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Encryption in Use: The Magic of MongoDB for Secure Queries

Samuel Molling7 min read ā€¢ Published Dec 20, 2024 ā€¢ Updated Jan 06, 2025
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Youā€™re responsible for a payroll system at a fast-growing tech company. Employees rely on you to protect highly sensitive dataā€”things like salaries, bonuses, and personal information. Meanwhile, privacy regulations such as GDPR and LGPD demand strict compliance, leaving no room for mistakes. The stakes are high: Secure the data, or risk penalties and broken trust.
But traditional encryption isnā€™t enough. Protecting data while itā€™s in transit or stored only solves part of the problem. What happens when HR needs to run a query on that data? You need an encryption solution that works seamlessly even during data processingā€”one that keeps everything secure but still allows meaningful searches, like ā€œfind all employees earning over $10,000.ā€ Thatā€™s where MongoDBā€™s CSFLE and Queryable Encryption come in, offering cutting-edge tools to balance security and usability.

A quick overview of encryption

Before diving into the specifics of CSFLE and Queryable Encryption, letā€™s revisit the core encryption methods MongoDB offers:

Encryption in transit

MongoDB secures data in motion by encrypting client-server traffic with TLS/SSL. This method is essential for protecting data during network transmission. Also, all communications between nodes and processes are encrypted with TLS, ensuring comprehensive security for data in motion.

Encryption at rest

Encryption at rest secures data stored on disk, available in MongoDB Enterprise Advanced and Atlas versions. This approach protects data even if an adversary gains access to the disk or underlying database files, ensuring confidentiality beyond just server security.

Encryption in-use

Protects data at all stages of its lifecycle transmission, storage, and processing. MongoDB offers two approaches for in-use encryption:
  • Queryable Encryption
  • Client-side field-level encryption (CSFLE)

Differences between CSFLE and Queryable Encryption

While there is some overlap, there are key differences between CSFLE and Queryable Encryption.

Encryption method and inference security


  • Uses deterministic encryption for fields needing equality queries, producing identical ciphertexts for identical values
  • Enables exact match queries but can lead to significant information leakage in some cases, as patterns may emerge, especially with low-cardinality data

Queryable Encryption

  • Uses non-deterministic encryption, generating unique ciphertexts for identical values, making attacks more difficult
  • Supports equality queries and, from MongoDB 8.0 onward, range queries using operators like $lt, $lte, $gt, and $gte

Supported query types


  • Supports only exact match (equality) queries on deterministically encrypted fields.
  • Suitable for scenarios that donā€™t require complex query operations; this makes CSFLE ideal where equality is the only required query type

Queryable Encryption

  • Offers advanced query support for encrypted data; besides equality queries, MongoDB 8.0 adds support for range queries using operators like $lt, $lte, $gt, and $gte
  • Will soon expand this functionality to include prefix, suffix, and substring queries, enhancing flexibility for encrypted data querying

When to use each approach


  • Ideal for scenarios where full control over encryption keys is needed, and equality queries suffice for application requirements
  • Particularly useful for highly sensitive data that requires protection throughout client-server communication, offering granular control over the encryption process

Queryable Encryption

  • Recommended for applications requiring complex encrypted data queries, such as date ranges or numerical values
  • Its design leaks less information about the encrypted data than CSFLE; this is open source and the algorithms are published and reviewed by external cryptography experts who analyze the security of its design and implementation

Implementing CSFLE and Queryable Encryption in Python

To demonstrate the implementation, weā€™ll create a simple Python application to securely manage employee information, storing and querying sensitive data (such as names and salaries) using MongoDBā€™s advanced encryption.


The following table shows which MongoDB editions support CSFLE and Queryable Encryption:
Product NameAutomatic Encryption SupportExplicit Encryption Support
MongoDB AtlasYesYes
MongoDB Enterprise AdvancedYesYes
MongoDB Community EditionNoYes
  1. Download the Shared Encryption Library from MongoDBā€™s Shared Library for CSFLE.
  2. Install the Python module:
1pip install pymongo
2python -m pip install 'pymongo[encryption]'

Default steps

Load local master key

To encrypt data, we use a master key, which can be loaded from a local file (for demonstration purposes only). The following code checks if the key file exists and creates it, if necessary. To create a new local provider, create a key with this command: For Shell Unix:
1echo $(head -c 96 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d '\n')
For PowerShell:
Note: A local key provider is not secure for production environments. For production, use a remote key management system (KMS) such as AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault, or Google Cloud KMS for enhanced security and access control. MongoDB also supports local KMIP providers, like HashiCorp Vault, for production-grade key management. Place the key in the code below in YOUR_MASTER_KEY_HERE.
1def load_local_master_key(filename):
2 if not os.path.exists(filename):
4 with open(filename, "w") as f:
5 f.write(key)
6 with open(filename, "r") as f:
7 return

Implementing Queryable Encryption with Python

Define the variables

Define the variables for the MongoDB connection string, database, and collection names, as well as the key vault namespace and KMS providers.
Note: Replace URI with your MongoDB Atlas URI.
1uri = "<URI>"
2key_vault_namespace = "encryption.__keyVault"
3encrypted_database_name = "employee_data"
4encrypted_collection_name = "employee_salary"
6local_master_key_file = "local_master_key.txt"
7local_master_key = load_local_master_key(local_master_key_file)
9kms_providers = {"local": {"key": local_master_key}}
10encrypted_fields_map = get_encrypted_fields_map()

Define encrypted fields

The getEncryptedFieldsMap function specifies which fields will be encrypted and the allowed query types. In this example, name supports equality queries, and salary supports range queries.
1def get_encrypted_fields_map():
2 return {
3 "fields": [
4 {
5 "keyId": None,
6 "path": "name",
7 "bsonType": "string",
8 "queries": [{"queryType": "equality"}],
9 },
10 {
11 "keyId": None,
12 "path": "salary",
13 "bsonType": "int",
14 "queries": [{"queryType": "range", "min": 0, "max": 1000000}],
15 },
16 ]
17 }

Configure automatic encryption options

Configure automatic encryption options with the AutoEncryptionOpts function, specifying the key vault namespace, KMS provider, and shared encryption library path.
Note: In the AutoEncryptionOpts function, replace the path to the shared encryption library with the correct path on your system.
1auto_encryption_opts = AutoEncryptionOpts(
2 kms_providers=kms_providers,
3 key_vault_namespace=key_vault_namespace,
4 crypt_shared_lib_path="./mongo_crypt_shared_v1-macos-arm64-enterprise-8.0.3/lib/mongo_crypt_v1.dylib",
5 encrypted_fields_map=encrypted_fields_map,

Create MongoDB client with automatic encryption

Create a MongoDB client with automatic encryption enabled.
1client = MongoClient(uri, auto_encryption_opts=auto_encryption_opts)
2db = client[encrypted_database_name]
3collection = db[encrypted_collection_name]
Creating the KeyVault collection
Creating the __safeContent___1 index

Insert encrypted documents

Insert example documents into the encrypted collection, with sensitive information protected by encryption.
1employees = [
2 EmployeeDocument("Alice Johnson", "Software Engineer", "MongoDB", 100000, "USD", datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 5)),
3 EmployeeDocument("Bob Smith", "Product Manager", "MongoDB", 150000, "USD", datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 15)),
4 EmployeeDocument("Charlie Brown", "Data Analyst", "MongoDB", 200000, "USD", datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 20)),
5 EmployeeDocument("Diana Prince", "HR Specialist", "MongoDB", 250000, "USD", datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 3)),
6 EmployeeDocument("Evan Peters", "Marketing Coordinator", "MongoDB", 80000, "USD", datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 7)),
9for employee in employees:
10 collection.insert_one(employee.__dict__)
11 print(f"Inserted document for {}")
Inserting documents with encrypted fields
Without the key, we canā€™t see the data. It worked.

Perform encrypted queries

Finally, perform queries on the encrypted collection. The search_by_name function searches documents by name, while search_by_salary_range uses a salary range filter.
1def search_by_name(coll, name):
2 filter = {"name": name}
3 cursor = coll.find(filter)
4 print(f"Documents with name '{name}':")
5 for doc in cursor:
6 print(json.dumps(doc, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
8def search_by_salary_range(coll, min_salary, max_salary):
9 filter = {"salary": {"$gte": min_salary, "$lte": max_salary}}
10 cursor = coll.find(filter)
11 print(f"Documents with salary between {min_salary} and {max_salary}:")
12 for doc in cursor:
13 print(json.dumps(doc, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
15search_by_name(collection, "Alice Johnson")
16search_by_salary_range(collection, 150000, 200000)
Executing the Python script
As we can see, in MongoDB version 8, we can also do this with data ranges. You can check the entire code in the GitHub repository and more informations in the MongoDB documentation.

Implementing CSFLE with Python

Define the variables

Define the variables for the MongoDB connection string, database, and collection names, as well as the key vault namespace and KMS providers. Note: Replace URI with your MongoDB Atlas URI.
1uri = "<URI>"
2local_master_key_file = "local_master_key.txt"
3local_master_key = load_local_master_key(local_master_key_file)
4kms_providers = setup_kms_providers(local_master_key)
5key_vault_namespace = "encryption.__keyVault"
7client = connect_mongo(uri)
8database_name = "employee_data"
9collection_name = "employee_salary"
10coll = client[database_name][collection_name]
12key_vault_coll = client["encryption"]["__keyVault"]

Ensuring Key Vault index

We ensure the keyAltNames index exists in the Key Vault, allowing alternate keys to be unique and filtered.
1def ensure_key_vault_index(key_vault_coll):
2 index_name = "keyAltNames_1"
3 indexes = key_vault_coll.index_information()
4 if index_name not in indexes:
5 key_vault_coll.create_index(
6 [("keyAltNames", 1)], unique=True, partialFilterExpression={"keyAltNames": {"$exists": True}}
7 )
8 print("Index created in key vault.")
9 else:
10 print("Index already exists in key vault.")

Generating and reusing data key

The ensure_data_key function checks if a specific data key already exists. If it doesnā€™t, it creates a new one.
1def ensure_data_key(client_encryption, key_vault_coll, key_alt_name):
2 existing_key = key_vault_coll.find_one({"keyAltNames": key_alt_name})
3 if existing_key:
4 print("Data key already exists. Reusing existing key.")
5 return existing_key["_id"]
7 print("Creating new data key.")
8 data_key_id = client_encryption.create_data_key("local", key_alt_names=[key_alt_name])
9 return data_key_id

Encrypting the salary

The encrypt_salary function converts the salary to cents, prepares the value for encryption, and encrypts it using the configured MongoDB encryption algorithm.
1def encrypt_salary(client_encryption, data_key_id, salary):
2 salary_in_cents = int(salary * 100)
3 encrypted_salary = client_encryption.encrypt(
4 value=salary_in_cents,
5 algorithm="AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic",
6 key_id=data_key_id
7 )
8 return encrypted_salary
Creating the KeyVault collection
Creating the __safeContent___1 index

Inserting encrypted documents

After encrypting the salary, we insert each employee document into the collection. The document includes fields such as Name, Position, Company, Currency, Start Date, and the encrypted salary.
1def insert_employee_doc(coll, name, position, company, salary_encrypted, currency, start_date):
2 employee_doc = {
3 "name": name,
4 "position": position,
5 "company": company,
6 "salary": salary_encrypted,
7 "currency": currency,
8 "startDate": start_date
9 }
10 coll.insert_one(employee_doc)
1employees = [
2 {"name": "Alice Johnson", "position": "Software Engineer", "company": "MongoDB", "salary": 50000, "currency": "USD", "start_date": datetime(2007, 2, 3)},
3 {"name": "Bob Smith", "position": "Product Manager", "company": "MongoDB", "salary": 70000, "currency": "USD", "start_date": datetime(2009, 3, 14)},
5for emp in employees:
6 encrypted_salary = encrypt_salary(client_encryption, data_key_id, emp["salary"])
7 insert_employee_doc(coll, emp["name"], emp["position"], emp["company"], encrypted_salary, emp["currency"], emp["start_date"])
Inserting documents with encrypted fields
Without the key, we canā€™t see the data. It worked.

Querying and decrypting documents

To query and view the encrypted salary field, we use find_all_and_decrypt_salaries, which retrieves all documents, decrypts the salary, and displays the data.
1def find_all_and_decrypt_salaries(coll, client_encryption):
2 for doc in coll.find():
3 encrypted_salary = doc["salary"]
4 decrypted_salary = client_encryption.decrypt(encrypted_salary)
5 salary_in_dollars = decrypted_salary / 100.0
6 print(f"Employee: {doc['name']}, Salary: {salary_in_dollars} USD")
For comparison, the find_all_without_decryption function retrieves the same documents but without decrypting the salaries.
1def find_all_without_decryption(coll):
2 for doc in coll.find():
3 print(f"Employee: {doc['name']}, Encrypted Salary: {doc['salary']}")
The result is:
Script output decrypting results
Letā€™s zoom in and see the difference between two objects, one encrypted and the other not.
Script output without decrypting results
As we can see in this image, the real value of the object that is used without encryption comes in a format that is unreadable to us without the encryption key. You can check the entire code in the GitHub repository and more information in the MongoDB documentation.


CSFLE and Queryable Encryption are advanced encryption solutions in MongoDB, providing distinct methods for protecting sensitive data and enabling secure queries. CSFLE is ideal for cases where client-side control and equality queries are sufficient, while Queryable Encryption is effective for scenarios requiring range queries, with future support for more advanced query types, like substring searches, in development. With MongoDB 8.0ā€™s range query support, Queryable Encryption becomes even more powerful and flexible for securing sensitive data.
Using Python, you can easily configure and use these encryption solutions to enhance MongoDB application security, meeting strict data compliance and security requirements.
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