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Create a Local Atlas Deployment

This tutorial shows you how to use the atlas deployments command to create a local Atlas deployment. In this tutorial, we will deploy a single-node replica set on your local computer. You can then manage your deployment, and use Atlas Search and Atlas Vector Search.

Operating System
Operating System Version
Minimum CPU Cores
Minimum Free RAM (GB)


13.2 and later

x86-64, ARM



Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS

8, 9

x86-64, ARM




22.04, 24.04

x86-64, ARM




11, 12

x86-64, ARM



Amazon Linux


x86-64, ARM




10, 11




Before you begin, complete the following prerequisites:


For compatibility information on each product in the dependencies list, see the product's installation documentation.

  1. Install the Atlas CLI.

    If you use Homebrew, you can run the following command in your terminal:

    brew install mongodb-atlas-cli

    For installation instructions on other operating systems, see Install or Update the Atlas CLI.

  2. Install Docker.

    Docker requires a network connection for pulling and caching MongoDB images.

  3. (Optional) Install mongosh version 2.0 or later.

    brew install mongosh

    For installation instructions on other operating systems, see Install mongosh.

  4. (Optional) Install Compass version 1.39.4 or later.

    brew install mongodb-compass

    For installation instructions on other operating systems, see Download and Install Compass.


If you don't already have an existing Atlas account, run atlas setup in your terminal or create a new account.

Use the atlas deployments command to create a local Atlas deployment.

You can run this command in the following ways:

  • Interactive Mode (Default): the command prompts you for the deployment settings and provides default values.

  • Interactive Mode (Custom): the command prompts you for the deployment settings and lets you provide custom values.

  • Non-Interactive Mode: you run the command with the specified options. The command does not prompt you to provide further values. To learn all of the actions that atlas deployments supports, see atlas deployments.

Click one of the following tabs to see the command for your preferred mode.

atlas deployments setup

To initialize the local Atlas deployment with your own data and indexes:

  1. Copy the following command:

    atlas deployments setup --initdb {folder}
  2. Replace the {folder} placeholder with the directory that contains the .js and .sh files to run inside the local container in alphanumeric order.

  3. Run the command.



Specify local - Local Database and press Enter..

? What would you like to deploy? [Use arrows to move, type to filter, ? for more help]
> local - Local Database
atlas - Atlas Database
[Default Settings]
Deployment Name local50
MongoDB Version 7.0
Port 27017


Specify default - With default settings and press Enter..

? How do you want to setup your local MongoDB database? [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> default - With default settings
custom - With custom settings
cancel - Cancel set up
Creating your deployment local50 [this might take several minutes]
1/4: Downloading and completing configuration...
2/4: Starting your local environment...
3/4: Downloading MongoDB binaries to your local environment...
4/4: Creating your deployment local50...
Deployment created!
Connection string: mongodb://localhost:27017/?directConnection=true
atlas deployments setup

To initialize the local Atlas deployment with your own data and indexes:

  1. Copy the following command:

    atlas deployments setup --initdb {folder}
  2. Replace the {folder} placeholder with the directory that contains the .js and .sh files to run inside the local container in alphanumeric order.

  3. Run the command.


Specify local - Local Database and press Enter..


? What would you like to deploy? [Use arrows to move, type to filter, ? for more help]
> local - Local Database
atlas - Atlas Database
[Default Settings]
Deployment Name local50
MongoDB Version 7.0
Port 27017


Specify custom - With custom settings and press Enter..

? How do you want to setup your local MongoDB database? [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
default - With default settings
> custom - With custom settings
cancel - Cancel set up


Specify myLocalRs and press Enter..

? Deployment Name [This can't be changed later] (local3612) myLocalRs


Specify 7.0 and press Enter..

? MongoDB Version [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> 7.0


Specify 37018 and press Enter..

? Specify a port (49469) 37018
Creating your deployment myLocalRs
1/2: Starting your local environment...
2/2: Creating your deployment myLocalRs...
Deployment created!
Connection string: mongodb://localhost:37018/?directConnection=true


atlas deployments setup myLocalRs1 --type local --force
[Default Settings]
Deployment Name myLocalRs1
MongoDB Version 7.0
Port 49684
Creating your deployment myLocalRs1
1/2: Starting your local environment...
2/2: Creating your deployment myLocalRs1...
Deployment created!
Connection string: mongodb://localhost:49684/?directConnection=true
connection skipped

To initialize the local Atlas deployment with your own data and indexes:

  1. Copy the following command:

    atlas deployments setup myLocalRs1 --type local --force --initdb {folder}
  2. Replace the {folder} placeholder with the directory that contains the .js and .sh files to run inside the local container in alphanumeric order.

  3. Run the command.

Use the atlas deployments command to manage a local Atlas deployment. You can use the following commands for both local and cloud Atlas deployments. You can use --type local or --type atlas to run the command for local or cloud atlas deployments respectively.



atlas deployments list
local50 LOCAL 7.0.1 IDLE
local62 LOCAL 7.0.1 IDLE
myLocalRs LOCAL 7.0.1 IDLE
myLocalRs1 LOCAL 7.0.1 IDLE
  1. Run the following command to download the sample data:

    curl -o sampledata.archive
  2. Copy and paste the following command into your terminal and replace {port-number} with the port for your deployment:

    mongorestore --archive=sampledata.archive --port={port-number}
  1. Run the following command to connect to a deployment:

    atlas deployments connect
  2. Specify the deployment to connect to and press Enter..

  3. Specify how you want to connect to the deployment and press Enter..

  1. Run the following command to pause a deployment:

    atlas deployments pause
  2. Specify the deployment to pause and press Enter..

  1. Run the following command to start a deployment:

    atlas deployments start
  2. Specify the deployment to start and press Enter..

  1. Run the following command to return the logs for a deployment:

    atlas deployments logs
  2. Specify the deployment to return logs for and press Enter..

  1. Run the following command to delete a deployment:

    atlas deployments delete
  2. Specify the deployment to delete and press Enter..

  3. Specify y and press Enter. to confirm.

You can use Docker and MongoDB Database Tools to move a local Atlas deployment to a cloud Atlas deployment.

atlas deployments setup --type atlas
atlas deployments setup --type local

To initialize the local Atlas deployment with your own data and indexes:

  1. Copy the following command:

    atlas deployments setup --type local --initdb {folder}
  2. Replace the {folder} placeholder with the directory that contains the .js and .sh files to run inside the local container in alphanumeric order.

  3. Run the command.

  1. Copy the following command:

    docker exec -u root -it {local_deployment_name} sh -c "mkdir -p /data/dump && chown -R mongod:mongod /data/dump && mongodump --archive=/data/dump/dump.archive"
  2. Replace the {local-deployment-name} placeholder with the name of your local Atlas deployment.

  3. Run the command.

  1. Copy the following command:

    docker cp <local deployment name>:/data/dump/dump.archive .
  2. Replace the {local-deployment-name} placeholder with the name of your local Atlas deployment.

  3. Run the command.

atlas deployments connect --type atlas --connectWith connectionString
  1. Copy the following command:

    mongorestore --uri={connection-string} --archive=./dump.archive
  2. Replace the {connection-string} placeholder with the connection string.

  3. Run the command.

atlas deployments delete --type local

You can use Docker and MongoDB Database Tools to update a local Atlas deployment to a newer version of the image.

atlas deployments setup --type local

To initialize the local Atlas deployment with your own data and indexes:

  1. Copy the following command:

    atlas deployments setup --type local --initdb {folder}
  2. Replace the {folder} placeholder with the directory that contains the .js and .sh files to run inside the local container in alphanumeric order.

  3. Run the command.

  1. Copy the following command:

    docker exec -u root -it {old-local-deployment-name} sh -c "mkdir -p /data/dump && chown -R mongod:mongod /data/dump && mongodump --archive=/data/dump/dump.archive"
  2. Replace the {old-local-deployment-name} placeholder with the name of your old local Atlas deployment.

  3. Run the command.

  1. Copy the following command:

    docker cp {old-local-deployment-name}:/data/dump/dump.archive .
  2. Replace the {old-local-deployment-name} placeholder with the name of your old local Atlas deployment.

  3. Run the command.

atlas deployments connect --type local --connectWith connectionString
  1. Copy the following command:

    mongorestore --uri={connection-string} --archive=./dump.archive
  2. Replace the {connection-string} placeholder with the connection sring.

  3. Run the command.

atlas deployments delete --type local

Use the atlas deployments search indexes create command to create an Atlas Search search index. You can then run Atlas Search queries. To learn more, see Atlas Search.

You can run this command with local and cloud Atlas deployments. For detailed steps, see Create an Atlas Search Index and Run a Query.

Use the atlas deployments search indexes create command to work with Atlas Vector Search. To learn more, see How to Index Vector Embeddings for Vector Search.

You can run this command with local and cloud Atlas deployments. For detailed steps, see Use Atlas Vector Search with an Atlas Deployment.


To use the Atlas CLI with Atlas Vector Search, you must create an Atlas deployment with MongoDB 7.0.5 or later. If you created a local Atlas deployment with an earlier MongoDB version, you don't get the latest MongoDB version automatically. You must delete the earlier images and deployments. Then you must create a new Atlas deployment.

To learn all of the actions that atlas deployments supports, see atlas deployments.

To learn more about troubleshooting local Atlas deployment issues, see Troubleshoot Local Atlas Deployment Issues.