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Create or Import a MongoDB Deployment

Deployment Prerequisites
System and Network requirements for Cloud Manager and its Agents.
Provision Servers
Provision servers for MongoDB deployments.
Add Existing MongoDB Processes to Cloud Manager
Add existing MongoDB deployment to Cloud Manager.
Deploy a Replica Set
Use Cloud Manager to deploy a managed replica set.
Deploy a Sharded Cluster
Use Cloud Manager to deploy a managed sharded cluster.
Deploy a Standalone MongoDB Instance
For testing and development, create a new standalone MongoDB instance.
Install the Kubernetes Operator
Install a Kubernetes Operator to help manage MongoDB deployments.
Deploy MongoDB Resources Using Kubernetes
Use the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to deploy MongoDB resources.
Deploy a BI Connector
Use Cloud Manager to deploy a service to translate SQL queries to MongoDB aggregation pipelines.
Connect to a MongoDB Process
Connect to a MongoDB deployment managed by Cloud Manager.
Interact with Your Data
View collection and index information for your MongoDB deployments.