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Read Data from MongoDB Atlas - Functions

On this page

  • Data Model
  • Snippet Setup
  • Query Methods
  • Find a Single Document (findOne())
  • Find One or More Documents (find())
  • Count Documents in the Collection (count())
  • Query Patterns
  • Find by Document ID
  • Find by Date
  • Match a Root-Level Field
  • Match Multiple Fields
  • Match an Embedded Document Field
  • Match an Array of Values
  • Match an Array Element
  • Query Operators
  • Compare Values
  • Evaluate a Logical Expression
  • Evaluate a Regular Expression

The examples on this page demonstrate how to use the MongoDB Query API in an Atlas Function to read documents from your Atlas cluster.

Learn about the methods that you can call to query data, the operators that let you write expressive match filters, and some patterns for combining them to handle common use cases.

The examples on this page use a collection named store.items that models various items available for purchase in an online store. Each item has a name, an inventory quantity, and an array of customer reviews.

The JSON schema for store.items
"title": "Item",
"required": ["_id", "name", "quantity", "reviews"],
"properties": {
"_id": { "bsonType": "objectId" },
"name": { "bsonType": "string" },
"quantity": { "bsonType": "int" },
"reviews": {
"bsonType": "array",
"items": {
"bsonType": "object",
"required": ["username", "comment"],
"properties": {
"username": { "bsonType": "string" },
"comment": { "bsonType": "string" }

To use a code snippet in a function, you must first instantiate a MongoDB collection handle:

exports = function() {
const mongodb ="mongodb-atlas");
const itemsCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("items");
const purchasesCollection = mongodb.db("store").collection("purchases");
// ... paste snippet here ...

You can find a single document using the collection.findOne() method.

The following function snippet finds a single document from the items collection that has a quantity greater than or equal to 25:

const query = { "quantity": { "$gte": 25 } };
const projection = {
"title": 1,
"quantity": 1,
return itemsCollection.findOne(query, projection)
.then(result => {
if(result) {
console.log(`Successfully found document: ${result}.`);
} else {
console.log("No document matches the provided query.");
return result;
.catch(err => console.error(`Failed to find document: ${err}`));

You can find multiple documents using the collection.find() method.

The following function snippet finds all documents in the items collection that have at least one review and returns them sorted by name with the _id field omitted:

const query = { "reviews.0": { "$exists": true } };
const projection = { "_id": 0 };
return itemsCollection.find(query, projection)
.sort({ name: 1 })
.then(items => {
console.log(`Successfully found ${items.length} documents.`)
return items
.catch(err => console.error(`Failed to find documents: ${err}`))

You can count documents in a collection using the collection.count() method. You can specify a query to control which documents to count. If you don't specify a query, the method counts all documents in the collection.

The following function snippet counts the number of documents in the items collection that have at least one review:

return itemsCollection.count({ "reviews.0": { "$exists": true } })
.then(numDocs => console.log(`${numDocs} items have a review.`))
.catch(err => console.error("Failed to count documents: ", err))

You can query a collection to find a document that has a specified ID. MongoDB automatically stores each document's ID as an ObjectId value in the document's _id field.

{ "_id": <ObjectId> }


The following query matches a document in the collection that has an _id value of 5ad84b81b8b998278f773c1b:

{ "_id": BSON.ObjectId("5ad84b81b8b998278f773c1b") }

You can query a collection to find documents that have a field with a specific date value, or query for a documents within a range of dates.

{ "<Date Field Name>": <Date | Expression> }


The following query matches documents in the collection that have a createdAt date of January 23, 2019:

{ "createdAt": new Date("2019-01-23T05:00:00.000Z") }


The following query matches documents in the collection that have a createdAt date some time in the year 2019:

"createdAt": {
"$gte": new Date("2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
"$lt": new Date("2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),

You can query a collection based on the value of a root-level field in each document. You can specify either a specific value or a nested expression that MongoDB evaluates for each document.

For more information, see the Query Documents tutorial in the MongoDB Server Manual.

{ "<Field Name>": <Value | Expression> }


The following query matches documents where the name field has a value of Basketball:

{ "name": "Basketball" }

You can specify multiple query conditions in a single query document. Each root-level field of a query document maps to a field in the collection. MongoDB only returns documents that fulfill all query conditions.

For more information, see the Query on Embedded/Nested Documents tutorial in the MongoDB Server Manual.

"<Field Name 1>": <Value | Expression>,
"<Field Name 2>": <Value | Expression>


The following query matches documents where the name field has a value of Basketball and the quantity value is greater than zero:

"name": "Basketball",
"quantity": { "$gt": 0 }

You can query a collection based on the value of embedded document fields. To specify an embedded document field, use multiple nested query expressions or standard document dot notation.

For more information, see the Query on Embedded/Nested Documents tutorial in the MongoDB Server Manual.

Nested Query Expressions
{ "<Field Name>": { "<Nested Field Name>": <Value | Expression> } }
Dot Notation
{ "<Field Name>.<Nested Field Name>": <Value | Expression> }


The following query matches documents where the first review in the reviews array was left by someone with the username JoeMango:

"reviews.0.username": "JoeMango"

You can query a collection based on all the elements contained in an array field.

If you query an array field for a specific array of values, MongoDB returns documents where the array field exactly matches the specified array of values. If you want MongoDB to return documents where the array field contains all elements in the specified array of values, use the $all operator.

For more information, see the Query an Array tutorial in the MongoDB Server Manual.

{ "<Array Field Name>": [<Value>, ...] }


The following query matches documents where the reviews array contains exactly one element and the element matches the specified document:

"reviews": [{ username: "JoeMango", comment: "This rocks!" }]


The following query matches documents where the reviews array contains one or more elements that match all of the specified documents:

"reviews": {
"$all": [{ username: "JoeMango", comment: "This rocks!" }]

You can query a collection based on the value of one or more elements in an array field.

If you query an array field with a query expression that has multiple conditions, MongoDB returns documents where any combination of the array's elements satisfy the expression. If you want MongoDB to return documents where a single array element satisfies all of the expression conditions, use the $elemMatch operator.

For more information, see the Query an Array tutorial in the MongoDB Server Manual.

{ "<Array Field Name>": <Value | Expression> }


The following query matches documents where both conditions in the embedded expression are met by any combination of elements in the reviews array. The specified username and comment values do not need to be in the same document:

"reviews": {
"username": "JoeMango",
"comment": "This is a great product!"


The following query matches documents where both conditions in the embedded expression are met by a single element in the reviews array. The specified username and comment must be in the same document:

"reviews": {
"$elemMatch": {
"username": "JoeMango",
"comment": "This is a great product!"

You can use a comparison operator to compare the value of a document field to another value.

{ "<Field Name>": { "<Comparison Operator>": <Comparison Value> } }

The following comparison operators are available:

Comparison Operator
Matches documents where the value of a field equals a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field does not equal a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field is strictly greater than a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field is greater than or equal to a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field is strictly less than a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field is less than or equal to a specified value.
Matches documents where the value of a field is included in a specified array of values.
Matches documents where the value of a field is not included in a specified array of values.


The following query matches documents where quantity is greater than zero and less than or equal to ten.

"quantity": { "$gt": 0, "$lte": 10 }

You can use a logical operator to evaluate multiple expressions for a single field.

"<Field Name>": {
"<Logical Operator>": [<Expression>, ...]

The following logical operators are available:

Logical Operator
Matches documents where the value of a field matches all of the specified expressions.
Matches documents where the value of a field matches any of the specified expressions.
Matches documents where the value of a field matches none of the specified expressions.
Inverts the boolean result of the specified logical expression.


The following query matches documents where either quantity is greater than zero or there are no more than five documents in the reviews array.

"$or": [
{ "quantity": { "$gt": 0 } },
{ "reviews": { "$size": { "$lte": 5 } } }

You can use the $regex query operator to return documents with fields that match a regular expression. To avoid ambiguity with the $regex EJSON type, you must use a atlas-BSON.BSONRegExp object.

"<Field Name>": {
"$regex": BSON.BSONRegExp(<RegEx String>, <RegEx Options>)


The following query matches documents where the name value contains the substring ball (case-insensitive).

"name": { "$regex": BSON.BSONRegExp(".+ball", "i") }


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