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Every week you can watch Mark as he builds out a Data Access Layer in Python. The experimental docbridge library is an attempt to build a Pythonic framework that takes into account the various patterns that are used when designing document models with MongoDB.
There are quite a few features in the docbridge library now! Let's build something with it, demonstrating some of the data modeling patterns it helps to abstract, and we can talk about how well it works with FastAPI and maybe some changes to make it even better.
Best Practices for FastAPI & MongoDB → https://mdb.link/best-practices-fastapi-65jdbqw8XHE
Six Principles of Resilient Evolvability → https://mdb.link/65jdbqw8XHE-blog
Building with Patterns → https://mdb.link/65jdbqw8XHE-patterns
Docbridge GitHub Repo → https://github.com/mongodb-developer/docbridge
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