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Configure Embedding Authentication Providers

On this page

  • Considerations
  • Atlas App Services Providers
  • Google Providers
  • JWT Providers
  • Procedures
  • View Authentication Providers
  • Add an Authentication Provider
  • Modify an Authentication Provider
  • Delete an Authentication Provider
  • Generate an Embedding Key

Atlas Charts uses tokens passed with the Embedding SDK to authenticate users who want to view embedded charts or dashboards that require authentication.

Charts doesn't render the chart or dashboard in any of the following scenarios:

  • The details in the token don't match criteria you specify.

  • The token is invalid.

  • A token isn't present.

  • You must be an Atlas Project Owner to configure embedding authentication providers for your linked Charts instance.

  • Charts supports these authentication providers:

    • Atlas App Services

    • Google

    • Custom JWT

Charts considers tokens from App Services providers valid if they:

  • Are syntactically valid JWTs.

  • Are issued by the relevant authority.

  • Match the App Services App ID you configure the provider to accept.

Charts considers tokens from Google providers valid if they:

  • Are syntactically valid JWTs.

  • Are issued by the relevant authority.

  • Match the Google Client ID you configure the provider to accept.

Charts considers tokens from JWT providers valid if they:

  • Contain an expiration time claim with a time and date in the future.


    Your application must handle refreshing tokens before they expire.

  • Contain an issued at time claim with a time and date in the past.

  • Have a token lifetime of less than or equal to 24 hours. The token lifetime is the difference between the issued at time claim and the expiration time claim.


    Charts rejects a token containing the following claims because the token lifetime of one year is too long:

    "iat": "1587497399",
    "exp": "1617305399"

    Charts can accept a token containing the following claims because the token lifetime of 24 hours is acceptable:

    "iat": "1585769399",
    "exp": "1586002999"
  • Are signed using either the HS256 or RS256 signing algorithm.

  • Are signed with a key that can be verified by the secret you provide when you configure the custom JWT authentication provider.

  • Contain an audience claim that matches the one you specified when you configure the provider, if applicable.

To view the embedding authentication providers you have configured:


If Atlas Charts is not already displayed, click the Charts tab in the Atlas UI.

Atlas launches an instance of Charts linked to your project.


Click Embedding under the Development heading in the sidebar.

The Embedding page displays.



You must be a Project Owner to access the Authentication Settings page. As a non-admin user, you can still use embedded charts, but you must get a key from a Project Owner.

Click the Authentication Settings tab.

The Authentication Settings tab displays.


To add an embedding authentication provider:


If Atlas Charts is not already displayed, click the Charts tab in the Atlas UI.

Atlas launches an instance of Charts linked to your project.


Click Embedding under the Development heading in the sidebar.

The Embedding page displays.



You must be a Project Owner to access the Authentication Settings page. As a non-admin user, you can still use embedded charts, but you must get a key from a Project Owner.

Click the Authentication Settings tab.

The Authentication Settings tab displays.

  1. From the Authentication providers section, click Add.

  2. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the provider.

  3. From the Provider list, select the type of provider you want to add.

  4. Configure Charts to verify tokens from the provider.

    The values you must enter differ based on the provider you selected:


    Custom JWT

    Provide the following values:


    Signing Algorithm

    Signing Key

    Secret or key used to validate the JWT signature. If tokens are not signed, Charts considers them invalid. If you provide an incorrect key, Charts is unable to verify token signatures and considers them invalid.

    The value you must provide depends on the Signing Algorithm:

    • HS256: enter the secret key used to sign the JWT.

    • RS256: Select either JWK or JWKS URL or PEM Public Key.

      If you select JWK or JWKS URL, Charts retrieves the key from the JWK or JWKS file at the specified URL. Charts then uses the key to validate the JSON web token. If there are multiple keys in the file, Charts tries each key until it finds a match. Enter the URL that contains the JWK or JWKS file.

      If you choose PEM Public Key, Charts uses the specified public key to verify the JSON web token. Enter the public key of the key pair used to sign the JWT. The public key must be in PEM format, as shown in the following example:

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Audience (Optional)

    Audience claim that must be present in the JWT for Charts to consider it valid.


    In the Client ID field, enter your application's Google Client ID, in the following format:


    Atlas App Services

    Provide the following values:



    Project that contains your app service.

    App Service

    App service that's issuing the user token.

    Fetch data using Atlas App Services (Optional)

    Toggle to enable Charts to fetch user data and rules from an app service.

    If enabled, Charts retrieves data from the service you specify in the App Service Name field.

    Enabling this option allows you to define rules in Atlas App Services to control the data that Charts displays for specific collections or users.

    For more information, see Filter Incoming Queries in the App Services documentation.

    App Service Name

    The name of the service in your app service that Charts uses to retrieve the data for your chart. For example, mongodb-atlas.

  5. Click Save.

To modify an embedding authentication provider:


If Atlas Charts is not already displayed, click the Charts tab in the Atlas UI.

Atlas launches an instance of Charts linked to your project.


Click Embedding under the Development heading in the sidebar.

The Embedding page displays.



You must be a Project Owner to access the Authentication Settings page. As a non-admin user, you can still use embedded charts, but you must get a key from a Project Owner.

Click the Authentication Settings tab.

The Authentication Settings tab displays.

  1. From the Embedding providers section, click Edit next to the provider you want to modify.

  2. Modify the values that Charts uses to verify tokens from the provider.

    See Add an Authentication Provider for the values you can modify for the provider type you configured.

  3. Click Save.

To delete an embedding authentication provider:


If Atlas Charts is not already displayed, click the Charts tab in the Atlas UI.

Atlas launches an instance of Charts linked to your project.


Click Embedding under the Development heading in the sidebar.

The Embedding page displays.



You must be a Project Owner to access the Authentication Settings page. As a non-admin user, you can still use embedded charts, but you must get a key from a Project Owner.

Click the Authentication Settings tab.

The Authentication Settings tab displays.


From the Embedding providers section, click Delete next to the provider you want to delete.



After you delete a provider, all embedded charts that the deleted provider authenticated no longer render.


Only users with the Project Owner role can see this section.


Embedding keys are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Embedding Authentication Providers and the Embedding SDK instead.

Embedding keys are necessary for generating and verifying digital signatures of charts embedded using the Verified Signature` mode.

To generate a new embedding key, click the Generate New Key button on the right side of the page.


If you generate a new key, any previous keys become invalid. Ensure that all the existing embedded charts that use an old key are updated to use the new key.


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