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Helm Charts Quick Start

You can use Atlas Kubernetes Operator to manage resources in Atlas without leaving Kubernetes. This tutorial demonstrates how to create your first cluster in Atlas from Helm Charts with Atlas Kubernetes Operator.


Would you prefer to start without Helm?

To create your first cluster in Atlas from Kubernetes configuration files with Atlas Kubernetes Operator, see Quick Start.

This tutorial requires:

  • A running Kubernetes cluster with nodes running processors with the x86-64, AMD64, or ARM64 architecture.

You can access the Atlas Kubernetes Operator project on GitHub:


Custom Resources No Longer Delete Objects by Default

  • Atlas Kubernetes Operator uses custom resource configuration files to manage your Atlas configuration, but as of Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0, custom resources you delete in Kubernetes are no longer (by default) deleted in Atlas. Instead, Atlas Kubernetes Operator simply stops managing those resources in Atlas. For example, if you delete an AtlasProject Custom Resource in Kubernetes, by default the Atlas Kubernetes Operator no longer automatically deletes the corresponding project from Atlas. This change in behavior is intended to help prevent accidental or unexpected deletions. To learn more, including how to revert this behavior to the default used prior to Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0, see New Default: Deletion Protection in Atlas Kubernetes Operator 2.0.

    Similarly, Atlas Kubernetes Operator does not delete teams from Atlas if you remove them from an Atlas project in Kubernetes with the Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

  • Explicitly define your desired configuration details in order to avoid implicitly using default Atlas configuration values. In some cases, inheriting Atlas defaults may result in a reconciliation loop which can prevent your custom resource from achieving a READY state. For example, explicitly defining your desired autoscaling behavior in your AtlasDeployment custom resource, as shown in the included example, ensures that a static instance size in your custom resource is not being repeatedly applied to an Atlas deployment which has autoscaling enabled.

    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    scaleDownEnabled: true
    minInstanceSize: M30
    maxInstanceSize: M40

Register a new Atlas Account or Log in to Your Atlas Account.



You need the following public API key, private API key, and the organization ID information to configure Atlas Kubernetes Operator access to Atlas.

Grant Programmatic Access to an Organization and configure the API Access List.

You need the following public API key, private API key, and the organization ID information to configure Atlas Kubernetes Operator access to Atlas.


Run one of the following sets of commands:

  • If you want Atlas Kubernetes Operator to watch all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster, run the following commands:

    helm repo add mongodb
    helm install atlas-operator --namespace=atlas-operator --create-namespace mongodb/mongodb-atlas-operator
  • If you want Atlas Kubernetes Operator to watch a particular set of namespaces, set the --watchNamespaces flag to a comma-separated list of namespaces to be watched. For example, run the following command to watch only the atlas-operator namespace:

    helm install atlas-operator --namespace=atlas-operator --set watchNamespaces=atlas-operator --create-namespace mongodb/mongodb-atlas-operator
  1. Customize the Atlas project and its database users.


    You can find the following additional example Helm Charts in GitHub:

    • atlas-basic: A simple Atlas Kubernetes Operator deployment example that includes the creation of an Atlas project, cluster and a database user.

    • atlas-advanced: An extensible, advanced Atlas Kubernetes Operator example deployment with biolerplate related to multi-region deployments, autoscaling behavior and more.

    Create a file named install-values.yaml and paste the following example code, which does the following:

    • Sets the project name to My Project.

    • Allows all IP addresses ( to access the project.

    • Creates a database user named dbadmin that has the dbAdmin role.

    • Creates a database user named dbuser that has the readWrite role.

    project: # Project custom values
    atlasProjectName: "My Project"
    - cidrBlock: ""
    users: # Custom database users
    - username: dbadmin
    databaseName: admin
    - databaseName: admin-role
    roleName: dbAdmin
    - username: dbuser
    databaseName: admin
    - databaseName: user-role
    roleName: readWrite
  2. Run the following command.

    The --set and --values flags in the following command override the Values.yaml file values and default Helm Charts values with your organization ID, API keys, and Atlas project configuration.


    mongodb/atlas-deployment references the name of a chart in the repository.

    helm install atlas-deployment \
    mongodb/atlas-deployment \
    --namespace=my-cluster \
    --create-namespace \
    --set atlas.secret.orgId='<orgid>' \
    --set atlas.secret.publicApiKey='<publicKey>' \
    --set atlas.secret.privateApiKey='<privateApiKey>' \
    --values install-values.yaml

    To learn more about the available parameters, see AtlasDeployment Custom Resource.

    To create a Serverless instance, see the Serverless instance example.


Run the following command to wait for the dbadmin database user to become ready:

kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=10m -n my-cluster atlasdatabaseusers/atlas-deployment-dbadmin


The AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource waits until the database deployment is ready. Creating a new database deployment can take up to 10 minutes.



The following command requires jq 1.6 or higher.

Run the following command to retrieve the connection string and password for the dbadmin database user. Your connection strings will differ from the example output.

kubectl get secret -n my-cluster my-project-cluster-name-dbadmin -o json | jq -r '.data | with_entries(.value |= @base64d)';
"connectionStringStandard": "mongodb://admin-user:%25SomeLong%25password$,,",
"connectionStringStandardSrv": "mongodb+srv://admin-user:%25SomeLong%25password$",
"password": "%SomeLong%password$foradmin",
"username": "dbadmin"

You can use the following secret in your application:

- name: test-app
name: my-project-cluster-name-dbadmin
key: connectionStringStandardSrv