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Delete Data - .NET SDK


The following code shows how to delete one object from its realm:

realm.Write(() =>
// Remove the instance from the realm.
// Discard the reference.
dog = null;


The following code demonstrates how to delete a collection from a realm:

realm.Write(() =>
// Find dogs younger than 2 years old.
var puppies = realm.All<Dog>().Where(dog => dog.Age < 2);
// Remove the collection from the realm.

Sometimes, you have dependent objects that you want to delete when you delete the parent object. We call this a chaining delete. Realm will not delete the dependent objects for you. If you do not delete the objects yourself, they will remain orphaned in your realm. Whether or not this is a problem depends on your application's needs.

Currently, the best way to delete dependent objects is to iterate through the dependencies and delete them before deleting the parent object.


The following code demonstrates how to perform a chaining delete by first deleting all of Ali's dogs, then deleting Ali:

realm.Write(() =>
// Remove all of Ali's dogs.
// Remove Ali.

Realm supports deleting all instances of a Realm type from a realm.


The following code demonstrates how to delete all Dog instances from a realm:

realm.Write(() =>
// Remove all instances of Dog from the realm.

It is possible to delete all objects from the realm. This does not affect the schema of the realm. This is useful for quickly clearing out your realm while prototyping.


The following code demonstrates how to delete everything from a realm:

realm.Write(() =>
// Remove all objects from the realm.