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Backup Methods for a Self-Managed Deployment

On this page

  • Back Up with MongoDB Cloud Manager or Ops Manager
  • Back Up by Copying Underlying Data Files
  • Back Up with mongodump
  • Compare Backup Methods

When deploying MongoDB in production, you should have a strategy for capturing and restoring backups in the case of data loss events.

This page covers backup methods for self-managed deployments.

To learn more about Backup Methods for deployments hosted in MongoDB Atlas, see Back Up, Restore, and Archive Data.

MongoDB Cloud Manager is a hosted back up, monitoring, and automation service for MongoDB. MongoDB Cloud Manager supports backing up and restoring MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters from a graphical user interface.


To back up your replica sets and sharded clusters using MongoDB Cloud Manager, you must be using MongoDB Enterprise Server. For more information, see Install MongoDB Enterprise.

The MongoDB Cloud Manager supports the backing up and restoring of MongoDB deployments.

MongoDB Cloud Manager continually backs up MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters by reading the oplog data from your MongoDB deployment. MongoDB Cloud Manager creates snapshots of your data at set intervals, and can also offer point-in-time recovery of MongoDB replica sets and sharded clusters.


Sharded cluster snapshots are difficult to achieve with other MongoDB backup methods.

To get started with MongoDB Cloud Manager Backup, sign up for MongoDB Cloud Manager. For documentation on MongoDB Cloud Manager, see the MongoDB Cloud Manager documentation.

With Ops Manager, MongoDB subscribers can install and run the same core software that powers MongoDB Cloud Manager on their own infrastructure. Ops Manager is an on-premises solution that has similar functionality to MongoDB Cloud Manager and is available with Enterprise Advanced subscriptions.

For more information about Ops Manager, see the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced page and the Ops Manager Manual.


Considerations for Encrypted Storage Engines using AES256-GCM

For encrypted storage engines that use AES256-GCM encryption mode, AES256-GCM requires that every process use a unique counter block value with the key.

For encrypted storage engine configured with AES256-GCM cipher:

  • Restoring from Hot Backup
    Starting in 4.2, if you restore from files taken via "hot" backup (i.e. the mongod is running), MongoDB can detect "dirty" keys on startup and automatically rollover the database key to avoid IV (Initialization Vector) reuse.
  • Restoring from Cold Backup

    However, if you restore from files taken via "cold" backup (i.e. the mongod is not running), MongoDB cannot detect "dirty" keys on startup, and reuse of IV voids confidentiality and integrity guarantees.

    Starting in 4.2, to avoid the reuse of the keys after restoring from a cold filesystem snapshot, MongoDB adds a new command-line option --eseDatabaseKeyRollover. When started with the --eseDatabaseKeyRollover option, the mongod instance rolls over the database keys configured with AES256-GCM cipher and exits.

In general, if using filesystem based backups for MongoDB Enterprise, use the "hot" backup feature, if possible.

You can create a backup of a MongoDB deployment by making a copy of MongoDB's underlying data files.

If the volume where MongoDB stores its data files supports point-in-time snapshots, you can use these snapshots to create backups of a MongoDB system at an exact moment in time. File system snapshots are an operating system volume manager feature, and are not specific to MongoDB. With file system snapshots, the operating system takes a snapshot of the volume to use as a baseline for data backup. The mechanics of snapshots depend on the underlying storage system. For example, on Linux, the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) can create snapshots. Similarly, Amazon's EBS storage system for EC2 supports snapshots.

To get a correct snapshot of a running mongod process, you must have journaling enabled and the journal must reside on the same logical volume as the other MongoDB data files. Without journaling enabled, there is no guarantee that the snapshot will be consistent or valid.

To get a consistent snapshot of a sharded cluster, you must disable the balancer and capture a snapshot from every shard as well as a config server at approximately the same moment in time. To backup sharded clusters, see Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump.

For more information, see the Back Up and Restore a Self-Managed Deployment with Filesystem Snapshots and Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with File System Snapshots for complete instructions on using LVM to create snapshots.

If your storage system does not support snapshots, you can copy the files directly using cp, rsync, or a similar tool. Since copying multiple files is not an atomic operation, you must stop all writes to the mongod before copying the files. Otherwise, you will copy the files in an invalid state.

Backups produced by copying the underlying data do not support point in time recovery for replica sets and are difficult to manage for larger sharded clusters. Additionally, these backups are larger because they include the indexes and duplicate underlying storage padding and fragmentation. mongodump, by contrast, creates smaller backups.

mongodump reads data from a MongoDB database and creates high fidelity BSON files which the mongorestore tool can use to populate a MongoDB database. mongodump and mongorestore are simple and efficient tools for backing up and restoring small MongoDB deployments, but are not ideal for capturing backups of larger systems.

mongodump and mongorestore operate against a running mongod process, and can manipulate the underlying data files directly. By default, mongodump does not capture the contents of the local database.

mongodump only captures the documents in the database. The resulting backup is space efficient, but mongorestore or mongod must rebuild the indexes after restoring data.

When connected to a MongoDB instance, mongodump can adversely affect mongod performance. If your data is larger than system memory, the queries will push the working set out of memory, causing page faults.

Applications can continue to modify data while mongodump captures the output. For replica sets, mongodump provides the --oplog option to include in its output oplog entries that occur during the mongodump operation. This allows the corresponding mongorestore operation to replay the captured oplog. To restore a backup created with --oplog, use mongorestore with the --oplogReplay option.

However, for replica sets, consider MongoDB Cloud Manager or Ops Manager.

To backup sharded clusters, see Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump.


To use mongodump and mongorestore as a backup strategy for sharded clusters, see Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump.

Sharded clusters can also use one of the following coordinated backup and restore processes, which maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards:

See Back Up and Restore a Self-Managed Deployment with MongoDB Tools and Back Up a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with a Database Dump for more information.

The following table compares backup methods for on-premises deployments. You can use it as guidance for developing your own data-protection approaches.

Backup Considerations
Cloud Manager/Ops Manager
Filesystem Snapshot

Backup RTO

Low/depends on snapshot store type



Backup RPO




Backup storage cost

Low/depends on snapshot store type



Staff Time to Manage Backups

None/depends on snapshot store type



Continually Point-in-Time backup and restore




Complexity of the restore

Low if deployment is under automation

High for a sharded cluster


Complexity of a sharded cluster backup


High, requires extra steps

High, requires extra steps

Impact of the backup to the source sharded cluster deployment


High, requires write lock

High, requires write lock

Consistencies in the sharded cluster backup


Not guaranteed, use fsync or db.fsyncLock() to reduce inconsistencies

Not guaranteed, use fsync or db.fsyncLock() to reduce inconsistencies

Incremental backup

Yes, daily incremental backup and weekly full backup

Depends on storage and tool


Define scope of backups



