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Define Synonym Mappings in Your Atlas Search Index

On this page

  • Syntax
  • Options
  • Synonyms Source Collection Documents
  • Format of Synonyms Source Collection Documents
  • Changes to Synonyms Source Collection Documents
  • mappingType Examples
  • equivalent
  • explicit
  • Example
  • Synonym Source Collection Example
  • Index Definition Examples
  • Static Mapping
  • Dynamic Mapping

synonyms allow you to index and search your collection for words that have the same or nearly the same meaning. To configure an Atlas Search index with synonym mappings, you must:

  1. Create a new collection with properly formatted synonym documents in it. Ensure that:

    • Your collection is in the same database as the index that will reference the collection.

    • You format the documents in the collection as described in the Synonyms Source Collection Documents.

  2. Reference the synonym source collection in a synonym mapping in the index definition.


    Free (M0) and Shared (M2 and M5) Tier Cluster Limitation

    An index definition can have only one synonym mapping.

This page describes the format of the synonyms source collection and how to define synonym mappings that reference the synonym source collection in your Atlas Search index. A synonym mapping configures an Atlas Search index to support queries that apply synonyms from a separate synonym source collection. You can use the Atlas Search Visual Editor view or the Atlas Search JSON Editor view in the Atlas UI or the Atlas Search API to create the index. You can use synonyms only in queries that use the text operator.

synonyms has the following syntax in an index definition:

2 "name": "<index-name>",
3 "analyzer": "<analyzer-for-index>",
4 "searchAnalyzer": "<analyzer-for-query>",
5 "mappings": {
6 "dynamic": <boolean>,
7 "fields": { <field-definition> }
8 },
9 "synonyms": [
10 {
11 "name": "<synonym-mapping-name>",
12 "source": {
13 "collection": "<source-collection-name>"
14 },
15 "analyzer": "<synonym-mapping-analyzer>"
16 }
17 ]

synonyms takes the following fields in an index definition:




Name of the analyzer to use with this synonym mapping.

You can use a synonym mapping to query only fields analyzed with the same analyzer. By default, Atlas Search uses the standard analyzer ("lucene.standard").

To use synonyms with stop words, you must either index the field using the Standard Analyzer or add the synonym entry without the stop word.

You can use any Atlas Search analyzer except the following:

Language analyzers:

  • lucene.kuromoji

  • lucene.cjk

Custom analyzer tokenizers and token filters:




Name of the synonym mapping. Name must be unique in the index definition. Value can't be an empty string.




Source collection for synonyms. The source option takes the collection field.




Name of the MongoDB collection that is in the same database as the Atlas Search index. Documents in this collection must be in the format described in the Synonyms Source Collection Documents.


Each document in the collection specified as the source for the synonyms describe how one or more words map to one or more synonyms of those words.


On free and shared tier Atlas clusters, the synonyms collection can't exceed 10,000 documents.

You must configure each document with the following fields:



array of strings

Required for mappingType: explicit mappings.

For explicit mappings, synonyms values are synonyms of each input token. Value can't be an empty or all-whitespace string. You can specify the same input value in multiple documents.




Type of mapping. Value can be one of the following:

  • equivalent - describes a set of tokens that are equivalent to one another. For an example of this mappingType, see Example.

  • explicit - matches input tokens and replaces them with all alternative synonyms tokens. For an example of this mappingType, see Example.



array of strings

Words that are synonyms of one another if mappingType is equivalent or synonyms of input tokens if mappingType is explicit. synonyms must have at least one value.

Atlas Search considers each string, regardless of the number of words within, to be a single token. For example, Atlas Search tokenizes the string sushi chef as a single term and doesn't return any results for a search for sushi or chef individually.

To use synonyms with stop words, you must either add the synonym entry without the stop word or index the field using the Standard Analyzer.

For an example of each mappingType see mappingType Examples.


The documents in the collection can contain other fields. The documents in the collection are additive, and mappings are deduplicated. Atlas Search synonyms are stored as a separate Atlas collection, which counts against the same storage quota as any other collection in Atlas. Atlas Search might use more compute resources to apply synonyms from larger synonyms source collections.


Don't include invalid synonym documents in the synonym source collection. Atlas Search doesn't create indexes if the indexes use synonym mappings that reference collections with invalid documents. Only include synonym documents that are properly formatted in your synonym source collection.

MongoDB doesn't recommend adding synonym documents to synonym source collections in a production environment without first validating that they are properly formatted and behave as expected in a test environment.

If you make changes to your synonyms source collection:

  • You don't need to reindex because Atlas Search watches for changes and automatically updates its internal synonym map.

  • The time it takes Atlas Search to update the synonym mappings increases with the synonym source collection size. Note that the changes to synonym documents are reflected in your Atlas Search query results eventually.

Atlas provides the documents for the following Atlas Search mapping type examples in a collection named sample_synonyms. You can load these documents on your cluster in the same database as your collection. To load these documents on your cluster, when you create the index for your collection, do the following:

  1. When you select the Configuration Method, select the Visual Editor.

  2. When you Add synonym mapping to your index, select Load sample collection from the Synonym source collection dropdown.


In this equivalent mapping type example, the synonyms tokens car, vehicle, and automobile are configured to be synonyms of one another:

"mappingType": "equivalent",
"synonyms": ["car", "vehicle", "automobile"]

For a text query for car, vehicle, or automobile applying a synonym mapping that includes such a document, Atlas Search returns documents that contain the term car, vehicle, or automobile.


In this explicit mapping type example, input token beer is configured to consider beer, brew, and pint as synonyms:

"mappingType": "explicit",
"input": ["beer"],
"synonyms": ["beer", "brew", "pint"]

For a text query for beer applying a synonym mapping that includes such a document, Atlas Search returns documents that contain the terms "beer", "brew", or "pint" because the input token beer is explicitly mapped to all these synonyms tokens. However, for a query for pint, Atlas Search does not find documents that contain beer because pint is not explicitly mapped to beer.

The examples on this page include:

The following collection named synonymous_terms is an example synonym source collection that can be used with the movies collection in the sample_mflix database.


To learn how to format the documents in the collection, see Synonyms Source Collection Documents.

The sample_mflix.synonymous_terms collection contains the following documents:

"mappingType": "equivalent",
"synonyms": ["car", "vehicle", "automobile"]
"mappingType": "explicit",
"input": ["race"],
"synonyms": ["contest", "rally"]
"mappingType": "equivalent",
"synonyms": ["dress", "apparel", "attire"]
"mappingType": "explicit",
"input": ["boat"],
"synonyms": ["vessel", "sail"]

The following examples for the sample_mflix.movies collection show the index definitions using static and dynamic mappings.


For sample queries on the sample_mflix.movies collection using the dynamic mapping index below, see examples in the text and phrase operators.

The following index:

  • Configures an index with a single text field and a single synonym mapping definition that uses the mapping configured in the synonymous_terms collection.

  • Analyzes the plot field with the lucene.english analyzer.

  • Enables synonyms from the synonymous_terms collection for queries over fields analyzed with the lucene.english analyzer.

You can use the Visual Editor or the JSON Editor in the Atlas UI to configure the following index. To configure this index, after you select your configuration method, select the movies collection in the sample_mflix database.

  1. Click Refine Your Index.

  2. In the Field Mappings section, click Add Field.

  3. Click Customized Configuration.

  4. Configure the following settings in the Add Field Mapping window:

    Field Name
    Enable Dynamic Mapping
    Data Type Configuration

    Select plot.

    Toggle to disable.

    1. Click Add Data Type.

    2. Select String from the dropdown.

    3. Select lucene.english under lucene.language from the Index Analyzer dropdown.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In the Synonyms Mappings section, click Add Synonym Mapping.

  7. Configure the following settings in the Add Synonym Mapping window:

    Synonym mapping name
    Synonym source collection

    Enter my_synonyms

    Select synonymous_terms.

    Select lucene.english under lucene.language from dropdown.

  8. Click Add.

Replace the default index with the following index.

"mappings": {
"dynamic": false,
"fields": {
"plot": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "lucene.english"
"synonyms": [
"analyzer": "lucene.english",
"name": "my_synonyms",
"source": {
"collection": "synonymous_terms"

The following index:

  • Configures an index for all the fields in the documents and a single synonym mapping definition that uses the mapping configured in the synonymous_terms collection.

  • Uses the default analyzer, lucene.standard, to analyze all the fields.

  • Enables synonyms from the synonymous_terms collection for queries over fields analyzed with the lucene.standard analyzer.

You can use the Visual Editor or the JSON Editor in the Atlas UI to configure the following index. To configure this index, after you select your configuration method, select the movies collection in the sample_mflix database.

  1. Click Refine Your Index.

  2. In the Synonyms Mappings section, click Add Synonym Mapping.

  3. Configure the following settings in the Add Synonym Mapping window:

    Synonym mapping name
    Synonym source collection

    Enter my_synonyms

    Select synonymous_terms.

    Select lucene.standard from the dropdown if it isn't already selected.

  4. Click Add.

"mappings": {
"dynamic": true
"synonyms": [
"analyzer": "lucene.standard",
"name": "my_synonyms",
"source": {
"collection": "synonymous_terms"


3: Configure Stored Fields