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Connect from Power BI Desktop (Windows)


Feature unavailable in Serverless Instances

Serverless instances don't support this feature at this time. To learn more, see Serverless Instance Limitations.


Atlas BI Connector is approaching end-of-life. It will be deprecated and no longer supported in June 2025.

MongoDB is transitioning away from the BI Connector for Atlas to Atlas SQL. To learn about transitioning to the new interface, see Transition from Atlas BI Connector to Atlas SQL.

For M10+ clusters that have enabled the BI Connector for Atlas, the Connect dialog box provides the details to connect via the BI Connector for Atlas.

To connect to the BI Connector for Atlas:


Click the Connect button for your cluster.


Select Standard Connection and click Choose a connection method.


Click Connect Your Business Intelligence Tool and use the provided connection information to connect with your BI tool.

For more information on connecting to the BI Connector for Atlas, see Connection Tutorials.


From the Home screen:

  1. Select the Get Data tab.

  2. Click More...

  3. Select ODBC from the list of data sources and click Connect.

  4. Select your ODBC data source name from the list and click OK.


The Power BI Navigator shows a list of databases. Select a database and one or more collections to work with. A preview of your data appears to the right.

Click Load when your selection is complete.


Your selected data is available for use with Power BI's visualization tools.

For more information on the MongoDB Connector for Business Intelligence, see MongoDB Connector for BI Manual.