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Configure Telemetry Options

Compass collects anonymous aggregated usage data to improve MongoDB products. Compass collects this information by default, but you can disable this data collection.

Compass telemetry tracks the following data:

  • The type of MongoDB deployment that you connect Compass to. For example, Enterprise Edition, Community Edition, or Atlas Data Lake.

  • Hostnames of the deployments that you connect Compass to.

  • Actions that you perform in Compass, such as creating collections and indexes. Telemetry only tracks the general action performed, and does not track field values or namespaces.

  • Anonymized queries run in Compass. These queries are stored such that they cannot be associated to individual users.

  • Errors.

Compass does not track:

  • IP addresses, usernames, or credentials

  • Data stored in your MongoDB deployment

  • Personal identifiable information

For more information, see MongoDB's Privacy Policy.


Compass Isolated Edition automatically disables telemetry. For more information on different Compass editions, see Capabilities of Compass Editions.

You can toggle telemetry in either:

To toggle telemetry from the Compass settings:

Settings gear icon location on MongoDB Compass UI

Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to open the Settings panel:

  • Windows / Linux: Ctrl + ,

  • Mac: + ,

Compass opens a dialog box where you can configure your MongoDB Compass settings.


To disable telemetry from the command line, start Compass with the --no-trackUsageStatistics option.

<path-to-Compass-executable> --no-trackUsageStatistics


The name and filepath of the Compass executable depend on your operating system. For more information, see Compass Executable Location.

To disable telemetry from the Compass configuration file, set trackUsageStatistics to false.

{ "trackUsageStatistics": false }
trackUsageStatistics: false