Improve Atlas Search Performance
Atlas Search runs a new process, called mongot
, alongside
the mongod
process on each host in your
Atlas cluster. mongot
maintains all
Atlas Search indexes on collections in your Atlas databases.
The amount of CPU, memory, and disk resources mongot
depends on several factors, including our index configuration and
the complexity of your queries.
Atlas Search alerts measure the amount of
CPU and memory used by Atlas Search processes.
The following pages contain recommendations that you can apply when configuring your Atlas Search index and defining your Atlas Search queries to improve performance:
Upgrading to NVMe Storage
Upgrading an Atlas cluster to use NVMe triggers an
initial sync on that cluster.
Atlas Search is unavailable until both the mongod
and mongot
finish their initial syncs.
A File Copy Based Initial Sync will always be used to sync all of the nodes of an NVME cluster whenever an initial sync is required.