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mongosh Method

This page documents a mongosh method. This is not the documentation for a language-specific driver, such as Node.js.

For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific MongoDB driver documentation.

Prints the data distribution statistics for a sharded collection.

This method is available in deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud


This command is not supported in M0, M2, M5, and Flex clusters. For more information, see Unsupported Commands.

The getShardDistribution() method has the following form:



The behavior of getShardDistribution() changed in MongoDB Shell version 2.3.3:

  • Starting in MongoDB Shell version 2.3.3, getShardDistribution() only contains regular sharded data and does not account for orphaned documents.

  • Prior to MongoDB Shell version 2.3.3, getShardDistribution() accounts for both regular sharded data and orphaned documents pending deletion. If the collection contains orphaned documents, getShardDistribution() might indicate that the collection is unbalanced even if the collection is balanced in terms of regular data. The shard containing orphaned data has more documents and greater data size, but the same number of chunks compared to other shards.

The following is a sample output for the distribution of a sharded collection:

Shard shard01 at shard01/localhost:27018
data: '38.14MB',
docs: 1000003,
chunks: 2,
'estimated data per chunk': '19.07B',
'estimated docs per chunk': 500001
Shard shard02 at shard02/localhost:27019
data: '38.14B',
docs: 999999,
chunks: 3,
'estimated data per chunk': '12.71B',
'estimated docs per chunk': 333333
data: '76.29B',
docs: 2000002,
chunks: 5,
'Shard shard01': [ '50 % data', '50 % docs in cluster', '40B avg obj size on shard' ],
'Shard shard02': [ '49.99 % data', '49.99 % docs in cluster', '40B avg obj size on shard' ]
Shard shard01 at <host-a> {
data: <size-a>,
docs: <count-a>,
chunks: <number of chunks-a>,
'estimated data per chunk': <size-a>/<number of chunks-a>,
'estimated docs per chunk': <count-a>/<number of chunks-a>
Shard shard02 at <host-b>
data: <size-b>,
docs: <count-b>,
chunks: <number of chunks-b>,
'estimated data per chunk': <size-b>/<number of chunks-b>,
'estimated docs per chunk': <count-b>/<number of chunks-b>
data: <stats.size>,
docs: <stats.count>,
chunks: <calc total chunks>,
Shard shard01: [ <estDataPercent-a> % data, <estDocPercent-a> % docs in cluster, stats.shards[ <shard-a> ].avgObjSize avg obj size on shard ],
Shard shard02: [ <estDataPercent-b> % data, <estDocPercent-b> % docs in cluster, stats.shards[ <shard-b> ].avgObjSize avg obj size on shard ]

The output information displays:



A string that holds the shard name.


A string that holds the host name(s).


A number that includes the size of the data, including the unit of measure (e.g. b, Mb).


A number that reports the number of documents in the shard.

<number of chunks-x>

A number that reports the number of chunks in the shard.

<size-x>/<number of chunks-x>

A calculated value that reflects the estimated data size per chunk for the shard, including the unit of measure (e.g. b, Mb).

<count-x>/<number of chunks-x>

A calculated value that reflects the estimated number of documents per chunk for the shard.


A value that reports the total size of the data in the sharded collection, including the unit of measure.


A value that reports the total number of documents in the sharded collection.

<calc total chunks>

A calculated number that reports the number of chunks from all shards. For example:

<calc total chunks> = <number of chunks-a> + <number of chunks-b>


A calculated value that reflects, for each shard, the data size as the percentage of the collection's total data size. For example:

<estDataPercent-x> = <size-x>/<stats.size>


A calculated value that reflects, for each shard, the number of documents as the percentage of the total number of documents for the collection. For example:

<estDocPercent-x> = <count-x>/<stats.count>

stats.shards[ <shard-x> ].avgObjSize

A number that reflects the average object size, including the unit of measure, for the shard.

After an unclean shutdown of a mongod using the Wired Tiger storage engine, count and size statistics reported by db.collection.getShardDistribution() may be inaccurate.

The amount of drift depends on the number of insert, update, or delete operations performed between the last checkpoint and the unclean shutdown. Checkpoints usually occur every 60 seconds. However, mongod instances running with non-default --syncdelay settings may have more or less frequent checkpoints.

Run validate on each collection on the mongod to restore statistics after an unclean shutdown.

After an unclean shutdown: