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MongoDB Atlas for Government

MongoDB Atlas for Government is a fully-managed cloud database for the U.S. government (federal agencies and state, local, and education (SLED) entities), developed by the same people that build MongoDB.

MongoDB Atlas for Government, or AtlasGov, supports a subset of the commercial MongoDB Atlas features and some unique features. To learn more, see Supported Features.

This documentation provides tutorials for common tasks, broad comparisons between AtlasGov features and their commercial Atlas equivalents, and reference material for features unique to AtlasGov.

Many procedures and reference materials are identical across AtlasGov and commercial Atlas. In those cases, this documentation provides links to the Atlas documentation. We recommend opening Atlas links in a new browser tab to save your place in the MongoDB AtlasGov documentation.

Links to the Atlas documentation are presented:

  • At the end of a section to expand on the topic, after highlighting AtlasGov differences you should keep in mind, or

  • As Tips for optional further reading on a topic.