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Insert and View a Document

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After you've connected to your Atlas cluster, you can interact with it. In this tutorial, you insert data into your cluster and read the new data by using mongosh, the Atlas UI, MongoDB Compass, or a supported MongoDB driver.

➤ Use the Select your language drop-down menu to set the method for this tutorial.

To interact with a cluster, you must be a database user.

Before you start, you must configure your preferred connection method. To learn more, see Connect to Your Cluster.

Atlas provides a GUI to interact with data in your cluster.

  1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it's not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it's not already displayed, click Clusters in the sidebar.

    The Clusters page displays.


Click the Browse Collections button for your cluster.

The Data Explorer displays.

  1. Click the + Create Database button.

  2. For the Database Name enter gettingStarted.

  3. For the Collection Name, enter people.

  4. Click Create to create the database and its first collection.

  1. Select the people collection if it's not selected.

  2. Click Insert Document.

  3. Click the JSON view ({}) to replace the default document.

  4. Paste the following code:

    "name": {
    "first": "Alan",
    "last": "Turing"
    "birth": { "$date": "1912-06-23" },
    "death": { "$date": "1954-06-07" },
    "contribs": [
    "Turing machine",
    "Turing test",
    "views": 1250000
  5. Click Insert to add the document.

  6. Click Insert Document.

  7. Click the JSON view ({}) to replace the default document.

  8. Paste the following code:

    "name": {
    "first": "Grace",
    "last": "Hopper"
    "birth": { "$date": "1906-12-09" },
    "death": { "$date": "1992-01-01" },
    "contribs": [
    "Mark I",
    "views": 3860000
  9. Click Insert to add the document.


In the Filter field, enter the following filter document to search the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing:

{ "name.last": "Turing" }

Click Apply to run the query and view the document that you inserted. You should see the following document in your query results:

_id: ObjectId('64d52c3c3db2144fc00791b9'},
name: Object
first: "Alan"
last: "Turing"
birth: 1912-06-23T06:00:00.000+00:00
death: 1954-06-07T05:00:00.000+00:00
contribs: Array
0: "Turing machine"
1: "Turing test"
2: "Turingery"
views: 1250000


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


In mongosh, run the following command:

use gettingStarted

This command creates a new database called gettingStarted and points your mongosh environment to that database.


In mongosh, run the following command to insert documents into your new database:

name: { first: 'Alan', last: 'Turing' },
birth: new Date('Jun 23, 1912'),
death: new Date('Jun 07, 1954'),
contribs: [ 'Turing machine', 'Turing test', 'Turingery' ],
views : Long(1250000)
name: { first: 'Grace', last: 'Hopper' },
birth: new Date('Dec 9, 1906'),
death: new Date('Jan 1, 1992'),
contribs: [ 'Mark I', 'UNIVAC', 'COBOL' ],
views : Long(3860000)
acknowledged: true,
insertedIds: {
'0': ObjectId('65c28946edcfbff3c7ce90c4'),
'1': ObjectId('65c28946edcfbff3c7ce90c5')


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.

This command creates a new collection in your gettingStarted database called people and inserts one document into that collection.


To view one of the documents that you just inserted into your cluster, run the following command to search the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing:

db.people.find({ "name.last": "Turing" })
_id: ObjectId("65c28946edcfbff3c7ce90c4"),
name: {
first: 'Alan',
last: 'Turing'
birth: ISODate("1912-06-23T04:00:00Z"),
death: ISODate("1954-06-07T04:00:00Z"),
contribs: [
'Turing machine',
'Turing test',
views: Long("1250000")


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data in MongoDB, see Query Documents.


Open MongoDB Compass and connect to your cluster. For detailed instructions on connecting, see Connect via Compass.

  1. From the Databases section in the left navigation, click .

  2. For the Database Name enter gettingStarted.

  3. For the Collection Name, enter people.

  4. Click Create Database to create the database and its first collection.

  1. In the left navigation, click the gettingStarted database.

  2. Select the people collection.

  3. In the Documents tab for the collection, click Add Data.

  4. Click Insert Document and paste the following code:

    "name": {
    "first": "Alan",
    "last": "Turing"
    "birth": { "$date": "1912-06-23" },
    "death": { "$date": "1954-06-07" },
    "contribs": [
    "Turing machine",
    "Turing test",
    "views": 1250000
  5. Click Insert to add the document.

  6. In the Documents tab for the collection, click Add Data.

  7. Click Insert Document and paste the following code:

    "name": {
    "first": "Grace",
    "last": "Hopper"
    "birth": { "$date": "1906-12-09" },
    "death": { "$date": "1992-01-01" },
    "contribs": [
    "Mark I",
    "views": 3860000
  8. Click Insert to add the document.


In the Filter field, enter the following filter document to search the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing:

{ "name.last": "Turing" }

Click Find to run the query and view the document that you inserted. You should see the following document in your query results:

_id: ObjectId('65c28c938dfecbc5fb1bd220'},
name: Object
first: "Alan"
last: "Turing"
birth: 1912-06-23T06:00:00.000+00:00
death: 1954-06-07T05:00:00.000+00:00
contribs: Array
0: "Turing machine"
1: "Turing test"
2: "Turingery"
views: 1250000


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more, see the Compass documentation.

The following sample application:

  • Imports mongodb packages and dependencies.

  • Establishes a connection to your Atlas cluster.

  • Inserts documents into a collection called people in the gettingStarted database.

  • Searches the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing and returns the document.

In your .NET/C# project with the driver and dependencies installed, copy the following code into the Program.cs file:


Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string.

1using MongoDB.Bson;
2using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
3using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions;
4using MongoDB.Driver;
6public class InsertData
8 // Replace the following with your Atlas connection string
9 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>";
11 public static void Main(string[] args)
12 {
13 // Connect to your Atlas cluster
14 var client = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString);
16 // Reference the database and collection to use
17 var database = client.GetDatabase("gettingStarted");
18 var peopleCollection = database.GetCollection<Person>("people");
20 // Create new documents
21 var newPerson = new List<Person>() {
22 new Person {
23 Name = new Name { First = "Alan", Last = "Turing" },
24 Birth = new DateTime(1912, 5, 23), // May 23, 1912
25 Death = new DateTime(1954, 5, 7), // May 7, 1954
26 Contribs = new string[] {"Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery"},
27 Views = 1250000
28 },new Person {
29 Name = new Name { First = "Grace", Last = "Hopper" },
30 Birth = new DateTime(1906, 12, 9), // Dec 9, 1906
31 Death = new DateTime(1992, 1, 1), // Jan 1, 1992
32 Contribs = new string[] {"Mark I", "UNIVAC", "COBOL"},
33 Views = 3860000
34 }
35 };
37 // Insert the documents into the specified collection
38 peopleCollection.InsertMany(newPerson);
40 // Find the document
41 var filter = Builders<Person>.Filter
42 .Eq(person => person.Name.Last, "Turing");
44 var document = peopleCollection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();
46 // Print the result
47 Console.WriteLine($"Document found:\n{document.ToBsonDocument()}");
48 }
51public class Person
53 public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
54 public Name Name { get; set; }
55 public DateTime Birth { get; set; }
56 public DateTime Death { get; set; }
57 public string[] Contribs { get; set; }
58 public int Views { get; set; }
60public class Name
62 public string First { get; set; }
63 public string Last { get; set; }

To run the sample application, use the following command:

dotnet run Program.cs
Document found:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("65c28fcf87156efe024c4558"), "Name" : { "First" : "Alan", "Last" : "Turing" }, "Birth" : ISODate("1912-05-23T06:00:00Z"), "Death" : ISODate("1954-05-07T05:00:00Z"), "Contribs" : ["Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery"], "Views" : 1250000 }


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data with C#, see the C# documentation.

The following sample application:

  • Establishes a connection to your Atlas cluster.

  • Inserts documents into a collection called people in the gettingStarted database.

  • Searches the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing and returns the document.

In your Go project with the driver and dependencies installed, create a file called insert-data.go and copy the following code into the file:


Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string.

1package main
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "time"
8 ""
9 ""
10 ""
13// Defines structure of documents in the people collection
14type Person struct {
15 Name Name
16 Birth time.Time
17 Death time.Time
18 Contribs []string
19 Views int
22type Name struct {
23 First string
24 Last string
27func main() {
29 // Replace the following with your Atlas connection string
30 uri := "<connection-string>"
32 // Connects to your Atlas cluster
33 client, err := mongo.Connect(options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
34 if err != nil {
35 panic(err)
36 }
37 defer client.Disconnect(context.TODO())
39 // References the database and collection to use
40 collection := client.Database("gettingStarted").Collection("people")
42 // Creates new documents
43 newPeople := []interface{}{
44 Person{
45 Name: Name{First: "Alan", Last: "Turing"},
46 Birth: time.Date(1912, 5, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), // May 23, 1912
47 Death: time.Date(1954, 5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), // May 7, 1954
48 Contribs: []string{"Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery"},
49 Views: 1250000,
50 },
51 Person{
52 Name: Name{First: "Grace", Last: "Hopper"},
53 Birth: time.Date(1906, 12, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), // Dec 9, 1906
54 Death: time.Date(1992, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), // Jan 1, 1992
55 Contribs: []string{"Mark I", "UNIVAC", "COBOL"},
56 Views: 3860000,
57 },
58 }
60 // Inserts the document into the specified collection
61 collection.InsertMany(context.TODO(), newPeople)
63 // Finds the document
64 collection = client.Database("gettingStarted").Collection("people")
65 filter := bson.D{{Key: "name.last", Value: "Turing"}}
67 var result Person
68 err = collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&result)
69 if err != nil {
70 panic(err)
71 }
73 // Prints results
74 fmt.Printf("Document Found:\n%+v\n", result)

To run the sample application, use the following command:

go run insert-data.go
Document Found:
{Name:{First:Alan Last:Turing} Birth:1912-05-23 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Death:1954-05-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC Contribs:[Turing machine Turing test Turingery] Views:1250000}


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data with Go, see the Go documentation.

The following sample application:

  • Imports mongodb packages and dependencies.

  • Establishes a connection to your Atlas cluster.

  • Inserts documents into a collection called people in the gettingStarted database.

  • Searches the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing and returns the document.

In your Java project with the driver and dependencies installed, create a file called and copy the following code into the file:


Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string.

1import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq;
2import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
3import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
4import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
5import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
6import com.mongodb.client.result.InsertManyResult;
7import com.mongodb.MongoException;
9import java.util.Arrays;
10import java.util.List;
11import java.util.Date;
12import java.time.Instant;
13import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
14import org.bson.Document;
16public class InsertData {
17 public static void main(String[] args) {
18 // Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string
19 String uri = "<connection-string>";
21 // Connect to your Atlas Cluster and insert a document
22 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
23 // Reference the database and collection to use
24 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("gettingStarted");
25 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("people");
27 // Create two documents
28 List<Document> peopleList = Arrays.asList(
29 new Document().append("name", new Document().append("first", "Alan").append("last", "Turing"))
30 .append("birth", Date.from(Instant.parse("1912-05-23T00:00:00.000+00:00")))
31 .append("death", Date.from(Instant.parse("1954-05-07T00:00:00.000+00:00")))
32 .append("contribs", Arrays.asList("Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery"))
33 .append("views", 1250000),
34 new Document().append("name", new Document().append("first", "Grace").append("last", "Hopper"))
35 .append("birth", Date.from(Instant.parse("1906-12-09T00:00:00.000+00:00")))
36 .append("death", Date.from(Instant.parse("1992-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00")))
37 .append("contribs", Arrays.asList("Mark I", "UNIVAC", "COBOL"))
38 .append("views", 3860000)
39 );
41 try {
42 // Insert the documents into the specified collection
43 InsertManyResult result = collection.insertMany(peopleList);
44 } catch (MongoException me) {
45 System.err.println("Unable to insert due to an error: " + me);
46 }
47 // Find the document
48 Document document = collection.find(eq("name.last", "Turing"))
49 .first();
51 // Print results
52 if (document == null) {
53 System.out.println("No results found.");
54 } else {
55 System.out.println("Document found:");
56 System.out.println(document.toJson());
57 }
58 }
59 }

Then, compile and run the file:

java InsertData
Document found:
{"_id": {"$oid": "64d52c3c3db2144fc00791b9"}, "name": {"first": "Alan", "last": "Turing"}, "birth": {"$date": {"$numberLong": "-1815328800000"}}, "death": {"$date": {"$numberLong": "-491338800000"}}, "contribs": ["Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery"], "views": 1250000}


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data with Java, see the Java documentation.

The following sample application:

  • Establishes a connection to your Atlas cluster.

  • Inserts documents into a collection called people in the gettingStarted database.

  • Searches the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing and returns the document.

Create a file called insert-data.js and copy the following code into the file:


Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string.

1const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
3// Replace the following with your Atlas connection string
4const uri =
5 "<connection-string>";
7const client = new MongoClient(uri);
9 async function run() {
10 try {
11 // Connect to the Atlas cluster
12 await client.connect();
14 // Get the database and collection on which to run the operation
15 const db = client.db("gettingStarted");
16 const col = db.collection("people");
18 // Create new documents
19 const peopleDocuments = [
20 {
21 "name": { "first": "Alan", "last": "Turing" },
22 "birth": new Date(1912, 5, 23), // May 23, 1912
23 "death": new Date(1954, 5, 7), // May 7, 1954
24 "contribs": [ "Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery" ],
25 "views": 1250000
26 },
27 {
28 "name": { "first": "Grace", "last": "Hopper" },
29 "birth": new Date(1906, 12, 9), // Dec 9, 1906
30 "death": new Date(1992, 1, 1), // Jan 1, 1992
31 "contribs": [ "Mark I", "UNIVAC", "COBOL" ],
32 "views": 3860000
33 }
34 ]
36 // Insert the documents into the specified collection
37 const p = await col.insertMany(peopleDocuments);
39 // Find the document
40 const filter = { "name.last": "Turing" };
41 const document = await col.findOne(filter);
43 // Print results
44 console.log("Document found:\n" + JSON.stringify(document));
46 } catch (err) {
47 console.log(err.stack);
48 }
50 finally {
51 await client.close();
52 }

To run the sample application, use the following command:

node insert-data.js
Document found:
{"_id":"65c296ae128a3f34abda47e0","name":{"first":"Alan","last":"Turing"},"birth":"1912-06-23T06:00:00.000Z","death":"1954-06-07T05:00:00.000Z","contribs":["Turing machine","Turing test","Turingery"],"views":1250000}


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data with Node.js, see the Node.js documentation.

The following sample application:

  • Establishes a connection to your Atlas cluster.

  • Inserts documents into a collection called people in the gettingStarted database.

  • Searches the people collection for documents that have a name.last value of Turing and returns the document.

In your Python project with the driver and dependencies installed, create a file called and copy the following code into the file:


Replace the placeholder with your Atlas connection string.

1import pymongo
2import datetime
4# connect to your Atlas cluster
5client = pymongo.MongoClient('<connection-string>')
7# get the database and collection on which to run the operation
8collection = client['gettingStarted']['people']
10# create new documents
11peopleDocuments = [
12 {
13 "name": { "first": "Alan", "last": "Turing" },
14 "birth": datetime.datetime(1912, 6, 23),
15 "death": datetime.datetime(1954, 6, 7),
16 "contribs": [ "Turing machine", "Turing test", "Turingery" ],
17 "views": 1250000
18 },
19 {
20 "name": { "first": "Grace", "last": "Hopper" },
21 "birth": datetime.datetime(1906, 12, 9),
22 "death": datetime.datetime(1992, 1, 1),
23 "contribs": [ "Mark I", "UNIVAC", "COBOL" ],
24 "views": 3860000
25 }
28# insert documents
31# find documents
32result = collection.find_one({ "name.last": "Turing" })
34# print results
35print("Document found:\n", result)

To run the sample application, use the following command:

Document found:
'_id': ObjectId('65c2a8188388383b00a85b1f'),
'name': {
'first': 'Alan',
'last': 'Turing'
'birth': datetime.datetime(1912, 6, 23, 0, 0),
'death': datetime.datetime(1954, 6, 7, 0, 0),
'contribs': [
'Turing machine',
'Turing test',
'views': 1250000


You might see a different value for ObjectId, because it is a system-generated value.


To learn more about querying data with PyMongo, see the PyMongo documentation.

If you continue to grow your cluster, consider scaling your cluster to support more users and operations.

You can load a sample dataset to quickly start experimenting with data in MongoDB and using tools such as the Atlas UI and MongoDB Charts. To learn more, see Load Data into Atlas.

You can also generate synthetic data. To learn more, see Generate Synthetic Data.