atlas setup
On this page
Register, authenticate, create, and access an Atlas cluster.
This command takes you through registration, login, default profile creation, creating your first free tier cluster and connecting to it using MongoDB Shell.
atlas setup [options]
Name | Type | Required | Description |
--accessListIp | strings | false | IP address to grant access to the deployment. Mutually exclusive with --currentIp. |
--clusterName | string | false | Name of the cluster. |
--currentIp | false | Flag that adds the IP address from the host that is currently executing the command to the access list. Mutually exclusive with --accessListIp. | |
--enableTerminationProtection | false | Enables termination protection for your cluster. You can't delete a cluster with termination protection enabled. | |
--force | false | Flag that indicates whether to skip the request for input and create a cluster with the default settings for any unspecified options. | |
--gov | false | Register with Atlas for Government. | |
-h, --help | false | help for setup | |
--noBrowser | false | Don't try to open a browser session. | |
--password | string | false | Password for the user. |
--projectId | string | false | Hexadecimal string that identifies the project to use. This option overrides the settings in the configuration file or environment variable. |
--provider | string | false | Name of your cloud service provider. Valid values are AWS, AZURE, or GCP. |
-r, --region | string | false | Physical location of your MongoDB cluster. For a complete list of supported AWS regions, see: For a complete list of supported Azure regions, see: For a complete list of supported GCP regions, see: |
--skipMongosh | false | Flag that indicates whether to skip accessing your deployment with MongoDB Shell. | |
--skipSampleData | false | Flag that indicates whether to skip loading sample data into your MongoDB cluster. | |
--tag | key=value | false | List that contains key-value pairs between 1 to 255 characters in length for tagging and categorizing the cluster. |
--tier | string | false | Tier for each data-bearing server in the cluster. To learn more about cluster tiers, see This value defaults to "M0". |
--username | string | false | Username for authenticating to MongoDB. |
Inherited Options
Name | Type | Required | Description |
-P, --profile | string | false | Name of the profile to use from your configuration file. To learn about profiles for the Atlas CLI, see |
# Override default cluster settings like name, provider, or database username by using the command options atlas setup --clusterName Test --provider GCP --username dbuserTest