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Natural Language Charts

Natural language charts simplifies the chart creation process. It supports the following chart types, which are built with series and aggregation encoding channels:

  • Grouped Bar

  • Stacked Bar

  • Stacked 100% Bar

  • Grouped Column

  • Stacked Column

  • Stacked 100% Column

  • Discrete Line

  • Discrete Area

  • Stacked 100% Area

  • Number

  • Table

  • Donut

These types of charts support boolean, date, string, and number filtering, sorting, binning, and limiting.

After you enter a prompt about a chart you would like to see, the AI model creates the chart.

  1. From the Dashboards page, select the dashboard where you want to add a new chart. For instructions on setting up a dashboard, see Dashboards.

  2. Click the Add Chart button.

  3. In the Select Data Source modal, click the Project tab.

  4. In the cluster where you loaded the sample data, select the listingsAndReviews collection in the sample_airbnb database.

  5. Toggle the switch on the top navigation from Classic to Natural Language.

    When you toggle this, you must click the Use Natural Language Mode button in the Natural Language Mode modal to accept the MongoDB Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy.

    Natural Language Mode Modal
    click to enlarge

    If you click Back to Classic Mode, Atlas Charts switches you back to Classic mode.


    You can seamlessly switch between Classic and Natural Language mode. Atlas Charts retains the prompts and suggestions when you change modes as long as you keep the encoding and filter tabs the same in the chart builder.


In the Prompt box, specify the chart you want Atlas Charts to create.

We recommend that you write clear prompts and tag the fields from your collection with @. The following list provides examples of clear prompts:

  • Use a line chart to display trends in quarterly sales data.

  • Display monthly sales revenue for the last year.

  • Visualize weekly sales data in year 2022 using a discrete line chart.

  • Show the age distribution of our customers.

  • Show me the top 3 property_type and all other properties grouped together with the highest price.


Your prompt cannot exceed 500 characters.

If you're unsure of what chart you would like to see, you can choose one of the Suggested Prompts and click Select.


If your Suggested Prompts section doesn't load, click Retry.

Natural Language Charts Suggested Prompts Load Error
click to enlarge

Atlas Charts displays your chart and also generates a title based on your prompt.


To customize your chart, toggle the switch on the top navigation from Natural Language to Classic.


On the bottom-left corner of your generated chart, click the thumbs up or thumbs down button.


If you want to prevent users in your project from using AI features, disable the AI feature:


Click AI features under the Settings heading in the sidebar.

The AI Features page displays.


If you want to prevent users in your organization from using AI features, disable the AI feature:

  1. If it's not already displayed, select your desired organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Click the Organization Settings icon next to the Organizations menu.

    The Organization Settings page displays.


Set the Enable Atlas features that use generative AI toggle to off.

To learn more, see New Intelligent Developer Experiences Compass Atlas Charts Relational Migrator and AI and Data Usage Information.