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Additional Services

Atlas supports Encryption at Rest via customer KMS and LDAP User Authentication and Authorization in Atlas projects and clusters.

Excluding MongoDB Atlas Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas Platinum customers, Atlas charges a 15% uplift to the cost of each cluster with LDAP User Authentication and Authorization and/or Encryption at Rest via customer KMS enabled.

Configuring LDAP User Authentication and Authorization for a project enables the feature for all clusters in the project. Configuring Encryption at Rest via customer KMS for a project allows enabling/disabling the feature on per cluster basis.

MongoDB Atlas supports private endpoints.

MongoDB Atlas supports private endpoints on AWS using the AWS PrivateLink feature.

For dedicated clusters, Atlas charges you based on your usage across the following dimensions:

In addition to the costs Atlas charges you, AWS charges you for each VPC interface endpoint you create. To ensure cluster availability in the event of a widespread network outage, create VPC interface endpoints in at least two availability zones per region. AWS also charges you for the data volume each VPC interface endpoint processes.

See also:

Atlas charges hourly for each region to which you deploy a private endpoint. The hourly cost varies by region.

Additionally, Atlas charges you per hour based on the traffic that your private endpoint processes. The hourly cost varies based on the amount of traffic and the region to which your private endpoint is deployed.

Atlas private endpoint capacity units measure the dimensions on which the Atlas private endpoint processes your traffic. The dimensions measured are:

  • New connections or flows: Number of newly established connections or flows per second.

  • Active connections or flows: Peak concurrent connections or flows, sampled per minute.

  • Processed bytes: The number of bytes processed by the private endpoint in Gigabytes (GB).

For TCP traffic, an Atlas private endpoint capacity unit contains:

  • New connections or flows: 800 new TCP connections per second.

  • Active connections or flows: 100,000 active TCP connections (sampled per minute).

  • Processed bytes: 1 GB per hour.

For UDP traffic, an Atlas private endpoint capacity unit contains:

  • New connections or flows: 400 new UDP flows per second.

  • Active connections or flows: 50,000 active UDP flows (sampled per minute).

  • Processed bytes: 1 GB per hour.

For TLS traffic, an Atlas private endpoint capacity unit contains:

  • New connections or flows: 50 new TLS connections or flows per second.

  • Active connections or flows: 3,000 active TLS connections or flows (sampled per minute).

  • Processed bytes: 1 GB per hour.

Atlas charges you only for the dimension that has the highest usage during each hour across all traffic types.


This provides a breakdown of costs for one hour of TLS network traffic to a private endpoint in the us-east-1 region:

Atlas Private Endpoint Capacity Units Consumed

New connections or flows



Active connections or flows



Processed bytes

2.5 GB


The Processed bytes dimension has the largest capacity unit consumption rate. For this hour, Atlas charges you the following for using Atlas private endpoint capacity units in the us-east-1 region:

Capacity Units
Region Rate per Capacity Unit
Fixed Cost





0.045 + (2.5 capacity units * 0.0120)

Atlas rates for using the AWS PrivateLink feature vary by region:


The rates listed below are in addition to what AWS charges you for each VPC interface endpoint you create. To learn more, see AWS PrivateLink Pricing.

AWS region
Hourly Cost per Private Endpoint
Cost per Atlas Private Endpoint Capacity Unit

us-east-1 N. Virginia



us-east-2 Ohio



us-west-1 N. California



us-west-2 Oregon



ca-central-1 Canada



sa-east-1 Sao Paulo



eu-north-1 Stockholm



eu-west-1 Ireland



eu-west-2 London



eu-west-3 Paris



eu-central-1 Frankfurt



eu-central-2 Switzerland



eu-south-1 Spain



me-south-1 Bahrain



me-central-1 UAE



ap-northeast-1 Tokyo



ap-northeast-2 Seoul



ap-south-1 Mumbai



ap-south-2 Hyperabad



ap-southeast-1 Singapore



ap-southeast-2 Sydney



ap-southeast-3 Melbourne



ap-east-1 Hong Kong



MongoDB Atlas supports private endpoints on Azure using the Azure Private Link feature.

For dedicated clusters, Atlas charges you based on your usage across the following dimensions:

  • Atlas Private Endpoint Capacity Units: Each unit equals 1GB of data processed through the entire Azure Private Link. Both data incoming and outgoing incurs charges.

See also:


1 GB of data into MongoDB via Azure Private Link equals 1 Private Endpoint Capacity Unit consumed ($0.03).

Atlas rates for using the Azure Private Link feature vary by region:


The rates listed below are in addition to what Azure charges you for each private endpoint you create.

Azure region
Cost per 1 GB Increment

australiaeast New South Wales


australiasoutheast Victoria


brazilsouth Sao Paulo


canadacentral Toronto, ON


canadaeast Quebec City, QC


centralindia Pune


centralus Iowa


eastasia Hong Kong


eastus Virginia


eastus2 Virginia


francecentral Paris


germanynorth Berlin


germanywestnorth Frankfurt


japaneast Tokyo


japanwest Osaka


koreacentral Seoul


koreasouth Busun


northcentralus Illinois


northeurope Ireland


norwayeast Oslo


qatarcentral Qatar


southafricanorth Johannesburg


southcentralus Texas


southeastasia Singapore


southindia Chennai


switzerlandnorth Zurich


switzerlandwest Geneva


uaecentral Abu Dhabi


uaenorth Dubai


uksouth London, England


ukwest Cardiff, Wales


westcentralus Wyoming


westeurope Netherlands


westindia Mumbai


westus California


westus2 Washington


MongoDB Atlas supports private endpoints on Google Cloud using the GCP Private Service Connect feature.

For dedicated clusters, Atlas charges you based on your usage across the following dimensions:

Atlas charges hourly for each region to which you deploy a private endpoint. The hourly cost varies by region.


While Atlas creates 50 load balancers and service attachments for each region, Atlas does not charge for each load balancer and service attachement individually. Atlas charges a flat hourly rate for the entire region.

Atlas also charges you based on your usage with Private Endpoint Capacity Units. Each unit equals 1 GB of data processed through Google Cloud private endpoints. Both incoming and outgoing data incur charges.

In addition to the costs Atlas charges you, Google Cloud charges you for each Private Service Connect endpoint (forwarding rule) created to access Atlas.

See also:

Atlas rates for using GCP Private Service Connect vary by region:


The rates listed below are in addition to what Google Cloud charges you for each Private Service Connect endpoint you create.

Google Cloud region
Hourly Cost per Private Endpoint
Cost per Atlas Private Endpoint Capacity Unit

us-east1 South Carolina



us-east4 N. Virginia



us-east5 Columbus



us-west1 Oregon



us-west2 Los Angeles



us-west3 Salt Lake City



us-west4 Las Vegas



us-central1 Iowa



us-south1 Dallas



northamerica-northeast1 Montreal



northamerica-northeast2 Toronto



southamerica-east1 Sao Paulo



southamerica-west1 Santiago



europe-central2 Warsaw



europe-north1 Finland



europe-west1 Belgium



europe-west2 London



europe-west3 Frankfurt



europe-west4 Netherlands



europe-west6 Zurich



europe-west8 Milan



europe-west9 Paris



europe-west12 Turin



europe-southwest1 Madrid



austrailia-southeast1 Sydney



austrailia-southeast2 Melbourne



asia-east1 Taiwan



asia-east2 Hong Kong



asia-northeast1 Tokyo



asia-northeast2 Osaka



asia-northeast3 Seoul



asia-south1 Mumbai



asia-south2 Delhi



asia-southeast1 Singapore



asia-southeast2 Jakarta



me-west1 Tel Aviv



me-central1 Doha




1 GB of data into Atlas via GCP Private Service Connect equals 1 Private Endpoint Capacity Unit consumed ($0.02).

Atlas supports database auditing. To learn more, see Set up Database Auditing.

Excluding MongoDB Atlas Enterprise and MongoDB Atlas Platinum customers, Atlas charges a 10% uplift in the hourly cost of all dedicated clusters for projects using Database Auditing.

Charts on Atlas is billed based on the volume of data transferred from the Charts web server to web browser clients. Each Charts instance comes with a free 1 GB of data transfers per month. Once the 1 GB of free data usage has been consumed, all subsequent GBs of data transfers are billed at a fixed rate.

See also:

You may incur data transfer and compute costs for each Online Archive on your Atlas cluster. If you have Online Archive configured on your cluster, your Atlas invoice includes these costs as a line item.

See also:

If you have an upgraded support plan, the total support cost for the month is listed in the Summary section of your invoice. Support cost line items are listed in the Details section.