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Create and Configure an Atlas Cluster

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the atlas setup command to:

  1. Create one cluster in your Atlas project.

  2. Load sample data into your Atlas cluster.

  3. Add your IP address to your project's IP access list.

  4. Create a MongoDB user for your Atlas cluster.

  5. Connect to your new cluster using the MongoDB Shell, mongosh.

To perform all of these steps while also creating a new Atlas account, see Get Started with Atlas.

To create a cluster using a configuration file, run the atlas clusters create command with the --file option instead of atlas setup. To learn more about the configuration file for an Atlas cluster, see Cluster Configuration File.

You can also use atlas setup to create an Atlas account and authenticate with Atlas. To learn more, see Get Started with Atlas.

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

Use the atlas setup command to create an M0 cluster in Atlas. M0 clusters have some operational limitations.

You can run this command in the following ways:

  • Default settings mode: the command creates a sample shared-tier cluster with the default settings.

  • Interactive mode: the command prompts you for the cluster settings and provides default values.

  • Noninteractive mode: you run the command with the options.

Click the tab to see the command for your preferred mode.

The command creates a sample shared-tier cluster with the following default settings:

  • Cluster name: Cluster<number>

  • Service provider: AWS

  • Provider region: US_EAST_1

  • Cluster tier: M0

  • Disk size: 0.5 GB

  • Database Username: Cluster<number>

  • Database User Password: abcdef12345

  • Allow connections from IP Address: <YourIPAddress>

  • Load Sample Data: Yes

  • Open Shell: No


The password is a random autogenerated value. abcdef12345 is an example value.

atlas setup --force
We are deploying Cluster9876543...
Please store your database authentication access details in a secure location
Database User Username: Cluster9876543
Database User Password: abcdef12345
Creating your cluster... [Its safe to 'Ctrl + C']
Cluster created.
Your connection string: mongodb+srv://
Loading sample data into your cluster... [Its safe to 'Ctrl + C']
Now you can connect to your Atlas cluster with: mongosh -u Cluster9876543 -p abcdef12345 mongodb+srv://

The command prompts you for the cluster settings and provides default options. When prompted, press Y, then press Enter to accept the default settings.

atlas setup
Press [Enter] to use the default values.
Enter [?] on any option to get help.
[Default Settings]
Cluster Name: Cluster9876543
Cloud Provider and Region: AWS - US_EAST_1
Database User Username: Cluster9876543
Load sample data: Yes
Allow connections from (IP Address): <your-IP>
? Do you want to set up your first free database in Atlas with default settings (it's free forever)? Yes
We are deploying Quickstart-9876543...
Please store your database authentication access details in a secure location:
Database User Username: Cluster9876543
Database User Password: abcdef12345
Creating your cluster... [Its safe to 'Ctrl + C']
Cluster created.
Your connection string: mongodb+srv://
Loading sample data into your cluster... [Its safe to 'Ctrl + C']
Now you can connect to your Atlas cluster with: mongosh -u Cluster9876543 -p abcdef12345 mongodb+srv://

The command creates a sample shared-tier cluster with the following settings:

  • Cluster name: getStarted

  • Service provider: AWS

  • Provider region: US_EAST-1

  • Cluster tier: M0

  • Disk size: 2 GB

  • MongoDB version: 5.0

  • Replica set members: 3

atlas setup --clusterName getStarted --provider AWS --region US_EAST_1 --username testUser --password changeMe --accessListIp --skipSampleData --force
We are deploying getStarted...
Please store your database authentication access details in a secure location:
Database User Username: testUser
Database User Password: changeMe
Creating your cluster... [Its safe to 'Ctrl + C']
Now you can connect to your |service| cluster with: mongosh -u testUser -p changeMe mongodb+srv://

Congratulations! You have successfully created a cluster to host your data.

Use the connection string to connect to your cluster through mongosh or your application.

To view the status of your cluster: