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Atlas User Roles

Atlas user roles define the actions Atlas users can perform in organizations, projects, or both. Organization and project Owners can manage Atlas users and their roles within their respective organizations and projects.

You can apply these permissions only on the the organization level or the project level. So, you should carefully plan the hierarchy of your organizations and projects. To learn more, see Cluster Management.

Organization Role (UI)
Organization Role (API, CLI)
Organization Owner


Grants root access to the organization, including:

  • Project Owner access to all projects in the organization, which grants database access, even if added to a project with a non-Owner role.

  • Privileges to administer organization settings.

  • Privileges to add, modify, or delete Atlas users and database users within the organization.

  • Privileges to delete the organization.

  • Privileges to add, modify, or delete resource tags.

  • All the privileges granted by the other organization roles combined.

Organization Project Creator


Grants the following access:

  • Privileges to create projects in the organization.

  • Privileges granted by the Organization Member role.

Organization Billing Admin


Grants the following access:

  • Privileges to administer billing information for the organization.

  • Privileges granted by the Organization Member role.

  • Privileges to create, edit, delete, acknowledge, and unacknowledge billing alerts.

Organization Billing Viewer


Grants the following access:

  • Privileges to view billing information for the organization.

  • Privileges granted by the Organization Member role.

Organization Read Only


Provides read-only access to the settings, users, and projects in the organization.

Organization Member


Provides read-only access to the settings and users in the organization and the projects they belong to.

Unlike Organization Read Only, an Organization Member can only access projects they have been explicitly added to.

For an Organization Member, within a project, the user has the privileges as determined by the user's project role. If a user's project role is Project Owner, then the user can add a new user to the project, which results in adding the newly-added user to the organization as well (if the newly added user is not already in the organization).

The following roles grant privileges within a project.

Project Role (UI)
Project Role (API, CLI)
Project Owner


Grants the privileges to perform the following actions:

Project Cluster Manager


A user with the Project Cluster Manager role can perform the following tasks:

The Project Cluster Manager role doesn't allow users to:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

Project Stream Processing Owner


A user with the Project Stream Processing Owner role can perform the following tasks:

The Project Stream Processing Owner role doesn't allow users to:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

Project Data Access Admin


Grants access to the Data Explorer.

Allows the user to perform the following Data Explorer actions:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role, and does not grant privileges to initiate backup or restore jobs.

Project Data Access Read/Write


Grants access to the Data Explorer; specifically, the privileges to perform the following through the Atlas UI:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

Project Data Access Read Only


Grants access to the Data Explorer; specifically, to perform the following actions through the Atlas UI:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

Project Database Access Admin


Grants access to do the following tasks:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

This role doesn't grant access to do the following tasks:

  • Create Atlas clusters.

  • Access the Data Explorer.

  • Retrieve process and audit logs.

Project Backup Manager


Grants access to do the following tasks:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

This role doesn't grant access to do the following tasks:

Project Observability Viewer


Grants access to do the following tasks:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.

This role doesn't grant access to do the following tasks:

  • Create Atlas clusters.

  • Access the Data Explorer.

  • Retrieve process and audit logs.

Project Read Only


Grants metadata view-only access to the project control plane for all of the projects in the organization, including: all activity, operational data, users, and user roles. The user, however, cannot access the Data Explorer or retrieve process and audit logs. The user can view cluster metric charts.

Grants access to MongoDB Charts only if invited to the project by a Project Owner. The user, however, cannot access data from Charts, unless the Project Owner also grants them data source access.

Project Search Index Editor


Grants the privileges to perform the following actions:

This role also grants all the privileges included with the Project Read Only role.