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Atlas Device SDKs

Install the Kotlin SDK

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • Add the SDK to the Project
  • Sync Gradle Files
  • Supported Target Environments
  • Supported Environments
  • Unsupported Environments

The Atlas Device SDK for Kotlin supports the following platforms. Each has its own installation method and requirements:

Before getting started, ensure your development environment meets the following prerequisites:

  • Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 or higher.

  • JDK 11 or higher.

  • Kotlin Plugin for Android Studio, version 1.6.10 or higher.

  • An Android Virtual Device (AVD) using a supported CPU architecture.

For a list of supported target environments, refer to the Supported Target Environments section on this page.

Additionally, Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) for mobile projects require the following:

For more details on setting up your KMP environment, refer to the official Kotlin Kotlin Multiplatform for mobile documentation. To verify your environment setup, follow Kotlin's guide to checking your environment.


Kotlin Plugin Version

The Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) ecosystem frequently changes. If you experience any issues installing the SDK, check your Kotlin Plugin version, since outdated plugins can lead to difficult to debug errors. To see which versions of the Kotlin Plugin are compatible with the SDK, refer to the SDK changelog.


Atlas Device SDK and Realm

The SDK uses Realm Core database for device data persistence. When you install the Kotlin SDK, the package names reflect Realm naming.


After updating the Gradle configuration, resolve the dependencies by clicking File > Sync Project with Gradle Files in the Android Studio menu bar. You can now use the Kotlin SDK in your application.

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) supports a wide range of application environments Refer also to Kotlin's Multiplatform Gradle DSL reference: Targets documentation.

The Kotlin SDK supports the following environments:

  • android

  • iosArm64

  • iosSimulatorArm64

  • iosX64

  • jvm

  • macosArm64

  • macosX64

The Kotlin SDK does not support the following environments:

  • androidNativeArm32

  • androidNativeArm64

  • androidNativeX86

  • androidNativeX64

  • iosArm32

  • js

  • linuxArm32Hfp

  • linuxArm64

  • linuxMips32

  • linuxMipsel32

  • linuxX64

  • mingwX64

  • mingwX86

  • tvosArm64

  • tvosSimulatorArm64

  • tvosX64

  • wasm32

  • watchosArm32

  • watchosArm64

  • watchosSimulatorArm64

  • watchosX86

  • watchosX64

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