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Sample Restaurants Dataset

The sample_restaurants database contains two collections specifically designed to help familiarize you with GeoJSON data.

To learn how to load the sample data provided by Atlas into your cluster, see Load Sample Data.

The sample_restaurants database contains the following collections:

Collection Name

Contains details on restaurants.

Contains details on neighborhoods.

This collection contains account details for restaurants. Each document contains details on the restaurant such as its address, borough, review scores, its name, and the type of food it serves.

The sample_restaurants.restaurants collection contains the following indexes:



{ "_id": 1 }

Primary key index on the _id field.

"address": {
"building": "8825",
"coord": [-73.8803827, 40.7643124],
"street": "Astoria Boulevard",
"zipcode": "11369"
"borough": "Queens",
"cuisine": "American",
"grades": [ {
"date": {"$date": "2014-11-15T00:00:00.000Z"},
"grade": "Z",
"score": 38
"date": {"$date": "2014-05-02T00:00:00.000Z"},
"grade": "A",
"score": 10
"date": {"$date": "2013-03-02T00:00:00.000Z"},
"grade": "A",
"score": 7
"date": {"$date": "2012-02-10T00:00:00.000Z"},
"grade": "A",
"score": 13
"name": "Brunos On The Boulevard",
"restaurant_id": "40356151"

This collection contains details on the various neighborhoods of New York City neighborhoods. Each document contains the name of the neighborhood, and a geometry sub-document which contains the shape of the neighborhood.

These arrays of coordinates are typically used with the $geoWithin operator to query data that exists within a specified boundary.

The sample_restaurants.neighborhoods collection contains the following indexes:



{ "_id": 1 }

Primary key index on the _id field.

"geometry": {
"coordinates": [[
[-73.94193078816193, 40.70072523469547],
[-73.9443878859649, 40.70042452378256],
[-73.94424286147482, 40.69969927964773],
[-73.94409591260093, 40.69897295461309],
[-73.94394947271304, 40.69822127983908],
[-73.94193078816193, 40.70072523469547]