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MongoDB Compass

Export Aggregation Pipeline Results

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To use your aggregated data in other external tools, you can export your pipeline results from MongoDB Compass as a JSON or CSV file.

Avoid using CSV files exports to back up your data. CSV files may lose type information and are not suitable for backing up your data.


In the top right of the aggregation pipeline builder, click the Export button to open the modal.

Export button on aggregation pipeline

Under Export File Type, select either JSON or CSV. If you select JSON, your data is exported to the target file as an array of JSON objects.


If choose to export your data as a JSON file, you can expand the Advanced JSON Format drop-down menu and select from the following extended JSON formats:

JSON Format
Sample Document
Default Extended JSON
A string format that avoids any loss of BSON type information. This is the default Compass setting.
"fortyTwo" : 42,
"oneHalf" : 0.5,
"bignumber" : {
"$numberLong" : "5000000000"
Relaxed Extended JSON

A string format that emphasizes readability and interoperability at the expense of type preservation. That is, conversion from relaxed format to BSON can lose type information.

WARNING: This format is not recommended for data integrity.

"fortyTwo" : 42,
"oneHalf": 0.5,
"bignumber" : 5000000000
Canonical Extended JSON
A string format that emphasizes type preservation at the expense of readability and interoperability. That is, conversion from canonical to BSON will generally preserve type information except in certain specific cases.
"fortyTwo" : {
"$numberInt" : "42"
"oneHalf" : {
"$numberDouble" : "0.5"
"bignumber" : {
"$numberLong" : "5000000000"

In the new pop-up modal, enter a name for your export file, specify the file destination, and click Select to export your pipeline results.

  • Export Data from a Collection

  • Export Pipeline to Specific Language


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