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Atlas App Services

Service Deprecations

On this page

  • Previously Deprecated Services
  • Triggers Are Not Deprecated
  • Atlas Data API and HTTPS Endpoints Are Deprecated
  • Device Sync is Deprecated
  • Atlas Devices SDKs Are Deprecated
  • Services Affected by the Deprecations
  • Get Help

As of September 2024, the following App Services are deprecated:

  • Atlas Device Sync and Edge Server

  • Atlas Data API and HTTPS Endpoints

  • Atlas Device SDKs

These services will reach end-of-life and be removed on September 30, 2025. Edge Server, which is in preview, is also deprecated, and will reach end-of-life and be removed before September 30, 2024.

As of March 12, 2024, GraphQL and Static Hosting are deprecated for Atlas App Services. GraphQL and Static Hosting services will be discontinued on March 12, 2025.

To learn more about these deprecations, refer to the Migrate Static Hosting and GraphQL From App Services page.

Triggers are not deprecated. This service will continue to be available. App Services Functions will also continue to be available to use with Triggers.

To learn more about the Atlas Data API and HTTPS Endpoints deprecation and what alternatives exist, refer to the Atlas Data API and HTTPS Endpoints deprecation page.

To learn more about the Device Sync deprecation and what alternatives exist, refer to the Device Sync deprecation page.

To learn more about the Atlas Device SDKs deprecation, refer to the Atlas Device SDKs deprecation page.

The App Services Admin API and CLI are not deprecated. However, they have endpoints and commands that rely on deprecated services. These endpoints and commands are deprecated.

Please contact our support team through the MongoDB Support Portal or your Account Executive.




Device Sync