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Stop Moving a Collection

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You can stop moving an unsharded collection by using the abortMoveCollection command.

To stop an in-progress moveCollection operation, run the abortMoveCollection command on the admin database.

If your deployment has access control enabled, the enableSharding role allows you to run the abortMoveCollection command.


To stop moving a collection, run the abortMoveCollection command. The following example stops the in-progress move of the app.inventory collection from shard01 to shard02.

db.adminCommand( {
abortMoveCollection: "app.inventory"
} )

After you run the abortMoveCollection command, the command output returns ok: 1 and resembles the following:

ok: 1,
'$clusterTime': {
clusterTime: Timestamp( { t: 1726524884, i: 28 } ),
signature: {
hash: Binary.createFromBase64('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=', 0),
keyId: Long('0')
operationTime: Timestamp({ t: 1726524884, i: 28 })

To confirm the collection wasn't moved to the new shard, use the $collStats pipeline stage.

The following example shows how to confirm that the app.inventory collection remains on the same shard:

db.inventory.aggregate( [
{ $collStats: {} },
{ $project: { "shard": 1 } }
] )

This pipeline stage has output similar to the following:

[ { shard: 'shard01' } ]


Multi-tenant Architecture with Moveable Collections