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Atlas App Services

Tutorial: Atlas Device Sync for C++ with FTXUI

On this page

  • Learning Objectives
  • Prerequisites
  • Start with the Template
  • Explore the Template App
  • Open the App
  • Build the App
  • Explore the App Structure
  • Run the App
  • Check the Backend
  • Modify the Application
  • Add a New Property
  • Add a Property to the Model
  • Add an Element to the UI to Set the Priority
  • Save the New Property to the Database
  • Run and Test
  • Change the Subscription
  • Update the subscription
  • Run and Test
  • Conclusion
  • What's Next?

Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes, depending on your experience with C++

Atlas Device SDK for C++ enables you to store and sync data across phones, tablets, wearables, or IoT devices. This tutorial is based on the C++ Template App, named cpp.todo.flex, which illustrates the creation of a to-do list terminal GUI application built with FTXUI. This application enables users to:

  • Register their email as a new user account.

  • Sign in to their account with their email and password (and sign out later).

  • View, create, modify, and delete their own tasks.

  • View all tasks, even where the user is not the owner.

The template app also provides a toggle that simulates the device being in "Offline Mode." This toggle lets you quickly test Device Sync functionality on the simulator, emulating the user having no internet connection. However, you would likely remove this toggle in a production application.

This tutorial builds on the Template App. You will add a new priority field to the existing Item model and update the Flexible Sync subscription to only show items within a range of priorities.

This tutorial illustrates how you might adapt the template app for your own needs. You would not necessarily make this change given the current structure of the template app.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Update a C++ object model with a non-breaking change.

  • Update a Device Sync subscription.

  • Add a queryable field to the Device Sync configuration on the server to change which data is synchronized.


If you prefer to get started with your own application rather than follow a guided tutorial, check out the C++ Quick Start. It includes copyable code examples and the essential information that you need to set up an Atlas App Services backend.

  • Ensure that you have the necessary software installed. The C++ Template App assumes you have:

    • CMake version 3.25 or newer.

    • C++ 17 or newer.

  • This tutorial starts with a Template App. You need an Atlas Account, an API key, and App Services CLI to create a Template App.

    • You can learn more about creating an Atlas account in the Atlas Getting Started documentation. For this tutorial, you need an Atlas account with a free-tier cluster.

    • You also need an Atlas API key for the MongoDB Cloud account you wish to log in with. You must be a Project Owner to create a Template App using App Services CLI.

    • To learn more about installing App Services CLI, see Install App Services CLI. After installing, run the login command using the API key for your Atlas project.

This tutorial is based on the C++ Sync Template App named cpp.todo.flex. We start with the default app and build new features on it.

To learn more about the Template Apps, see Template Apps.

If you don't already have an Atlas account, sign-up to deploy a Template App.

Follow the procedure described in the Create an App Services App guide, and select Create App from Template. Select the Real-time Sync template. This creates an App Services App pre-configured to use with one of the Device Sync template app clients.

After you create a template app, the UI displays a modal labeled Get the Front-end Code for your Template. This modal provides instructions for downloading the template app client code as a .zip file or using App Services CLI to get the client.

The C++ Template App is not yet available to download in the App Services UI. Use the CLI or clone the repository from GitHub to get the client code.

The appservices apps create command sets up the backend and creates a C++ template app for you to use as a base for this tutorial.

Run the following command in a terminal window to create an app named "MyTutorialApp" that is deployed in the US-VA region with its environment set to "development" (instead of production or QA).

appservices app create \
--name MyTutorialApp \
--template cpp.todo.flex \
--deployment-model global \
--environment development

The command creates a new directory in your current path with the same name as the value of the --name flag.

You can fork and clone a GitHub repository that contains the Device Sync client code. The C++ client code is available at

If you use this process to get the client code, you must create a template app to use with the client. Follow the instructions at Create a Template App to use the Atlas App Services UI, App Services CLI, or Admin API to create a Device Sync template app.


Open the frontend client code in your preferred IDE.

If you cloned the client from a GitHub repository, you must manually insert the App Services App ID in the appropriate place in your client. Follow the Configuration instructions in the client to learn where to insert your App ID.

  1. Make a directory in which to build the app. For convenience, the .gitignore packaged with the template app ignores a build directory within the client directory. Navigate into the build directory.

    mkdir build && cd build
  2. Use CMake to create the Makefile. Assuming you're building from a build directory within the client directory:

    cmake ../
  3. Use CMake to build the app executable. This takes a few moments as it installs the dependencies and compiles the executable.

    cmake --build .

Take a few minutes to explore how the project is organized while CMake builds the executable.

You won't work directly with these files during this tutorial, but they contain code that demonstrates using the C++ SDK:



Use the nlohmann::json library to read values from atlasConfig.json. Then, use these values to initialize the realm::App, and save it in the app's state. The App is how your application communicates with the App Services backend. This provides access to authentication, and to the realm::user object of the logged-in user.

To learn more about how you can customize your app configuration, see: Connect to an Atlas App Services Backend.

This code also sets up the AuthManager and the ErrorManager. It contains the navigation flow to send users to the LoginController or the HomeController depending on whether there is a logged-in user.


Logic to register an email/password user, log them in or out, and display an error message when authentication errors occur.

In this tutorial, you'll work in the following files:



Define the Item object we store in the database.


Manage the app state for the Home view.


Contains important definitions for the Home view controller.


Implements the Home view. This is the view where a logged-in user can work with the app.


Contains important definitions for Device Sync and database operations.


Implements some Device Sync and database operations, such as creating items, changing Device Sync query subscriptions, and handling Sync errors.


Without making any changes to the code, you should be able to run the app in the terminal. Pass the path to the atlasConfig.json as an argument when you run the application:

./sync_todo /path-to-file/atlasConfig.json

Run the app, register a new user account, and then add a new Item to your todo list.


Expand the terminal window, if needed.

The top of the home screen contains a row of buttons and a toggle to hide completed tasks. If your terminal window is too small, the button text labels don't display. To see the labels, make the terminal window bigger, and FTXUI re-renders the content to fit the larger window.


Log in to Atlas App Services. In the Data Services tab, click on Browse Collections. In the list of databases, find and expand the todo database, and then the Item collection. You should see the document you created in this collection.


Now that you have confirmed everything is working as expected, you can add changes. In this tutorial, you add a priority property to each Item so that you can filter the items by their priorities.

In a production app, you might add a PriorityLevel enum to constrain the possible values. For this tutorial, we'll use a number property to simplify working with the UI framework.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the client code in your preferred IDE.

  2. In the state/ directory, ppen the item.hpp file.

  3. Add the following property to the Item struct:

    int64_t priority;
  4. Add the new priority property to the REALM_SCHEMA():

    REALM_SCHEMA(Item, _id, isComplete, summary, owner_id, priority)

    The Item model should now resemble:

    namespace realm {
    struct Item {
    realm::primary_key<realm::object_id> _id{realm::object_id::generate()};
    bool isComplete;
    std::string summary;
    std::string owner_id;
    int64_t priority;
    REALM_SCHEMA(Item, _id, isComplete, summary, owner_id, priority)
    } // namespace realm
  1. In the state directory, go to home_controller_state.hpp. Add a new int property under the existing newTaskIsComplete property. Then, add a static const int to store the default int value for this property.

    The HomeControllerState struct may now resemble:

    struct HomeControllerState {
    static const int DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY = 3;
    // Used for creating a new task.
    std::string newTaskSummary;
    bool newTaskIsComplete{false};
    int newTaskPriority{DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY};
    ...more code here...
  2. In the controllers directory, go to home_controller.hpp. This controller renders the main view of the app.

    Import the string and vector libraries:

    #include <string>
    #include <vector>

    Create an array of string labels for the new priority UI element:

    std::vector<std::string> priorityLevelLabels = {
    "Severe", "High", "Medium", "Low"
  3. Still in the controllers directory, go to home_controller.cpp. This is where we add a UI element to allow the user to set the priority for the item. FTXUI offers two UI elements you could use for this functionality: Radiobox or Dropdown. In this tutorial, we'll use Dropdown, but you might prefer Radiobox if you don't like the way the UI reflows to render the dropdown.

    Add this new UI element input after the auto newTaskCompletionStatus line:

    auto newTaskPriorityDropdown = ftxui::Dropdown(

    In the auto saveButton function closure, pass the task priority selection to the _dbManager.addNew() function call:


    And then add a line to reset the priority selection to the default value:

    _homeControllerState.newTaskPriority = HomeControllerState::DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY;

    Add the dropdown selector to the auto newTaskLayout that sets the layout for the interactive elements in the item row container:

    auto newTaskLayout = ftxui::Container::Horizontal(
    {inputNewTaskSummary, newTaskCompletionStatus, newTaskPriorityDropdown, saveButton});

    This section of your code should now resemble:

    auto newTaskCompletionStatus = ftxui::Checkbox("Complete", &_homeControllerState.newTaskIsComplete);
    auto newTaskPriorityDropdown = ftxui::Dropdown(
    auto saveButton = ftxui::Button("Save", [this] {
    _homeControllerState.newTaskSummary = "";
    _homeControllerState.newTaskIsComplete = false;
    _homeControllerState.newTaskPriority = HomeControllerState::DEFAULT_TASK_PRIORITY;
    auto newTaskLayout = ftxui::Container::Horizontal(
    {inputNewTaskSummary, newTaskCompletionStatus, newTaskPriorityDropdown, saveButton});
  4. Finally, farther down in the home_controller.cpp file, add the new UI element to the auto itemListRenderer:

    inputNewTaskSummary->Render() | ftxui::flex,
    newTaskCompletionStatus->Render() | ftxui::center,

    This renders the new element right before the Save button in the UI.

  1. In the managers directory, go to database_manager.hpp. Update the addNew() function signature to include the int newItemPriority we pass in from the home_controller.cpp:

    void addNew(
    bool newItemIsComplete,
    std::string newItemSummary,
    int newItemPriority);
  2. Now go to database_manager.cpp, and update the addNew() implementation. Add int newItemProperty to the function arguments:

    void DatabaseManager::addNew(
    bool newItemIsComplete,
    std::string newItemSummary,
    int newItemPriority) {

    Add a new line in the function to set the value of the priority property when we save the Item to the database:

    .priority = newItemPriority

    Your addNew() implementation should now resemble:

    void DatabaseManager::addNew(bool newItemIsComplete, std::string newItemSummary, int newItemPriority) {
    auto item = realm::Item {
    .isComplete = newItemIsComplete,
    .summary = std::move(newItemSummary),
    .owner_id = _userId,
    .priority = newItemPriority

At this point, build and run the application again. In your build directory, rebuild the executable with the changes you made:

cmake --build .

And run the app:

./sync_todo /path-to-file/atlasConfig.json

Log in using the account you created earlier in this tutorial. You will see the one Item you previously created. Add a new Item, and you will see that you can now set the priority. Choose High for the priority and save the Item.

Now switch back to the Atlas data page in your browser, and refresh the Item collection. You should now see the new Item with the priority field added and set to 1. The existing Item does not have a priority field.

Two items in a collection
click to enlarge


Why Didn't This Break Sync?

Adding a property to a SDK client object is not a breaking change and therefore does not require a client reset. The template app has Development Mode enabled, so changes to the client object are automatically reflected in the server-side schema. For more information, see Development Mode and Update Your Data Model.

In the database_manager.cpp file in the managers directory, we create the Flexible Sync subscription that defines which documents we sync with the user's device and account. By default, we subscribe to all items. You can see items that other people create, but server-side rules prevent you from writing to them. You can see this logic in the block where we create the initial subscription. If there are no subscriptions when the app opens, we add a subscription for all Item objects:

_database->subscriptions().update([this](realm::mutable_sync_subscription_set& subs) {
// By default, we show all items.
if (!subs.find(_allItemSubscriptionName)) {

In the toggleSubscriptions() function, we switch the subscription, depending on the current subscription state. In the UI, the user can toggle between showing all items, or showing only their own items. Within this function, find the _myItemSubscriptionName logic. If there isn't already a subscription for this subscription name, the app adds a subscription to all documents where the owner_id property matches the authenticated user's id.

For this tutorial, we want to maintain that, but only sync Items that are marked as "High" or "Severe" priority.

This is why we used an int64_t for the priority property, and labeled the priority levels in the UI from most to least important. The highest priority (severe) has a value of 0, and the lowest priority (low) has a value of 3. We can make direct comparisons between a number and the priority property.


To change the subscription, go to the managers directory and open the database_manager.cpp file. Update the query statement to include documents where the priority is equal to or less than 1. This should only include items of "Severe" (0) or "High" (1) priority.

if (!subs.find(_myItemSubscriptionName)) {
[&](auto &item){
return item.owner_id == _userId && item.priority <= 1;

Run the application again. Log in using the account you created earlier in this tutorial. In the Subscription box, press the Switch to Mine button. After an initial moment when the SDK resyncs the document collection, you will only see the new Item of High priority that you created. You may need to move your mouse or use the arrow key to cause the UI to re-render with the new items that have been synced in the background.

The Item document you initially created does not show on the device, because it does not have a priority field. If you want this Item to sync to the device, you can edit the document in the Atlas UI and add a value for the priority field.


Changing Subscriptions with Developer Mode Enabled

In this tutorial, when you change the subscription and query on the priority field for the first time, the field is automatically added to the Device Sync Collection Queryable Fields. This occurs because the template app has Development Mode enabled by default. If Development Mode was not enabled, you would have to manually add the field as a queryable field to use it in a client-side Sync query.

For more information, refer to Queryable Fields.

If you want to further test the functionality, you can create Items of various priorities. You will see that a new Item with a lower priority briefly appears in the list of Items and then disappears. The Sync error handler helpfully provides a message describing this behavior:

A sync error occurred. Message:
"Client attempted a write that is not allowed; it has been reverted"

In this scenario, the SDK creates the Item locally, syncs it with the backend, and then reverts the write because it doesn't meet the subscription rules.


Known UI Issue

If the error modal displays, and you move your mouse over the item list in the terminal prior to dismissing the error modal, the UI rendering breaks. This is related to limitations with the FTXUI library. If this occurs, quit the app using ctrl + c, and re-run it. You can avoid this issue by using the enter key to press the Dismiss button in the error modal before moving the mouse.

Adding a property to an existing SDK object is a non-breaking change, and Development Mode ensures that the schema change is reflected server-side.


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