cloud clusters, data is distributed across different public clouds (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure), enabling deployment of a single database across multiple providers simultaneously. 

In this episode, Nic and I sit down with Andrew Davidson, VP of Cloud Product at MongoDB to discuss this latest innovation to MongoDB Atlas.

Sign up for a free Atlas account and take a look at this feature in action. 

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Nov 04, 2020

MongoDB Update for November 2, 2020

This week in MongoDB - MongoDB Developer Advocate Adrienne Tacke joins Michael Lynn to discuss the latest news and events from the world of MongoDB for the week of November 2, 2020. 

1. Hacktoberfest Update: 233 PRs created, all merged! Many first-time contributors who were afraid to participate finally did by contributing to the Wild Aid app!


2. MongoDB Atlas Multi-cloud


3, MongoDB Charts - Lookup Field in Charts 


4. MongoDB Engineering adopts a new, more rapid quarterly release schedule coming in 2021


5. Hasna Kourda built Save Your Wardrobe, a fashion tech startup building a digital wardrobe management platform to enable sustainable living. Part of our #BuiltWithMongoDB series, Hasna shares her experience working with MongoDB Atlas to rapidly grow this company! Check out full blog post at


See https://dev.to/mongodb for additional updates.



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Nov 02, 2020

Ep. 23 Automating Database Management Part 1 - Indexes

This week we discuss database automation with Lead Product Manager Rez Kahn. This is the first of a multi-part series on database automation and in this episode, Rez talks about the importance of indexes and index management as well as how MongoDB Atlas provides automation to ensure that your applications continue to perform efficiently. 

MongoDB Docs: Performance Advisor https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/performance-advisor/
MongoDB Docs: Compound Indexes — Prefixes https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/index-compound/#prefixes
MongoDB Docs:  Indexing Strategies https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/applications/indexes/
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Oct 21, 2020

Ep. 20 MongoDB Charts with Matt Fairbrass and Tom Hollander

Need to visualize the data you have in MongoDB, but don't want to go through the hassle of developing an application with complex data parsing or frontend logic? Learn about MongoDB Charts from Matt Fairbrass and Tom Hollander on the Charts team at MongoDB and how you can easily visualize your data without the development know-how.

To learn more about MongoDB Charts, check out https://www.mongodb.com/products/charts

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Sep 30, 2020

Ep. 16 Low-code and no-code with AppFarm

We dive into low-code and no-code application development with AppFarm co-founders Marius Tuft Mathisen and Ole Borgersen. Learn how they're using MongoDB Atlas on GCP to build and scale their rapid application development platform.

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Aug 20, 2020

Ep. 15 Community Profile: Alain Mbuku and Ybits

We're excited to be joined by a prolific community member, Alain Mbuku. Learn about Alain’s experience being a part of the MongoDB community and how he came to build ybits.io We discuss Alain's journey as a developer, why he uses MongoDB, and the features of Ybits.

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Aug 12, 2020

Ep. 6 Five Ways to Reduce Costs with MongoDB Atlas

There's never been a more important time to reduce the amount of money you're spending on your application infrastructure. This brief episode will provide some important ways you can reduce your overall costs while managing and maintaining your applications and data in MongoDB Atlas.

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May 06, 2020