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This documentation is for version 100.10.0 of mongorestore.

The mongorestore program loads data from either a binary database dump created by mongodump or the standard input into a mongod or mongos instance.

You can restore the BSON files generated from mongodump into MongoDB deployments running the same major version or feature compatibility version as the source deployment.

Run mongorestore from the system command line, not the mongo shell.

See also:

mongodump, which provides the corresponding binary data export capability.

MongoDB doesn't support running multiple mongorestore programs concurrently for the same collection.


You can't use mongorestore with a collection that uses Queryable Encryption.

You can use the MongoDB Database Tools to migrate from a self-hosted deployment to MongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas is the fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud. To learn more, see Seed with mongorestore.

To learn all the ways you can migrate to MongoDB Atlas, see Migrate or Import Data.

mongorestore syntax:

mongorestore <options> <connection-string> <directory or file to restore>

For example, to restore from a dump directory to a local mongod instance running on port 27017:

mongorestore dump/

As mongorestore restores from the dump/ directory, it creates the database and collections as needed and logs its progress:

2019-07-08T14:37:38.942-0400 preparing collections to restore from
2019-07-08T14:37:38.944-0400 reading metadata for test.bakesales from dump/test/bakesales.metadata.json
2019-07-08T14:37:38.944-0400 reading metadata for test.salaries from dump/test/salaries.metadata.json
2019-07-08T14:37:38.976-0400 restoring test.salaries from dump/test/salaries.bson
2019-07-08T14:37:38.985-0400 no indexes to restore
2019-07-08T14:37:38.985-0400 finished restoring test.salaries (10 documents, 0 failures)
2019-07-08T14:37:39.009-0400 restoring test.bakesales from dump/test/bakesales.bson
2019-07-08T14:37:39.011-0400 restoring indexes for collection test.bakesales from metadata
2019-07-08T14:37:39.118-0400 finished restoring test.bakesales (21 documents, 0 failures)
2019-07-08T14:37:39.118-0400 restoring users from dump/admin/system.users.bson
2019-07-08T14:37:39.163-0400 restoring roles from dump/admin/system.roles.bson
2019-07-08T14:37:39.249-0400 31 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.

You can also restore a specific collection or collections from the dump/ directory. For example, the following operation restores a single collection from corresponding data files in the dump/ directory:

mongorestore --nsInclude=test.purchaseorders dump/

If the dump/ directory does not contain the corresponding data file for the specified namespace, no data will be restored. For example, the following specifies a collection namespace that does not have a corresponding data in the dump/ directory:

mongorestore dump/

The mongorestore outputs the following messages:

2019-07-08T14:38:15.142-0400 preparing collections to restore from
2019-07-08T14:38:15.142-0400 0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.

For more examples, see mongorestore Examples.


Returns information on the options and use of mongorestore.

--verbose, -v

Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard output or in log files. Increase the verbosity with the -v form by including the option multiple times, (e.g. -vvvvv.)


Runs mongorestore in a quiet mode that attempts to limit the amount of output.

This option suppresses:

  • output from database commands

  • replication activity

  • connection accepted events

  • connection closed events


Returns the mongorestore release number.


New in version 100.3.0.

Specifies the full path to a YAML configuration file containing sensitive values for the following options to mongorestore:

This is the recommended way to specify a password to mongorestore, aside from specifying it through a password prompt.

The configuration file takes the following form:

password: <password>
uri: mongodb://
sslPEMKeyPassword: <password>

Specifying a password to the password: field and providing a connection string in the uri: field which contains a conflicting password will result in an error.

Be sure to secure this file with appropriate filesystem permissions.


If you specify a configuration file with --config and also use the --password, --uri or --sslPEMKeyPassword option to mongorestore, each command line option overrides its corresponding option in the configuration file.


Specifies the resolvable URI connection string of the MongoDB deployment, enclosed in quotes:


Starting with version 100.0 of mongorestore, the connection string may alternatively be provided as a positional parameter, without using the --uri option:

mongorestore mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]

As a positional parameter, the connection string may be specified at any point on the command line, as long as it begins with either mongodb:// or mongodb+srv://. For example:

mongorestore --username joe --password secret1 mongodb:// --ssl

Only one connection string can be provided. Attempting to include more than one, whether using the --uri option or as a positional argument, will result in an error.

For information on the components of the connection string, see the Connection String URI Format documentation.


Some components in the connection string may alternatively be specified using their own explicit command-line options, such as --username and --password. Providing a connection string while also using an explicit option and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.


If using mongorestore on Ubuntu 18.04, you may experience a cannot unmarshal DNS error message when using SRV connection strings (in the form mongodb+srv://) with the --uri option. If so, use one of the following options instead:


On some systems, a password provided in a connection string with the --uri option may be visible to system status programs such as ps that may be invoked by other users. Consider instead:

  • omitting the password in the connection string to receive an interactive password prompt, or

  • using the --config option to specify a configuration file containing the password.

--host=<hostname><:port>, -h=<hostname><:port>

Default: localhost:27017

Specifies the resolvable hostname of the MongoDB deployment. By default, mongorestore attempts to connect to a MongoDB instance running on the localhost on port number 27017.

To connect to a replica set, specify the replSetName and a seed list of set members, as in the following:


When specifying the replica set list format, mongorestore always connects to the primary.

You can also connect to any single member of the replica set by specifying the host and port of only that member:


If you use IPv6 and use the <address>:<port> format, you must enclose the portion of an address and port combination in brackets (e.g. [<address>]).

Alternatively, you can also specify the hostname directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --host and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.


Default: 27017

Specifies the TCP port on which the MongoDB instance listens for client connections.

Alternatively, you can also specify the port directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --port and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.


Enables connection to a mongod or mongos that has TLS/SSL support enabled.

Alternatively, you can also configure TLS/SSL support directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --ssl and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


Specifies the .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

Alternatively, you can also specify the .pem file directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --sslCAFile and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


Specifies the .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificate and key. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

This option is required when using the --ssl option to connect to a mongod or mongos that has CAFile enabled without allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates.

Alternatively, you can also specify the .pem file directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --sslPEMKeyFile and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


Specifies the password to de-crypt the certificate-key file (i.e. --sslPEMKeyFile). Use the --sslPEMKeyPassword option only if the certificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongorestore will redact the password from all logging and reporting output.

If the private key in the PEM file is encrypted and you do not specify the --sslPEMKeyPassword option, the mongorestore will prompt for a passphrase. See TLS/SSL Certificate Passphrase.

Alternatively, you can also specify the password directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --sslPEMKeyPassword and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


On some systems, a password provided directly using the --sslPEMKeyPassword option may be visible to system status programs such as ps that may be invoked by other users. Consider using the --config option to specify a configuration file containing the password instead.


Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


Bypasses the validation checks for server certificates and allows the use of invalid certificates. When using the allowInvalidCertificates setting, MongoDB logs as a warning the use of the invalid certificate.


Although available, avoid using the --sslAllowInvalidCertificates option if possible. If the use of --sslAllowInvalidCertificates is necessary, only use the option on systems where intrusion is not possible.

Connecting to a mongod or mongos instance without validating server certificates is a potential security risk. If you only need to disable the validation of the hostname in the TLS/SSL certificates, see --sslAllowInvalidHostnames.

Alternatively, you can also disable certificate validation directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --sslAllowInvalidCertificates and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.


Disables the validation of the hostnames in TLS/SSL certificates. Allows mongorestore to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname in their certificates do not match the specified hostname.

Alternatively, you can also disable hostname validation directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --sslAllowInvalidHostnames and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, see Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL and TLS/SSL Configuration for Clients.

--username=<username>, -u=<username>

Specifies a username with which to authenticate to a MongoDB database that uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the --password and --authenticationDatabase options.

Alternatively, you can also specify the username directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --username and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

If connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster using the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism, you can specify your AWS access key ID in:

See Connect to a MongoDB Atlas Cluster using AWS IAM Credentials for an example of each.

--password=<password>, -p=<password>

Specifies a password with which to authenticate to a MongoDB database that uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the --username and --authenticationDatabase options.

To prompt the user for the password, pass the --username option without --password or specify an empty string as the --password value, as in --password="" .

Alternatively, you can also specify the password directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --password and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

If connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster using the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism, you can specify your AWS secret access key in:

See Connect to a MongoDB Atlas Cluster using AWS IAM Credentials for an example of each.


On some systems, a password provided directly using the --password option may be visible to system status programs such as ps that may be invoked by other users. Consider instead:

  • omitting the --password option to receive an interactive password prompt, or

  • using the --config option to specify a configuration file containing the password.

--awsSessionToken=<AWS Session Token>

If connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster using the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism, and using session tokens in addition to your AWS access key ID and secret access key, you can specify your AWS session token in:

See Connect to a MongoDB Atlas Cluster using AWS IAM Credentials for an example of each.

Only valid when using the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism.


Specifies the authentication database where the specified --username has been created. See Authentication Database.

If using the GSSAPI (Kerberos), PLAIN (LDAP SASL), or MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanisms, you must set --authenticationDatabase to $external.

Alternatively, you can also specify the authentication database directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --authenticationDatabase and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.


Default: SCRAM-SHA-1

Specifies the authentication mechanism the mongorestore instance uses to authenticate to the mongod or mongos.

Changed in version 100.1.0: Starting in version 100.1.0, mongorestore adds support for the MONGODB-AWS authentication mechanism when connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster.


RFC 5802 standard Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-1 hash function.

RFC 7677 standard Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-256 hash function.

Requires featureCompatibilityVersion set to 4.0.

MongoDB TLS/SSL certificate authentication.


External authentication using AWS IAM credentials for use in connecting to a MongoDB Atlas cluster. See Connect to a MongoDB Atlas Cluster using AWS IAM Credentials.

New in version 100.1.0.

GSSAPI (Kerberos)

External authentication using Kerberos. This mechanism is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.


External authentication using LDAP. You can also use PLAIN for authenticating in-database users. PLAIN transmits passwords in plain text. This mechanism is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.

Alternatively, you can also specify the authentication mechanism directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --authenticationMechanism and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.


Specify the name of the service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the service does not use the default name of mongodb.

This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.


Specify the hostname of a service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the hostname of a machine does not match the hostname resolved by DNS.

This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.

--db=<database>, -d=<database>

Specifies the destination database for mongorestore to restore data into when restoring from a BSON file. If the database does not exist, mongorestore creates the database. For example, the following example restores the salaries collection into the reporting database.

mongorestore --db=reporting dump/test/salaries.bson

If you do not specify --db, mongorestore reads the database name from the data files.

The use of --db and --collection options are deprecated when restoring from a directory or an archive file. Instead, to restore from an archive or a directory, see --nsInclude instead.

Alternatively, you can also specify the database directly in the URI connection string. Providing a connection string while also using --db and specifying conflicting information will result in an error.

--collection=<collection>, -c=<collection>

Specifies the name of the destination collection for mongorestore to restore data into when restoring from a BSON file. If you do not specify --collection, mongorestore takes the collection name from the input filename. If the input file has an extension, MongoDB omits the extension of the file from the collection name.

mongorestore --db=reporting --collection=employeesalaries dump/test/salaries.bson

The use of --db and --collection options are deprecated when restoring from a directory or an archive file. Instead, to restore from an archive or a directory, see --nsInclude instead.

--nsExclude=<namespace pattern>

Specifies a namespace pattern (e.g. "test.myCollection", "reporting.*", "dept*.bar") to exclude the matching namespaces from the restore. In the pattern, you can use asterisks * as wild cards. For an example of the wildcard pattern, see Restore Collections Using Wild Cards.

You can specify --nsExclude multiple times to exclude multiple namespace patterns.

If you specify both --nsExclude and --nsInclude, the pattern that --nsExclude specifies takes precedence. For example, if you specify both --nsExclude="prod.*" and --nsInclude="prod.trips", no collections from the prod namespace are restored.

--nsInclude=<namespace pattern>

Specifies a namespace pattern (e.g. "test.myCollection", "reporting.*", "dept*.bar") to restore only the namespaces that match the pattern. In the pattern, you can use asterisks * as wild cards. For an example of the wildcard pattern, see Restore Collections Using Wild Cards.

You can specify --nsInclude multiple times to include multiple namespace patterns.

If source directory or file (i.e. the directory/file from which you are restoring the data) does not contain data files that match the namespace pattern, no data will be restored.

For collection names that contain non-ascii characters, mongodump outputs the corresponding filenames with percent-encoded names. However, to restore these collections, do not use the encoded names. Instead, use the namespace with the non-ascii characters.

For example, if the dump directory contains dump/test/caf%C3%A9s.bson, specify --nsInclude "test.cafés".

If you specify both --nsExclude and --nsInclude, the pattern that --nsExclude specifies takes precedence. For example, if you specify both --nsExclude="prod.*" and --nsInclude="prod.trips", no collections from the prod namespace are restored.

--nsFrom=<namespace pattern>

Use with --nsTo to rename a namespace during the restore operation. --nsFrom specifies the collection in the dump file, while --nsTo specifies the name that should be used in the restored database.

--nsFrom accepts a namespace pattern as its argument. The namespace pattern permits --nsFrom to refer to any namespace that matches the specified pattern. mongorestore matches the smallest valid occurence of the namespace pattern.

For simple replacements, use asterisks (*) as wild cards. Escape all literal asterisks and backslashes with a backslash. Replacements correspond linearly to matches: each asterisk in --nsFrom must correspond to an asterisk in --nsTo, and the first asterisk in --nsFrom matches the first asterisk in nsTo.

For more complex replacements, use dollar signs to delimit a "wild card" variable to use in the replacement. Change Collection Namespaces during Restore provides an example of complex replacements with dollar sign-delimited wild cards.

Unlike replacements with asterisks, replacements with dollar sign-delimited wild cards do not need to be linear.

--nsTo=<namespace pattern>

Use with --nsFrom to rename a namespace during the restore operation. --nsTo specifies the new collection name to use in the restored database, while --nsFrom specifies the name in the dump file.

--nsTo accepts a namespace pattern as its argument. The namespace pattern permits --nsTo to refer to any namespace that matches the specified pattern. mongorestore matches the smallest valid occurence of the namespace pattern.

For simple replacements, use asterisks (*) as wild cards. Escape all literal asterisks and backslashes with a backslash. Replacements correspond linearly to matches: each asterisk in --nsFrom must correspond to an asterisk in --nsTo, and the first asterisk in --nsFrom matches the first asterisk in nsTo.

For more complex replacements, use dollar signs to delimit a "wild card" variable to use in the replacement. Change Collection Namespaces during Restore provides an example of complex replacements with dollar sign-delimited wild cards.

Unlike replacements with asterisks, replacements with dollar sign-delimited wild cards do not need to be linear.


Forces mongorestore to validate all requests from clients upon receipt to ensure that clients never insert invalid documents into the database. For objects with a high degree of sub-document nesting, --objcheck can have a small impact on performance.


Before restoring the collections from the dumped backup, drops the collections from the target database. --drop does not drop collections that are not in the backup.

When the restore includes the admin database, mongorestore with --drop removes all user credentials and replaces them with the users defined in the dump file. Therefore, in systems with authorization enabled, mongorestore must be able to authenticate to an existing user and to a user defined in the dump file. If mongorestore can't authenticate to a user defined in the dump file, the restoration process will fail, leaving an empty database.

If a collection is dropped and recreated as part of the restore, the newly created collection has a different UUID unless --drop is used with --preserveUUID.


Restored collections use the UUID from the restore data instead of creating a new UUID for collections that are dropped and recreated as part of the restore.

To use --preserveUUID, you must also include the --drop option.


Runs mongorestore without actually importing any data, returning the mongorestore summary information. Use with --verbose to produce more detailed summary information.


After restoring the database dump, replays the oplog entries from an oplog.bson file.

To apply oplog entries from the oplog.bson file in the restore, use mongorestore --oplogReplay. You can use mongodump --oplog together with mongorestore --oplogReplay to ensure the data is current and has all the writes that occurred during the dump operation.

mongorestore searches for any valid source for the bson file in the following locations:

  • The top level of the dump directory, as in the case of a dump created with mongodump --oplog.

  • The path specified by --oplogFile.

  • <dump-directory>/local/, as in the case of a dump of the collection in the local database on a mongod that is a member of a replica set.

If there is an oplog.bson file at the top level of the dump directory and a path specified by --oplogFile, mongorestore returns an error.

If there is an oplog.bson file at the top level of the dump directory, mongorestore restores that file as the oplog. If there are also bson files in the dump/local directory, mongorestore restores them like normal collections.

If you specify an oplog file using --oplogFile, mongorestore restores that file as the oplog. If there are also bson files in the dump/local directory, mongorestore restores them like normal collections.

The following message in the oplog replay output shows the number of inserts before the oplog replay. It does not include inserts performed during the replay.

0 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to

For an example of --oplogReplay, see Use an Oplog File to Backup and Restore Data.


When using mongorestore with --oplogReplay to restore a replica set, you must restore a full dump of a replica set member created using mongodump --oplog. mongorestore with --oplogReplay fails if you use any of the following options to limit the data to be restored:

See also:


Prevents mongorestore from applying oplog entries with timestamp newer than or equal to <timestamp>. Specify <timestamp> values in the form of <time_t>:<ordinal>, where <time_t> is the seconds since the UNIX epoch, and <ordinal> represents a counter of operations in the oplog that occurred in the specified second.


Use oplogLimit with caution: manually specifying the oplog entries to apply might cause corruption and inconsistencies in the restored data.

You must use --oplogLimit in conjunction with the --oplogReplay option.


Specifies the path to the oplog file containing oplog data for the restore. Use with --oplogReplay.

If you specify --oplogFile and there is an oplog.bson file at the top level of the dump directory, mongorestore returns an error.


Use oplogFile with caution: manually specifying the oplog entries to apply might cause corruption and inconsistencies in the restored data.


New in version 100.0.0.

Removes any invalid index options specified in the corresponding mongodump output, and rewrites any legacy index key values to use valid values.

  • Invalid index options are any options specified to an index that are not listed as a valid field for the createIndexes command. For example, name and collation are valid, but an arbitrary custom_field is not. With --convertLegacyIndexes specified, any invalid index options found are dropped.

  • Legacy index key values are any values for index type that are no longer supported. For example, 1 and -1 are valid index key values, but 0 or an empty string are legacy values. With --convertLegacyIndexes specified, any legacy index key values found are rewritten as 1. Non-empty string values are not replaced.

Without the --convertLegacyIndexes option specified, the presence of invalid index options or legacy index key values could cause the index build to fail.

If the --noIndexRestore option is specified to mongorestore, the --convertLegacyIndexes option is ignored.


Prevents mongorestore from upgrading the index to the latest version during the restoration process.


Prevents mongorestore from restoring and building indexes as specified in the corresponding mongodump output.


Creates all hashed indexes on dotted fields as single field ascending indexes on the destination database.


Prevents mongorestore from setting the collection options, such as those specified by the collMod database command, on restored collections.


Restore user and role definitions for the given database. See system.roles Collection and system.users Collection for more information.


  • You can only use --restoreDbUsersAndRoles on a database dump that was created with the --dumpDbUsersAndRoles option.

  • Restoring the admin database by specifying --db admin automatically restores all users and roles. You cannot use --restoreDbUsersAndRoles on the admin database, and attempting to do so results in an error.


Default: majority

Specifies the write concern for each write operation that mongorestore performs.

Specify the write concern as a document with w options:


If the write concern is also included in the --uri connection string, the command-line --writeConcern overrides the write concern specified in the URI string.


Default: false

If specified, mongorestore inserts the documents in the order of their appearance in the input source. That is, both the bulk write batch order and document order within the batches are maintained.

Specifying --maintainInsertionOrder also enables --stopOnError and sets numInsertionWorkersPerCollection to 1.

If unspecified, mongorestore may perform the insertions in an arbitrary order.

--numParallelCollections=<int>, -j=<int>

Default: 4

Number of collections mongorestore should restore in parallel.

If you specify -j when restoring a single collection, -j maps to the --numInsertionWorkersPerCollection option rather than --numParallelCollections.


Default: 1

Specifies the number of insertion workers to run concurrently per collection.

For large imports, increasing the number of insertion workers may increase the speed of the import.


Forces mongorestore to halt the restore when it encounters an error.

By default, mongorestore continues when it encounters duplicate key and document validation errors. To ensure that the program stops on these errors, specify --stopOnError.


Enables mongorestore to bypass document validation during the operation. This lets you insert documents that do not meet the validation requirements.


Restores from compressed files or data stream created by mongodump --gzip

To restore from a dump directory that contains compressed files, run mongorestore with the --gzip option.

To restore from a compressed archive file, run mongorestore with both the --gzip and the --archive options.


You can use the --nsFrom and --nsTo options with the --gzip option to change the namespace of the collection that you are restoring.


Restores from the specified archive file or, if the file is unspecified, from the standard input (stdin):

  • To restore from an archive file, run mongorestore with the --archive option and the archive filename

  • To restore from the standard input, run mongorestore with the --archive option but omit the filename.


  • You cannot use the --archive option with the --dir option.

  • If you use the --archive option with the <path> parameter, mongorestore ignores <path> parameter.

  • mongorestore still supports the positional - parameter to restore a single collection from the standard input.


The directory path or BSON file name from which to restore data.

You cannot specify both the <path> argument and the --dir option, which also specifies the dump directory, to mongorestore.


Specifies the dump directory.

  • You cannot specify both the --dir option and the <path> argument, which also specifies the dump directory, to mongorestore.

  • You cannot use the --archive option with the --dir option.


Specifies the compression algorithm that mongodump uses for network communication between the mongorestore client and the MongoDB server. You can use one or more of these values for the --compressors option:

  • snappy

  • zlib

  • zstd

If you specify multiple compression algorithms, mongorestore uses the first one in the list supported by your MongoDB deployment.

For more information on compressors, see the Go driver network compression documentation.