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Review Real-Time Metrics



Atlas supports real-time performance metrics for mongod or mongos processes and replica set clusters. For sharded clusters, you can view real-time peformance metrics for each shard replica set. You must have the Project Owner Atlas user role to access the Real Time tab.

To view real-time peformance metrics for a specific Atlas cluster in a project, click the View Monitoring button for that cluster. Alternatively, click on the name of the cluster to open the cluster overview, then click Real Time to open the Real-Time Performance Panel. Monitoring metrics in real-time allows you to respond to time-critical issues right away.

Monitor cluster metrics to identify performance issues and determine whether your current cluster meets your requirements. For more information on the metrics available to monitor your clusters, see Review Available Metrics.

For complete documentation on the Atlas real-time performance metrics, see Real-Time Performance Panel.


Monitoring Data Storage Granularity

Atlas stores metrics data at increasing granularity levels. For more information, see Monitoring Data Storage Granularity.