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Verify Migrations

Starting with 6.0.17 and 7.0.13, Atlas supports verifying the data migrated from the source cluster to the destination cluster. The verification process in Atlas runs a series of checks to confirm that the data sync during the live migration process is successful. These checks include Atlas comparing supported documents and collections.

Before transferring your application's data to the destination cluster, always verify that a migration is successful. You can enable verification in the live migration Atlas UI, or verify the data manually.

The verification process that runs at the end of the Atlas live migration process is optional. We highly recommend that you enable it in the live migration's Atlas UI and request that Atlas runs the data sync verification process before you cut over to the destination cluster in Atlas.

As part of the verification process that you can enable in the Atlas UI for live migration, Atlas performs the following checks on the source and destination clusters:

  • The phase and progress of verification checks running on the cluster.

  • The estimated number of documents on the cluster.

  • The number of documents hashed by the verifier process on the cluster.

  • The number of collections scanned by the verifier process on the cluster.

  • The number of collections on the cluster to include in verification checks.

If the verification process finds errors, this fails the live migration.

The verification process requires a large oplog size on the destination cluster. Increase the minimum oplog window on the destination cluster, or set the oplog size to a high enough fixed value. Alternatively, verify data manually.

You can enable verification as part of the live migration process configuration in the Atlas UI. For exact steps, see Live Migrate (Pull) a MongoDB 6.0.17+ or 7.0.13+ Cluster into Atlas.


If you enable verification in the Atlas UI, and Atlas finds any inconsistencies during verification checks, the live migration fails. The verification process DOES NOT check for all possible data inconsistencies. Review limitations in this documentation to see what data the verification process does not support and manually verify this data.

If you disable automated verification in the live migration Atlas UI, you can create scripts for manual verification of the migrated data and use an alternative manual verification method to verify that your data is migrated successfully. To learn more about the alternative methods, see Cluster-to-Cluster Sync: Verify Data Transfer.

The verification process in live migration has the following limitations:

  • Verification is not available in versions earlier than 6.0.17.

  • Verification of sharded clusters is unsupported.

  • Verification runs on live migration (pull) and is not supported on live migration (push).

  • You can't resume a verification process. If you stop or pause the live migration process and then restart it, the verification process starts from the beginning.

  • The verification process doesn't check:

    • Sharded collections

    • Capped collections

    • Collections with TTL indexes

    • Collections that don't use the default collation

    • Views

    • Collection metadata

    • Indexes

To ensure a successful live migration and verify data for unsupported collections, indexes, and metadata, you can use one of the alternative verification methods described in Cluster-to-Cluster Sync: Verify Data Transfer.