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Limits for Serverless Instances (deprecated)


As of February 2025, you can create Flex clusters, and can no longer create M2 and M5 clusters or Serverless instances in the Atlas UI, Atlas CLI, Atlas Administration API, Atlas Kubernetes Operator, HashiCorp Terraform, or Atlas CloudFormation Resources. You can still use existing M2 and M5 clusters and Serverless instances.

Atlas deprecated M2 and M5 clusters and Serverless instances. Beginning April 2, 2025, Atlas will automatically migrate all existing M2 and M5 clusters to Flex clusters.

For Serverless instances, beginning May 5 2025, Atlas will determine whether to migrate instances to Free clusters, Flex clusters, or Dedicated clusters according to your usage. To see which tiers Atlas will migrate your instances to, consult the All Clusters page in the Atlas UI.

Serverless instances don't currently support the Atlas features listed below. If you require these capabilities, please use a dedicated cluster.

Serverless instances don't support some features even though they are a part of the Stable API v1. We note unsupported features that are a part of the Stable API v1 inline.

MongoDB plans to add support for more configurations and actions on Serverless instances over time. Footnotes indicate that MongoDB plans to support the feature for Serverless instances in the future.

Currently, Serverless instances don't support the following configurations:

Currently, Serverless instances don't support the following actions:

[1] Coming soon.

Additionally, Serverless instances have the following operational limitations and considerations:


Serverless instances don't support the allowDiskUse option for the aggregation command, its helper method, or the cursor.allowDiskUse() query cursor method.

Serverless instances don't support the $out stage. Use $merge instead.

Aggregation fields on Serverless instances that represent database and collection names (such as $merge values) can't be expressions.

Serverless instances don't support these features even though they're a part of the Stable API v1.

Aggregation pipelines for Serverless instances don't support the $currentOp, $listLocalSessions, $listSessions, and $planCacheStats stages.

Aggregation pipelines for Serverless instances can have a maximum of 50 stages.


The $sort stage has a limit of 32 megabytes of RAM.


Serverless instances support the following authentication methods only:

  • Password (SCRAM-SHA-1)

  • X.509 Certificates


Build Index with Rolling Build

Serverless instances don't support building indexes with a rolling build.

Real-Time Performance Panel

Serverless instances don't provide access to the Real-Time Performance Panel.


Serverless instances don't routinely cap operation throughput. Atlas may throttle operations for your Serverless instance temporarily while the system scales.


Serverless instances can support up to 500 simultaneous connections.


Serverless instances can't use the noTimeout cursor option.

Database Commands

Some database commands have limitations for Serverless instances. To learn more, see Unsupported Commands in Serverless Instances.

You cannot create a capped collection or convert an existing collection to a capped collection.

Namespaces and Database Names

Atlas limits Serverless instance database names to 38 characters. In addition, namespace names (<database>.<collection>) cannot exceed 95 characters.

Database and Collections

Serverless instances have a maximum of 50 databases and 500 collections total.

Custom Roles

Changes to custom roles may take up to 30 seconds to deploy in Serverless instances.

Access to Collections in local, admin, and config Databases

Serverless instances don't allow:

  • Read access to the oplog or any other collection in the local database.

  • Write access to any collection in the local and config databases.

  • Read or write access to any collection in the admin database.

Atlas issues an error similar to the following if you attempt to read or write to collections in these databases:

command <cmd name> is not allowed in this Atlas tier
(Unauthorized) not authorized on <db name> to execute command
<cmd name>

Serverless instances don't support change streams.

Serverless instances don't support this feature even though it's a part of the Stable API v1.

Serverless instances don't support collation on collections, indexes, or queries.

Serverless instances don't support these features even though they're a part of the Stable API v1.

BSON Nested Object Depth

Serverless instances can't store documents with more than 50 nested levels.

Transaction Size

Serverless instances support multi-document transactions that are up to 700 MB in size. Atlas aborts any Serverless instance transactions that exceed 700 MB.

Write Concern

Serverless instances don't support a numeric write concern level greater than 1, or custom write concerns. Operations that use a write concern level greater than 1, or custom write concerns, might return an UnsatisfiableWriteConcern error. This behavior also applies to operations sent over a connection created with a write concern option.

For clusters other than M0, M2, or M5 clusters, you can verify whether you're using a write concern mode that Serverless instances don't support with the serverStatus command's opWriteConcernCounters field.

To connect to your Serverless instance using a driver, you must use at least one of the following versions:










1.11.0 (Extension)
1.10.0 (Library)






To connect to Serverless instances using mongosh, you must use version 1.0.0 or later.


You can't connect to Serverless instances using the legacy mongo shell.

To connect to Serverless instances using MongoDB Compass, you must use version 1.28 or later.

To import data using the MongoDB Tools, including mongodump, mongorestore, mongoexport, and mongoimport, you must have MongoDB Tools version 100.10.0 or later.

You can connect up to two private endpoints per Serverless instance. To learn more about private endpoints, see Learn About Private Endpoints in Atlas.