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Connect from the Atlas CLI

On this page

  • Select a Connection Method
  • Connect With Minimum Required Settings
  • Complete the Prerequisites
  • Follow These Steps
  • Take the Next Steps

When you connect to Atlas from the Atlas CLI, you can authenticate with one of the following commands:

Authentication Method
Use Case
atlas auth login
Atlas login credentials and an authentication token
Best for non-programmatic use
atlas config init
API keys
Best for programmatic use


API keys are stored in plaintext in the Atlas CLI configuration file. Your API keys are like passwords. Ensure that you secure the configuration file appropriately.

Select a use case below to learn more about the available options:

Select a use case and follow the steps to connect from the Atlas CLI with minimum required settings.

Select a use case and follow the procedure to quickly connect from the Atlas CLI.

Start using the Atlas CLI commands.

To save connection settings by modifying the default profile or create a different profile, see Save Connection Settings.

←  Install or Update the Atlas CLISave Connection Settings →

Specify your version