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MongoDB Atlas

Integrate with Third-Party Services

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  • View or Modify Third-Party Settings

You can integrate Atlas with third-party monitoring services to receive Atlas alerts in various external monitoring services, and to view and analyze performance metrics that Atlas collects about your cluster.


Currently, Serverless instance metrics don't support any third-party services (for example, Datadog).

To view third-party integration settings, you must have Organization Owner or Project Owner access to the project.


Before you run any Atlas CLI commands, you must:

To create or update a Datadog integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations create DATADOG [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations create DATADOG.

To create or update an Opsgenie integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations create OPS_GENIE [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations create OPS_GENIE.

To create or update a PagerDuty integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations create PAGER_DUTY [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations create PAGER_DUTY.

To create or update a VictorOps integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations create VICTOR_OPS [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations create VICTOR_OPS.

To create or update a webhook integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations create WEBHOOK [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations create WEBHOOK.

To list all third-party integrations for a project using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations list [options]

To return the details for one third-party integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations describe <integrationType> [options]

To learn more about the syntax and parameters for the previous commands, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations list and atlas integrations describe.


See: Related Links

To delete a third-party integration using the Atlas CLI, run the following command:

atlas integrations delete <integrationType> [options]

To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation for atlas integrations delete.

To modify third-party integration settings using the Atlas UI:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it's not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. Next to the Projects menu, expand the Options menu, then click Integrations.

    The Project Integrations page displays.


Click Configure for the third-party service you wish to modify. You can set one or more of the following:

Third-Party Service
Configuration Details

Datadog Settings

Configures Atlas to send metric data about your deployment to Datadog. You can view these metrics in your Datadog dashboards. To discover the detailed list of all Atlas metrics that Datadog tracks, refer to the Datadog Integration page.

  • If you have a Datadog account, use Datadog to begin tracking your Atlas metric data.

  • If you do not have an existing Datadog account, sign up for one.

  • Datadog API Key

  • API Region

    Atlas supports the following Datadog regions in the Atlas UI:

    • US1

    • US3

    • US5

    • EU1

    • AP1

    Datadog uses US1 by default.

    To learn more about Datadog's regions, see Datadog Sites.

Microsoft Teams Settings

Configures Atlas to send alerts about your project to your Microsoft Teams channel. You can view these alerts in the Adaptive Card displayed in your channel.

To send alert notifications to a Microsoft Teams channel, you must create a Microsoft Teams incoming webhook. After creating the webhook, you can use the automatically generated URL to configure your Microsoft Teams integration in Atlas.

To setup the integration, see Integrate with Microsoft Teams.

New Relic Settings

IMPORTANT: Effective Wednesday, June 16th, 2021, New Relic no longer supports the plugin-based integration with MongoDB. We do not recommend that you sign up for the plugin-based integration. To learn more, see the New Relic Plugin EOL Statement.

Configures Atlas to send metric data about your deployment to New Relic for viewing through the New Relic MongoDB plugin. You can also use Insights for New Relic to run analytics on the collected data. Atlas sends New Relic the same metric data as displayed in Atlas cluster metrics.

  • If you have a New Relic account, enter the following information:

    • Account ID

    • License Key

    • Insights API Insert Key

    • Insights API Query Key

  • If you don't have a New Relic account, sign up for one.

If any of the keys later become invalid, Atlas sends an email to the project owner and eventually removes the invalid credentials.

OpsGenie API Key

Sets an API key for the OpsGenie Alert API. This will be used as the default OpsGenie API key when configuring alerts. (Note that this integration will send the alert to the configured account, not the team.)

  • If you have an OpsGenie account, enter the following information:

    • OpsGenie integration API Key, which OpsGenie provides after you create an API integration under an OpsGenie team. You cannot use general OpsGenie account API keys for Atlas integration.

    • API Region (United States or Europe)

  • If you don't have an OpsGenie account, sign up for one.

PagerDuty Service Key

Sets a default service key for alert notifications sent to a PagerDuty account. Atlas enters the key by default when you add a PagerDuty notification to an alert configuration. If you add PagerDuty notifications and if the key used to send the notifications becomes invalid, Atlas sends an email to the project owner and eventually removes the key.

Users can acknowledge PagerDuty alerts only from the PagerDuty dashboard.

All new PagerDuty keys use their Events API v2.

If you have an Events API v1 key, you can continue to use that key with Atlas.

Slack Settings

Sets a team name, API token and a channel name for alert notifications sent to a Slack account. To configure a Slack integration with OAuth2, click Configure and then Sign in with Slack.

When you sign in, you are taken to a Slack landing page where you may select a workspace and configure permissions. After configuring Slack to connect to Atlas, your API token is automatically generated and maintained. Atlas redirects you back to the Integrations page.

After initially configuring Slack with Atlas, you can Edit or Remove the integration. When you edit the integration, Atlas displays your team name and API token, and allow you to change your channel name.

IMPORTANT: Atlas deprecated legacy tokens. You can't configure a new Slack integration with legacy tokens or edit any existing legacy tokens. You can continue to use legacy tokens if you used them to configure a Slack integration prior to deprecation. However, you must reconfigure your Slack integration with OAuth2 if you need to edit your token configuration.

SumoLogic Settings

Connects you to the relevant SumoLogic documentation for configuring SumoLogic with Atlas. You don't need to configure any settings within Atlas to set up a SumoLogic integration.

VictorOps Settings

Sets an API key and Routing key for alert notifications sent to a Splunk On-Call (formerly VictorOps) account. Atlas uses this information as the default settings when configuring alerts.

Webhook Settings

Adds a Webhook URL endpoint to which Atlas can send alert notifications for programmatic processing. Atlas sends an alert notification as an HTTP POST request. The request body contains a JSON document that uses the same format as the Atlas Administration API Alerts resource.

Atlas adds a request header called X-MMS-Event to distinguish between various alert states. The possible values for this header are:

The alert was just opened.


The alert was resolved.


A previously opened alert is still open.


The alert was acknowledged.


The alert became invalid and was canceled.


Represents an informational alert, which is a Continuous Cloud Backup event, such as "Primary Elected."

If you specify a key in the Webhook Secret field, Atlas adds the X-MMS-Signature request header. This header contains the Base64-encoded HMAC-SHA-1 signature of the request body. Atlas creates the signature using the provided secret.

To send alert notifications to a Webhook, select the Webhook notification option when creating or editing an alert. If you add a Webhook notification and the URL or optional key becomes invalid, Atlas sends an email to the project owner and eventually removes the Webhook settings.

IMPORTANT: If your firewall configuration requires it, allow access from Atlas IP addresses so that Atlas can communicate with your webhook.

Prometheus Settings

Configures Atlas to send metric data about your deployment to your Prometheus instance. To learn more, see Integrate with Prometheus.


If this table didn't show a European integration point for service, Atlas doesn't support one. At this time, only OpsGenie and DataDog offer separate European integration points.


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