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Schema Types

The following fields are available for all BSON schemas regardless of type:

"bsonType": "<BSON Type>" | ["<BSON Type>", ...],
"type": "<JSON Type>" | ["<JSON Type>", ...],
"enum": [<Value 1>, <Value 2>, ...],
"description": "<Descriptive Text>,
"title": "<Short Description>"
Field Name


The BSON type of the property the schema describes. If the property's value can be of multiple types, specify an array of BSON types. Cannot be used with the type field.

BSON types include all JSON types as well as additional types that you can reference by name:

  • double

  • string

  • object

  • array

  • objectId

  • date

  • bool

  • null

  • regex

  • int

  • timestamp

  • long

  • decimal

  • uuid

  • binData

  • mixed


The JSON type of the property the schema describes. If the property's value can be of multiple types, specify an array of JSON types. Cannot be used with bsonType.


Atlas App Services supports the type field to maintain compatibility with the JSON schema standard. However, we recommend that you use the bsonType field instead. BSON types include all JSON schema types and support even more data types.

The following standard JSON types are available:

  • object

  • array

  • number

  • boolean

  • string

  • null


MongoDB's JSON Schema implementation does not support the integer JSON type. Instead, use the bsonType field with int or long as the value.


An array that includes all valid values for the data that the schema describes.


A short title or name for the data that the schema models. This field is used for metadata purposes only and has no impact on schema validation.


A detailed description of the data that the schema models. This field is used for metadata purposes only and has no impact on schema validation.

An array contains multiple values of a specific type. BSON array schemas use the standard JSON Schema array format.

"bsonType": "array",
"items": <Schema Document> | [<Schema Document>, ...],
"additionalItems": <boolean> | <Schema Document>,
"maxItems": <integer>,
"minItems": <integer>,
"uniqueItems": <boolean>
Field Name


A schema for all array items, or an array of schemas where order matters.


Default: true.

If true, the array may contain additional values that are not defined in the schema. If false, only values that are explicitly listed in the items array may appear in the array.

If the value is a schema object, any additional fields must validate against the schema.


The additionalItems field only affects array schemas that have an array-valued items field. If the items field is a single schema object, additionalItems has no effect.


The maximum length of the array.


The minimum length of the array.


Default: false

If true, each item in the array must be unique. If false, multiple array items may be identical.


Unique Arrays are Sets

To model a Set, use the array schema type with uniqueItems set to true.

A bool is either true or false.

{ "bsonType": "bool" }


Apps created after May 28, 2024

App Services Apps created after May 28, 2024 can store collections (arrays and dictionaries) of mixed data within a mixed data property. You can nest collections within other collections, which lets you store complex data structures such as JSON or MongoDB documents without having to define a strict data model.

To use this feature with Atlas Device SDK, you must use one of the following minimum SDK versions:

  • C++ SDK: version TBD

  • Flutter SDK: v2.0.0 or later

  • Kotlin SDK: v2.0.0 or later

  • .NET SDK: v12.2.0 or later

  • Node.js SDK: v12.9.0 or later

  • React Native SDK: v12.9.0 or later

  • Swift SDK: v10.51.0 or later

This feature is not supported in the Java SDK.

You can contact Support to learn more about enabling this feature in an existing app using a supported SDK.

A mixed field may contain any schema type except for embedded objects, sets, or any SDK-supported counters. App Services does not enforce a consistent type across documents, so two different documents may have values of different types.

Mixed fields can store arrays and dictionaries of mixed data. Sync translates these to MongoDB as arrays and objects, respectively. These collections of mixed data can also contain other collections of mixed data, with a maximum depth of 100 levels. You can leverage this flexibility to store complex data structures that wouldn't otherwise fit into a pre-defined schema, such as variable JSON data or complex MongoDB documents.

Mixed fields can also represent relationships. Sync translates these relationships to MongoDB as a DBRef to preserve the database name, collection name, and primary key of the link.

{ "bsonType": "mixed" }

A number generically configures some type of number. BSON schemas extend JSON Schema numerics with additional types to define integers, floats, and decimals.

"bsonType": "number" | "int" | "long" | "double" | "decimal",
"multipleOf": <number>,
"maximum": <number>,
"exclusiveMaximum": <boolean>,
"minimum": <number>,
"exclusiveMinimum": <boolean>
Field Name


An integer divisor of the field value. For example, if multipleOf is set to 3, 6 is a valid value but 7 is not.


The maximum value of the number.


Default: false

If true, the field value must be strictly less than the maximum value. If false, the field value may also be equal to the maximum value.


The minimum value of the number.


Default: false

If true, the field value must be strictly greater than the minimum value. If false, the field value may also be equal to the minimum value.

An object is a structured object with string keys that each have a typed value. Objects represent Realm objects and embedded objects in synced realms as well as the documents they map to in MongoDB.

"bsonType": "object",
"title": "<Type Name>",
"required": ["<Required Field Name>", ...],
"properties": {
"<Field Name>": <Schema Document>
"minProperties": <integer>,
"maxProperties": <integer>,
"patternProperties": {
"<Field Name Regex>": <Schema Document>
"additionalProperties": <boolean> | <Schema Document>,
"dependencies": {
"<Field Name>": <Schema Document> | ["<Field Name>", ...]
Field Name


An array of field names that must be included in the document.


A type name for the object. App Services uses this value to name the document's type in the GraphQL API. (GraphQL is deprecated. Learn More)


An object where each field maps to a field in the parent object by name. The value of each field is a schema document that configures the value of the field.


The minimum number of fields allowed in the object.


The maximum number of fields allowed in the object.


An object where each field is a regular expression string that maps to all fields in the parent object that match. The value of each field is a schema document that configures the value of matched fields.


Default: true.

If true, a document may contain additional fields that are not defined in the schema. If false, only fields that are explicitly defined in the schema may appear in a document.

If the value is a schema object, any additional fields must validate against the schema.


Specify property and schema dependencies.


Model Dictionaries With the object Schema Type

To model dictionaries, use the object schema type with additionalProperties set to the object type of the values stored in the dictionary.

An objectId is a 12-byte identifier for BSON objects. ObjectId values are most commonly used as the unique _id values of documents in a MongoDB collection or objects in a synced realm.

{ "bsonType": "objectId" }

A string is text encoded as a series of characters. BSON string schemas use the standard JSON Schema string format.

"bsonType": "string",
"maxLength": <integer>,
"minLength": <integer>,
"pattern": "<Regular Expression>"
Field Name


The maximum number of characters in the string.


The minimum number of characters in the string.


A regular expression string that must match the string value.

A uuid (Universal Unique Identifier) is a standardized 16-byte unique object identifier.

{ "bsonType": "uuid" }

A binData is a piece of unstructured binary data. Maps to the binary BSON type. Always uses subtype 0.

{ "bsonType": "binData" }

Realm Database types are specific to Atlas Device SDK.

For more information on SDK-specific types and how to define them, refer to the SDK documentation:

A counter is a special numerical type whose value can be incremented or decremented. It maps to the long number type in App Services.

{ "bsonType": "long" }

Counter data types are only supported in the following SDKs:

A set is a collection of unique values.

A set schema is an array schema where uniqueItems is set to true.

"bsonType": "array",
"uniqueItems": true,
"items": {
"bsonType": "long"

A dictionary is a collection of dynamic and unique string keys paired with values of a given type. A dictionary is functionally an object or document without pre-defined field names.

A dictionary schema is an object schema where properties is not defined and the value of additionalProperties is a schema for the dictionary value's type.

To store a dictionary with values of a BSON type, set additionalProperties to the type's schema.

"bsonType": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"bsonType": "string"

To store a dictionary with mixed values, set additionalProperties to true:

"bsonType": "object",
"additionalProperties": true

Alternatively, you can define a full mixed schema:

"bsonType": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"bsonType": "mixed"

To store a dictionary with embedded object values, define an object schema with the title field set to the embedded object's type name:

"bsonType": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"bsonType": "object",
"title": “Address”,
"properties": {
"streetNumber": { "bsonType": "string" },
"street": { "bsonType": "string" },
"city": { "bsonType": "string" },
"province": { "bsonType": "string" },
"country": { "bsonType": "string" },
"postalCode": { "bsonType": "string" }

Geospatial data describes points and other data on the earth's surface. App Services does not have built-in geospatial types. Instead, you model geographic data using standard GeoJSON objects.

A GeoJSON Point (GeoPoint) is a single location on the Earth's surface. The GeoPoint schema must be a required type field, of type string, which is always set to "Point".

You must also provide a coordinates field, which is an array of doubles. The coordinates array must contain at least 2 double values, and may contain a third:

  • The first double is the longitude of the point, between -180 and 180.

  • The second is the latitude, between -90 and 90.

  • The optional third value represents the elevation/altitude of the point, in meters. Atlas ignores this value when performing queries.


You cannot set an array as required in a Device Sync schema, so the Sync server checks that the coordinates field is present and meets the requirements.

If you are not using Device Sync, you can query your geospatial data with regular geospatial operators. However, if you are using Atlas Device Sync, the following rules also apply to the GeoPoint object:

  • It must be of type object.

  • It must be embedded within another type.

  • Additional values are allowed within the coordinates array, as long as they are doubles.

  • Additional properties in the GeoPoint object are also allowed.

The following is the Device Sync schema of an object with an embedded GeoPoint property named "location":

"title": "MyObject",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"bsonType": "objectId"
"location": {
"bsonType": "object",
"required": [ "type" ],
"properties": {
"type": {
"bsonType": "string",
"coordinates": {
"bsonType": "array",
"items": {
"bsonType": "double"

The following code block shows a document that follows the schema. It has a single embedded GeoPoint object named "location".

"_id": { "$oid": "65039d09fe4e46dddee31a3f" },
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-122.4, 48.12, 23.0]