On this page
The $merge stage specifies a connection in the Connection Registry to write messages to. The connection must be an Atlas connection.
A $merge
pipeline stage has the following prototype form:
{ "$merge": { "into": { "connectionName": "<registered-atlas-connection>", "db": "<registered-database-name>" | <expression>, "coll": "<atlas-collection-name>" | <expression> }, "on": "<identifier field>" | [ "<identifier field1>", ...], "let": { <var_1>: <expression>, <var_2>: <expression>, …, <var_n>: <expression> }, "whenMatched": "replace | keepExisting | merge", "whenNotMatched": "insert | discard", "parallelism": <integer> } }
The Atlas Stream Processing version of $merge
uses most of the same fields as the Atlas Data Federation version. Atlas Stream Processing also
uses the following fields that are either unique to its implementation
of $merge
, or modified to suit it. To learn more about the fields
shared with Atlas Data Federation $merge
, see $merge syntax.
Field | Necessity | Description |
| Required | Simplified to reflect Atlas Stream Processing supporting To learn more, see this description
of the Atlas Data Federation |
| Conditional | Number of threads to which to distribute write operations.
Must be an integer value between If you use a dynamic expression value for |
must be the last stage of any pipeline it appears in. You can
use only one $merge
stage per pipeline.
The on
field has special requirements for $merge
sharded collections. To learn more, see
$merge syntax.
If you use a dynamic expression value for into.coll
or into.db
you cannot set a parallelism
value greater than 1
Dynamic Expressions
You can use a dynamic expression as the value of the following fields:
This enables your stream processor to write messages to different target Atlas collections on a message-by-message basis.
You have a stream of transaction events that generates messages of the following form:
{ "customer": "Very Important Industries", "customerStatus": "VIP", "tenantId": 1, "transactionType": "subscription" } { "customer": "N. E. Buddy", "customerStatus": "employee", "tenantId": 5, "transactionType": "requisition" } { "customer": "Khan Traktor", "customerStatus": "contractor", "tenantId": 11, "transactionType": "billableHours" }
To sort each of these into a distinct Atlas database and
collection, you can write the following $merge
$merge: { into: { connectionName: "db1", db: "$customerStatus", coll: "$transactionType" } }
This $merge
Writes the
Very Important Industries
message to a Atlas collection namedVIP.subscription
.Writes the
N. E. Buddy
message to a Atlas collection namedemployee.requisition
.Writes the
Khan Traktor
message to a Atlas collection namedcontractor.billableHours
You can only use dynamic expressions that evaluate to strings. For more information on dynamic expressions, see expression operators.
If you specify a database or collection with a dynamic expression, but Atlas Stream Processing cannot evaluate the expression for a given message, Atlas Stream Processing sends that message to the dead letter queue if configured and processes subsequent messages. If there is no dead letter queue configured, then Atlas Stream Processing skips the message completely and processes subsequent messages.
Saving Data from Kafka Topics
To save streaming data from multiple Apache Kafka Topics into collections
in your Atlas cluster, use the $merge
stage with
the $source
stage. The $source
specifies the topics from which to read data. The $merge
stage writes the data to the target collection.
Use the following syntax:
{ "$source": { "connectionName": "<registered-kafka-connection>", "topic": [ "<topic-name-1>", "<topic-name-2>", ... ] } }, { "$merge": { "into": { "connectionName": "<registered-atlas-connection>", "db": "<registered-database-name>" | <expression>, "coll": "<atlas-collection-name>" | <expression> } }, ... }
A streaming data source generates detailed weather reports from various locations, conformant to the schema of the Sample Weather Dataset. The following aggregation has three stages:
stage establishes a connection with the Apache Kafka broker collecting these reports in a topic namedmy_weatherdata
, exposing each record as it is ingested to the subsequent aggregation stages. This stage also overrides the name of the timestamp field it projects, setting it toingestionTime
stage excludes documents that have adewPoint.value
of less than or equal to5.0
and passes along the documents withdewPoint.value
greater than5.0
to the next stage.The
stage writes the output to an Atlas collection namedstream
in thesample_weatherstream
database. If no such database or collection exist, Atlas creates them.
{ '$source': { connectionName: 'sample_weatherdata', topic: 'my_weatherdata', tsFieldName: 'ingestionTime' } }, { '$match': { 'dewPoint.value': { '$gt': 5 } } }, { '$merge': { into: { connectionName: 'weatherStreamOutput', db: 'sample_weatherstream', coll: 'stream' } } }
To view the documents in the resulting sample_weatherstream.stream
collection, connect to your Atlas cluster and run the following command:
{ _id: ObjectId('66ad2edfd4fcac13b1a28ce3'), airTemperature: { quality: '1', value: 27.7 }, atmosphericPressureChange: { quantity24Hours: { quality: '9', value: 99.9 }, quantity3Hours: { quality: '1' }, tendency: { code: '1', quality: '1' } }, atmosphericPressureObservation: { altimeterSetting: { quality: '1', value: 1015.9 }, stationPressure: { quality: '1', value: 1021.9 } }, callLetters: 'CGDS', dataSource: '4', dewPoint: { quality: '9', value: 25.7 }, elevation: 9999, extremeAirTemperature: { code: 'N', period: 99.9, quantity: '9', value: -30.4 }, ingestionTime: ISODate('2024-08-02T19:09:18.071Z'), liquidPrecipitation: { condition: '9', depth: 160, period: 24, quality: '2' }, pastWeatherObservationManual: { atmosphericCondition: { quality: '1', value: '8' }, period: { quality: '9', value: 3 } }, position: { coordinates: [ 153.3, 50.7 ], type: 'Point' }, precipitationEstimatedObservation: { discrepancy: '4', estimatedWaterDepth: 4 }, presentWeatherObservationManual: { condition: '53', quality: '1' }, pressure: { quality: '1', value: 1016.3 }, qualityControlProcess: 'V020', seaSurfaceTemperature: { quality: '9', value: 27.6 }, sections: [ 'AA2', 'SA1', 'MW1', 'AG1', 'GF1' ], skyCondition: { cavok: 'N', ceilingHeight: { determination: 'C', quality: '1', value: 6900 } }, skyConditionObservation: { highCloudGenus: { quality: '1', value: '05' }, lowCloudGenus: { quality: '9', value: '03' }, lowestCloudBaseHeight: { quality: '9', value: 150 }, lowestCloudCoverage: { quality: '1', value: '05' }, midCloudGenus: { quality: '9', value: '08' }, totalCoverage: { opaque: '99', quality: '1', value: '06' } }, skyCoverLayer: { baseHeight: { quality: '9', value: 99999 }, cloudType: { quality: '9', value: '05' }, coverage: { quality: '1', value: '04' } }, st: 'x+35700-027900', type: 'SAO', visibility: { distance: { quality: '1', value: 4000 }, variability: { quality: '1', value: 'N' } }, waveMeasurement: { method: 'I', seaState: { code: '99', quality: '9' }, waves: { height: 99.9, period: 14, quality: '9' } }, wind: { direction: { angle: 280, quality: '9' }, speed: { quality: '1', rate: 30.3 }, type: '9' } }
The preceding is a representative example. Streaming data are not static, and each user sees distinct documents.