Authenticate & Manage Users
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Atlas App Services manages authentication for your application's end users. App Services:
Uses role-based data access rules to determine read & write permissions.
Associates every request with an authenticated user
Evaluates permissions for every object included the request.
Through user accounts, you can store and access metadata and custom data for each user.
Users log in through authentication providers. Each provider represents a specific method of authentication.
App Services includes built-in providers for common use cases, such as Facebook and Google. Custom providers allow you to integrate any external authentication system.
The following diagram shows how your client app, Atlas App Services, and authentication provides interact to authenticate users:

Authentication Providers
In App Services, an authentication provider is a modular service. These services provide identity verification, and maintain information about app users.
Users authenticate themselves by providing a set of credentials to an authentication provider. With valid credentials, the provider returns a unique identity associated with the user. App Services logs them in as the active user.
App Services includes built-in authentication providers for common use cases. This includes:
You can configure custom providers to integrate external authentication systems.
Custom JWT: provider accepts JSON web tokens signed by the external system.
Custom Function: provider allows you to define custom login logic in an Atlas Function.
Apps Require User Authentication
Every application must have at least one authentication provider configured and enabled. Without at least one provider, no client application can connect. To learn how to configure and enable authentication providers, see: Authentication Providers.
User Accounts
A user account represents a single, distinct user of your application. App Services creates the user when an authentication provider validates a unique identity. You can source user metadata, such as email or birthday, from authentication providers. You can associate each user with custom data.
Apple Account Deletion Requirements
Apple requires that applications distributed through the App Store must give any user who creates an account the option to delete the account. Whether that app uses an authentication method where you must manually register a user, such as email/password authentication, or one that automatically creates a user, such as Sign-In with Apple, an app distributed through the App Store must implement user account deletion.
Authentication Provider Identities
App Services stores login metadata for a user in an authentication provider identity. App Services uses this metadata to authenticate the user.
Upon first login with an authentication provider, App Services creates an identity object. Each object contains a unique ID, and provider-specific metadata about the user. On later logins, App Services refreshes the existing identity data.
A single user account can have more than one identity. Realm SDKs enable you to link identities to existing user accounts. This allows users to log in to a single account with more than one provider. For more information, see the documentation on linking identities for your client SDK.
Active User
In the Realm SDKs, you can log in more than one user, but only one account can be active at any given time. The active user is a user account associated with an application request.
App Services executes requests from client applications as the active user.
App Services replaces dynamic references to the user - e.g. %%user
in a JSON expression - with the active user.
You can use a specific active user, or the system user, to execute Functions.
System User
The system user is an internal user that has advanced privileges. The system user bypasses all rules. You can execute functions as a system user instead of the user making a request. Triggers run in the context of the system user.
The system user is useful for administrative tasks. This includes:
Tasks that need to circumvent rules and queries
Tasks that need unrestricted access to MongoDB CRUD and aggregation operations
Security Warning
Rules do not apply to the system user. Functions run as the system user can become a security liability. Ensure that you do not expose these functions to unauthorized users.
For example, use function context to check if the active user can call the system function. Define a condition to determine whether the user has the appropriate permissions, e.g.:
exports = function() { const activeUser = context.user const adminUserId = context.values.get("adminUserId"); if( == adminUserId) { // The user can only execute code here if they're an admin. } else { throw Error("This user is not allowed to execute the system function") } }
User Sessions
A user session represents a period of time when an authenticated user can interact with your app. User sessions begin when a user logs in through an SDK or authenticates over HTTPS. A session ends after 30 minutes unless an SDK or API request refreshes the session.
To learn how to create, work with, and revoke user sessions, see Manage User Sessions.
App Services supports authentication and user accounts through a variety of authentication providers. You can associate users with more than one authentication provider.
App Services supports having more than one user logged in at the same time. There is only one active user at a time.
The system user is a special user that bypasses all rules.
Realm SDKs manage the access and refresh tokens that comprise a user session.